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Find any random, pointless glitches that don't have anything to do with sequence breaking or time saving tricks?  Post them here. 

1. Morph Ball in mid-air glitch

2. Moving in Morph Ball form without spinning glitch

3.  Tiny sound glitch...put on the command visor right as you enter a save station.  Choose yes/no to save.  Either way, you'll still hear the ambient noise of the command visor.  If you put on the command visor seconds before entering a save station, then you won't hear the command visor noise when you choose yes/no to save.  This probably works with other visors as well...not sure yet.
Thread title: 
Bryyo boss battle glitch
While Rundus was forming a new ice sword, I stunned him, changing his attack mode.  That remained, even after the battle was over.  Touching it still hurt Samus.
Bryyo - Hanger Bay - After moving things around, an invisible green grab thingy must still exist.  It was funny to see the animation happening in thin air.

Elysia - * Observatory - In the middle of the room almost right next to the thingy, there is a tiny spot that brings up a message: "Press A to interact with objects."  If you do, you stare at nothing for a few seconds.
WTF moment...enemy randomly stuck in wall glitch
Access the second floor of Repair Bay Shaft:;8572660;/fileinfo.html
Speaking of useless crap, the search function isn't telling me anything so I'll just ask... what's happened to Infinite Speed?  Did that fear of the minimap shifting instantly between doors kill it outside of SWs?  Does it still work in erroneously loaded rooms?  Does it work at all?

Curiosity is keeping me awake... :(
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Huh.. that was weird.  At Zipline Station Alpha, I latched on, held the stick down for some reason, and accidentally let go of the line.  Despite the fact that I was holding 'down' and thus should have walked backwards (or fallen straight down, depending on how long I held Z), Samus rocketed forward instead, following the track for a few seconds with no beam, then flomped down into the pit.
Quote from Paraxade:
Access the second floor of Repair Bay Shaft:

Look, witty text!
After getting the PED Suit, I decided on a whim to visit the Command Center a second time.  The second console on the right had two people in it: one from when the ship's under attack, the other being the peace-time one that should be there.  If you try to talk with them, they'll both even respond at the same time.

I grabbed a screenshot of it, so I'll see what I can do about getting it on my computer or something.


Found this while I was trying to enter SW1. To start, go load Gearworks, then proceed to Turbine Chamber. BSJ onto the first ledge up then BSJ onto the bomb component. From there the ceiling is not solid, so you can jump onto the second floor... though the floor's not there. (that's why you need to load it from Gearworks; if you're coming from your ship, then the ceiling will be solid and you won't be able to jump up.) Then trigger the fight by walking to the door and have fun. :P
^Really good demonstration there.

There's a weird glitch in the Valhalla. I'm not sure how I had triggered it on Friday, but I did.

Backstory and effects: So I had all eight energy cells, minus the one that you actually collect on board the ship. So I input the first Energy Cell, grappled over to the Repair Bay (Where the Phazon Metroids are), interacted with the hand console to open the blast doors, killed a few Phazon Metroids...and I realized just then that I had forgotten the last Cell, next to the crashed fighter in the dock. So I left the Bay and grappled back over to the dock, got the cell and all was well...I'm so very glad I decided not to save in the gunship then, because when I grappled back over again and attempted to get into the Repair Bay...the hand console wouldn't interact with me. No matter what I did, the "Use A to interact" sign wouldn't appear, and I couldn't get through those blast doors into the Repair Bay. I had to restart from my last save, which was from where I had backtracked to Bryyo to pick up the final Cells.

