i liked that part just fine. what was wrong with it? the areas you went to to get them were new and acted like mini-dungeons. fun stuff.
Might be referring to the flooded Faron Woods where you collect the Tadtones. I've heard that part get a lot of flack, but personally I didn't find it that bad because it's only a 5-10 minute segment of the entire game and you never have to do it again once it's completed.
An interesting thing happened to my sweetie on his playthrough. After defeating Tentalus on the sandship, he upgraded his sword BEFORE picking up the heart container. The cutscene took him off of the ship and back to the dock near the lanayru caves. He had to have the boat guy take him back to the sandship - and the ship is different this time. The robot crew has taken control of the ship back, and the bokoblins are all in the brig. Finding the heart container was a challenge that took some thinking. I would have never known about that had he not forgotten to pick it up the first time.
That's totally awesome. I never knew about that either since I grabbed the heart piece and everything inside my first time around and never went back. I was wondering how they'd deal with that since they've never completely closed off a dungeon before as far as I know.
yeah nintendo games have always been extremely rock solid about never making it possible to miss any items. i can't think of a single one that's fucked it up.
Other than optional elements like some of the one time scans and such in the Prime games, no, nothing really big comes to mind for me either. And even then, all of the collectible items can still be gotten which is the most important thing.
The robot escort mission can be easily shortened though. :3 After it starts, just go back to the sky and move to the Earth Temple, and IIRC, go in, when you come out, he Robot will be there. :P
@ark: Well, there was the Mario RPG, where you get a single shot at a hidden treasure chest. Nearly impossible to find, and the game tracks them. :/
The robot escort mission can be easily shortened though. :3 After it starts, just go back to the sky and move to the Earth Temple, and IIRC, go in, when you come out, he Robot will be there. :P
wait, really? i thought there wasn't a way to get back up to the sky at that point.
god damn. got, for whatever reason, another shot at the skyward sword survey from nintendo and got to say what i didn't like about it this time. filled the shit out just so it could tell me "page no longer available" at the end. great.
lol that sux. I gave it a fairly high score (90 I think), but my gripes were far lengthier than my praise. It's not so much that there were more things that I didn't like than things I did, it was just having to explain why some things sucked could get kinda wordy. I spent a good 20-30 mins typing all that crap. I really hope that someone somewhere actually reads it.
yo' i finally finished 100% in hero mode today. i got everything that was obtainable and went further and got 1 of every purchaseable item and 1 of each potion. the only thing i haven't done is beat all the bosses consecutively in boss rush but the prize is just rupees so it doesn't make a difference. i'll beat it eventually anyway just to be able to say i could beat it.
Well it certainly is a ride, this game. Constantly up and down, but when it gets it right it's really damn good.
The controls worked a hell of a lot better than I thought they would, not a whole lot of errors I can attribute solely to the controls being dumb, usually it was on me and I am more than ok with that. I did notice during that last gauntlet and Girahim fight that I ended up doing spin attacks when I wanted to raise my shield though, the shield was a pretty consistent issue with me and I really feel like it above all else should ave been button controlled. More so now after the inadvertent spin attacks. Which is really my only major control issue, the Wii is inherently limited as to what you can do control-wise and is not really conducive to a lot of "twitch" actions. Selecting items is a bit slow and using them in combat is slow, opponents that call for any item use tend to be more of a chore than they should be as a result. In some ways it's the only way to justify the typical 3d Zelda issue of most items just not getting much play outside of a few puzzles in the dungeon that gives you the item in the first place. Using them in other situations just isn't practical.
There's really not much the game does that couldn't be done as well if not better with a controller that has buttons. Shooting would be a bit tougher and fun as swing the sword around could be at times it's really nothing that you couldn't do already in other 3D Zeldas. But that's a problem with motion controls on the whole, not specific to this game and I'd say of all games to use motion controls this one got it about as good as you're going to get. It feels good most of the time and great some of it. Awkward occasionally. I never really got comfortable with the flight controls and would really have liked the option to use the analog stick.
