Edit history:
UchihaSasuke: 2010-08-30 06:10:57 pm
UchihaSasuke: 2010-08-30 06:09:41 pm
UchihaSasuke: 2010-08-30 05:43:45 pm
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
Quote from Prime Hunter:
Interesting way for them to put in a standardized low percent with how they handled hard mode. At least then you won't accidentally pick one up or be forced to grab any that could be in the way. (If there are any like that.)
there's at least 1 "bob" etank near the start for normal mode. at least enemies do the same damage in hard mode here.
edit: i tested more about the clock and it looks like it doesn't include cutscene times at all. i was thrown off because i forgot about the training session when i recalled what i did when i started the file before saving.
there's something else that differentiates normal from hard mode. in normal, if an enemy deals you a blow that would kill you, you stop at 1 HP and then need to receive another hit to die. in hard, you die right away if the hit is enough to take away all your remaining HP.