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Bloodsonic: 2010-08-08 06:58:08 pm
Bloodsonic: 2009-07-05 06:44:55 pm
Hello M2K2!
This is my first(real) hack, and hope this will be a good distraction to help you all wait for future, bigger hacks.
The skills that are going to be required are:
-wall kicking. if you can't, then try this hack later.(or not at all.)
-midair morphing
-gravity suitless grapple-wallkicking
-common sense
If you're good enough to beat redesign, this should be easy.
and if you need help, ask here, or use SMILE.

Please tell me if you find any bugs/glitches so I can fix them.

1.FirePhoenix0        2:16, 68%
2.AigamerDS          2:36, 54% new time/percent:1:01, 40%
3.Xaggoth              2:08, 38%
4.MoogleEmperor    2:49, 55%
5.DMantra              2:46, 84%
6.Acheron86          3:02, 72%
7.namespoofer        2:33, 71%
8.anima zero          2:33, 63%
9.Squishy_Ichigo    2:36, 46%
10.ZephyrZx          5:32, 79%
11.Bolognab            2:24, 58%
12.DonnyDonovan    4:57, 72%
13.Opium                4:58, 78%
14.Kriole                2:15, 55%
15.SleepingSeaweed 3:08, 64%
16.Gaius_4              4:33, 74%
17.rekameohs          2:18, 67%
18.TAxxOUTBR3AKxx 2:32, 61%
19:Biggestschnoz    17:33, 65%
20.Cpadolph            0:48, 23%

lowest % run- sleepingseaweed, with 16% in 1:43  Applause

special thanks to insomnia dmx for his asm patches(find them in public patches topic.), m2k2 for motivation, zhs2 for beta testing and some other crap, and trees for making oxygen.

If you want to use anything from this hack, then by all means, do so. I'd be honored; Just give credit. extra_smug

btw unheadered.
bug fixes-
spring ball glitch fixed
mini metroid pb death glitch fixed
wave/grapple skip prevented
high jump is more findable
xray air tile bug fixed

Also, I have added a patch that turns mocktroids (figures, doesn't it.) into the mini metroid found in my hack. Do whatever you want with it.

don't know how to attach files on this crap. get it here:
Thread title: 
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Would love to play it but I don't know if it's for headered or unheadered, oh noooooes


Also, Will probably play this later tonight or tomorrow. Looks to be in my difficulty range.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from Electrometer Prime:


Also, Will probably play this later tonight or tomorrow. Looks to be in my difficulty range.

A good example of me opening a post, talking on IRC for a while, then posting without checking for edits. Yeah, go me.

Quote from Bloodsonic:

D'awwwh. Maybe your hack will inspire me for new room ideas 'cause right now I'm drawing blanks. That's about when I look for a diversion, 'cause rushing through a hack is a good way to make it shitty. :P
Quote from Acheron86:
rushing through a hack is a good way to make it shitty. :P
Very, very true. this only wastes time rather than speeding things up.
Is this long?
Quote from Bolognab:
Is this long?
Uhh.. I don't think the title would be an official release if it was short.
took my beta tester 4:50something to beat it.
I'm stuck in the room with the first super missiles, I've bombed all around and don't see an exit besides grapple blocks.
I found one invisible platform near and way above the ship.  Also I'm stuck in the water room with the grapple blocks. 

The morphball won't roll up/over some(?) slopes. :-?  Unless there's supposed to be an invisible block.  :x
Quote from Gaius_4:
The morphball won't roll up/over some(?) slopes. :-?  Unless there's supposed to be an invisible block.  :x

yeah im having the same problem....some of the slopes arent smooth enough to roll/run over  :(    I got stuck down there, had to reload save state. 
Quote from Gaius_4:
I found one invisible platform near and way above the ship.  Also I'm stuck in the water room with the grapple blocks. 

The morphball won't roll up/over some(?) slopes. :-?  Unless there's supposed to be an invisible block.  :x
Invisible platform makes getting a pb expansion easier.
which water room?
Quote from Opium:
Quote from Gaius_4:
The morphball won't roll up/over some(?) slopes. :-?  Unless there's supposed to be an invisible block.  :x

yeah im having the same problem....some of the slopes arent smooth enough to roll/run over  :(    I got stuck down there, had to reload save state. 
tell me which room plox
Quote from Xaggoth:
I'm stuck in the room with the first super missiles, I've bombed all around and don't see an exit besides grapple blocks.
THEN GRAPPLE. you came from a hole in the wall right? go back in.
I'd love to, but I haven't seen a grapple beam this game.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
I wish you'd had me beta-test this, I could've knocked a ton of these out for you. Oh well, too late now. Various slopes aren't right, etc.