As far as dungeons go: Sand Ship was excellent, it's gimmick was well realized and the dungeon itself was just really well designed; finally getting the bow helped, too. The last one would have been better if it wasn't for that combat sequence, I liked the idea of a dungeon that was pure puzzle solving and we came so close to getting it. The others weren't especially memorable, but that none of them stand out as particularly irritating or dull is a good thing. Actually the Cistern was really good too and had my favorite boss by far. The bosses were pretty good overall as well, Imprisoned's awfulness isn't quite enough to bring it down for me and Imprisoned was pretty bad. All three of him. Terrible. Ghirahim on the other hand was a recurring boss done right, the first fight was tough since I was still working out the sword fighting controls. The second was a nice way to show how far the player has come since then, knowing how to fight properly makes a huge difference and leads to a very satisfying beatdown. The third is a great culmination of all you've learned about how to fight and is challenging enough to have actually been an okay final boss if it had come to that. Speaking of, Demise was a damned good time they at least managed to come close to Wind Waker's Ganondorf in terms of setting, some kind of weird stormy space that's just about you and him and dueling it out with lightning. That was pretty rad and actually made me forget about why I was so mad at the game so often.
I was mad at it because it pulled a Twilight Princess and struggled to put fun things between dungeons. Light Tears rehash, escort and fetch quests over territory long since covered, pointless padding and repetition to finally get to the next plot point. I actually didn't mind the Light Tears in Twilight Princess, it worked as an introduction to a region, they were marked on your map so the only issue was getting to them and you could attempt some kind of defense if enemies got too close. Doing it as a wolf also gave it a bit of a different feel from the rest of the game even if being a wolf wasn't overly interesting or rewarding. The Silent Realms here were just sort of there, a pointless irritant where something new and exciting could be. Instead it's a trek through Eldin Volcano yet again without any sense of progress because all of my items are gone so it's got all the tedium of the first venture into the realm without the sense discovery or reward from figuring out the way forward. Because you know the way forward, you know where to go and how to get there, you just can't do it in a new or fun way. Just the way you did it before with a dumb stealth gimmick tacked on.
Oddly I did enjoy the other stealth revisit of Eldin, it required a bit of resourcefulness and thought with a bit of skill thrown in to get back to your sword, to get your power back. Getting back up to the top of the volcano felt like an accomplishment. The note collecting in Faron wasn't nearly as bad as it was made out to be, went on a little long, but was otherwise inoffensive. Lanayru's Timeshift Stone escort wasn't bad either, the limitations with item use hurt it a bit but it it's nice when Zelda games ask you to put everything together and use a good number of items and your sword in a little gauntlet like that. The idea might be better than the execution in this case but it made the best of what it had so I'm willing to take the intent over the reality.
Helping its case is that Lanayru is easily the best of the regions despite being a desert. Yeah it's just another time gimmick in a Zelda game but it's done differently than in the past, less changing the past to alter the present and more environmental manipulation and taking action to make use of the environmental change before it passes. It wasn't passive or slow paced, not standard Zelda fare.
The game's strength really is that at times it's just not very much like a Zelda game. The basic elements are there, but it often feels different. Lanayru is very nonstandard, the Dragons, the weird little bird things in Faron, descending upon the world from the some land far in the sky, Ghirahim. The graphics and art direction play into this as well, it has it's own look and style. The world feels like it's own entity, not typical medieval fantasy but uniquely Skyward Sword. Bizarrely Japanese in the best ways. There's a character the the universe that Twilight Princes very much lacked and very much missed.
It's a very solid game and a nice change for a series that desperately needed something new. There are plenty of issues to latch on to, Wii limitations, The Imprisoned, the assumption that even at the end of the game you need Fi to tell you how to do anything, odd pacing and hanging onto some things too long. But forgetting and forgiving those problems is real easy when the games kicks itself into gear and really wants to be good. Because it is damned good when it wants to be, and it does more often than not.