well, the swings are locked to 8 directions, but it feels very fluid, as the game don't forgive waggle, so you need to think how you need to attack, and the attack do have the sense of impact, like, if you hit a kese with the sword it not get pushed back a little and disappear, it literary goes flying away and turn to smoke after 1~2 seconds, one time, i really needed a heart drop but i was in the middle of a bottomless pit, and a kese came by, i just swung in the right direction and the kese flew of to a nearby platform and dropped the heart i needed, if i had used any other attack the kese would have dropped down in the bottomless pit, so you need to pay attention on these little details all the time...
also, more complex enemies like stalfos and lizalfos don't just block your attacks as they can dodge them and even counter, so almost every battle in the game is tense, as i said on the other topic, it is the first zelda where you are in genuine danger if you get surrounded by a group of bokoblins, heck, they can even defend the spin attacks...
also, you need to learn to rely on your shield, and to perfect the timing too, cuz even the steel one (that i think is the 5~6 in the line of shield upgrades) can only support 5~6 hits of a bokoblin, so you can truly lose your shield in the first fight in the area if you are not prepared...
but if you have a strategy and think before you attack the enemies you can dispatch them very quickly, and it give you that feeling that you did something great...
the sword moves 1:1 with the movement of your hand as eg link is walking around. it's only the combat itself that lets you swing in 8 directions ... from what i've read in reviews this is a very good thing; otherwise the combat would be either too hard or just wouldn't work very well. i'm looking forward to trying it out.
yeah, while you're not attacking you can move the sword and twist in 1:1 precision, but the combat would be a little hectic if it was 1:1
until now, the only gripe i had is that you can't cut gras and walk at the same time, again... it was a great thing in TP, dunno why they changed to the old style in this one...
i learned the hard way that forward thrusts need to be used in certain places (7-8 game overs to a skulltula is embarassing)
the best thing about the damage is that enemies do 1 heart of damage usually. the game feels a lot more intense because you feel that you can actually die easily if you're not careful (this brings back memories of the 2D zeldas). couple that with the shield breaking and enemies blocking most maneuvers and you have a pretty intense game overall.
Aonuma: What bothered me the most at the time was how, toward the beginning, cinematic scenes were running one after the other.
Iwata: The players would think, "Come on, let me play the game!"
Aonuma: That's right. They want to get into the game as quickly as possible, so I thought, "You can't pile on the cinematic scenes like this!" I even said, "Do we even really need this scene with
Zelda jumping down
also .. my copy just got shipped. would be awesome if it came tomorrow, but i have no idea if the delivery company's going to hold onto it until release.
I'm also curious if anyone's beaten it yet. I'd like to know if my "spoiler" was true or not. PM me though, don't post it here even under spoiler tags.