Whatever, I'm at Varia and I love it. It feels kind of mini-hackish but we'll see how that goes.
Edit history:
Bloodsonic: 2008-09-02 09:18:45 pm
Quote from Acheron86:
I wish you'd had me beta-test this, I could've knocked a ton of these out for you. Oh well, too late now. Various slopes aren't right, etc.

Whatever, I'm at Varia and I love it. It feels kind of mini-hackish but we'll see how that goes.
Oh god, you don't even want to know the story about my beta tester.
I'll tell you this, though.
he's a lazy fuck.
Also, I've already started on a new hack, so perhaps I'll have to bother you to beta-test for me in the distant future. :P
also, I'm glad to hear someone likes it. apparently, when I get close to the end of finishing something, instead of looking for the good qualities, I always see the bad things, and say to myself, "wow. I really fucked up everywhere. time to start something new".
Quote from Xaggoth:
I'd love to, but I haven't seen a grapple beam this game.
you got to the first super missles without grapple beam?
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
You know next time you're working on a hack, there's a great IRC channel on EsperNet called #jzd you can come to for feedback and actual useful testers, etc. :)
seriously, a ton of us on jzd  would probably go all "mortal kombat" over a chance to beta-test a hack with promise.

I like the look of it so far, but I'm not a fan of slope errors or other things that disallow smooth gameplay.
Quote from Acheron86:
You know next time you're working on a hack, there's a great IRC channel on EsperNet called #jzd you can come to for feedback and actual useful testers, etc. :)
I've attempted to go there before, but never figured out how to get to the channels.
(I'm stupid aren't I?) Help plox.
I was at charge beam with 1 e-tank, I think 2 missile tanks, morphball, bombs and speed booster.  From there I went to sporespawn and to varia, after the burning swim I'm finding myself stuck.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from Bloodsonic:
I've attempted to go there before, but never figured out how to get to the channels.
(I'm stupid aren't I?) Help plox.

No biggie, I didn't know how to use IRC from day one either. Get a client, then under the list of servers, look for any EsperNet server and connect. When you connect the client should have a join channel prompt somewhere, just type in #jzd and there you go.

I use mIRC, there's probably plenty others that might be better but it's the one that seems easiest to connect with IMO.
I'm obvious not supposed to be where I am without grapple, and now I'm stuck past Varia.  Where is Grapple?  If it's on the normal path, then it's not well out in the open.
Edit history:
Zhs2: 2008-09-02 09:41:55 pm
A lazy fuck you call me, good sir? I'm slandered. I do know I'm not the best at Super Metroid, but I'm certainly not a 24/7 beta tester.

I did, however, sincerely point out the many slope errors scattered everywhere (and a good number of other things, which I believe BS changed...) Sorry to interrupt the mood of this thread, but I believe in giving credit where it's due.

@ Everyone else: I really didn't try to sequence break, so the possibility is fair game.

EDIT: @ FirePhoenix0: The tall room with the Blue Metroids in Moss Tunnel (My official name for the watery place with moss covering the walls) houses an important secret... search the right wall, at the very bottom.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
I'm in the same boat as FP. It is possible to get to Varia w/o Grapple, and then get stuck in the red cave room with red pirates and Super Missiles. I can't go back to the landing site because of a room full of water that needs gravity or spring ball to scale.
Okay, I never saw that room, and I'm betting no one else did.  How was I supposed to know that I wasn't supposed to get Charge Beam immediately and go through the left door instead?  I had to open up SMILE to see that there's a bomb block tunnel leading to that door.  For all intents and purposes, it looks inaccessible.  If we have to bomb random walls to find the right path, with no graphical hint that those paths exist, there's a serious problem.  Worse yet is that once someone goes for the Charge Beam, they're stuck, and if they missed said path to the Grapple Beam, they're stuck in a game-ending problem.  That's a serious error that you have on your side Bloodsonic.  You have to remember that the player does not necessarily know everything about the hack that you do.  You would know to go left to get Grapple, but to the rest of us, it looks right to head for Charge Beam and continue onwards.

Okay, enough rant from me.  Time to start over from the beginning I guess, since my last save was in the part I can't escape. ](*,)
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
I will definitely give this a play once a fixed patch is up. I've been reading the posts and I don't take perma-stuck situations lightly. My hands are busy but perhaps someone here (or #jzd) should give this a quick beta test. From what I hear, this could be a promising hack.