Explanation: It's a long shot, but it was as though the dead trooper who was blocking the console (The one who you shoot, and he crumbles into dust) had somehow been reloaded invisibly or something over the console, unable to be shot at so that the Repair Bay could be accessed. I don't know, that's just my theory. I don't even know if it can be replicated.
I came across a similar glitch to Paraxade's, just before going to Phazee, I decided to colect all the expancions, I didn't fight the Beserker Lord because of Skippy's way to skip it, so when I entered the door and triggered the fight, a blue force field was active and the spinners scan said they were already used and currently offline, I couldn't defeat beserker lord because he could go through the force field but my shots could not, and the blue balls you use to kill him could go through the force field when he shot them at me, but once I rebound them they exploded in contact with the force field, I want to make a video of it, probably will soon.
Every Bit Counts
I have done that. He is stuck in the force field. I don't think you can defeat him. Now do this: Trigger the fight after the force field is up. Then die. You will start by the door way. Now, if you trigger the fight, watch the cutseen. You will see Samus walk through the force field. After you die, if you tell you ship to pick up the bomb compeont, you will teleport past the fight trigger. And finally, if you trigger the fight and then raise the bomb comeonet, you will see the beserker lord in the cutseen.
You can advance the fight with him if he's stuck in the force field, but it's pretty hard.  The force field stops your shots as well as the vollied phazon balls.  You have to stand somewhat near (off to one side of course) and lock your view up, shooting the balls *just* before they hit you as that is just about when he'll tilt back down to expose his back through the field.

I've also played with the variations of silliness there.  My favorate has to be seeing him in the cutscene.  Also, as mentioned in the SB topic (not in a glitch topic-sorry), if you leave while he's alive his health bar stays with you until you are about 1 room away (when TC gets dumped).  He's like Corruption's Alpha Blogg, but funnier.
Quote from SkippyJr:
if you leave while he's alive his health bar stays with you until you are about 1 room away (when TC gets dumped). He's like Corruption's Alpha Blogg, but funnier.

Omega Ridley?
Respawn on opposite side of Hall of Remembrance glitch.  Pointless of course. 

This game might be full of these type of glitches.  I know the Aurora Energy Cells Skip used this glitch.  That Omega Ridley exit is very cool Paraxade.
[ M a n a t e e ]
Do the other boss doors lock?  I wonder if there's a way to exit the other two rooms...
Quote from Paraxade:

Haha.  That could also lead to the first "Where's the Room?" glitch.  Drain his health and have the door close as the last shot lands.
Quote from SkippyJr:
Quote from Paraxade:

Haha.  That could also lead to the first "Where's the Room?" glitch.  Drain his health and have the door close as the last shot lands.

I was experimenting for a bit with leaving the room in the middle of the fight. I was thinking it might help if the room was dumped just as the shot that makes him put on armor hits. Pretty annoying to time it just right, though.
Aurora Chamber camera glitch

If you freeze a Reptilicus when it's doing the energy whip, well... see it for yourself. It looks strange.
In the bottom floor of the elevator room in the beginning of the pirate world, beyond the door you open to the right facing the elevator is an elevator shaft with a dangling broken elevator you have to knock down. Well, being unobservant and impatient at the time, I didn't notice the wires above and decided to force my way around the elevator. Which, as it turns out, is perfectly possible and quite easy. Just jump into the edges and you'll make it to the top. The entire top is one of those "slidy surfaces" in morph ball mode. Maybe IS or a SW is possible up there or between the elevator and the walls, but I didn't experiment much with the realization that I wasn't supposed to do that and might get stuck. Yay for an "early" missile expansion. >_>

Also, when I was having terrible difficulties finding that "hidden" fuel gel pump energy cell on Bryyo, I asked MrPotter for help and he told me that he found a method of getting past that aurora room in the Valhalla I could use if I got desperate enough. Instead of asking how it's done, I decided to just find it by myself. Completely not thinking of abusing incorrect bottomless pit teleportation, I figured out how to easily get to the second floor instead. Those bridges that are vertical until you power them up? They have a similar clipping bug to the furnace spiderball track in MP. Walk up to one, face 30-45 degrees to one side (Probably not required, but I had better luck this way), and push towards it, slightly off so you move slowly to one side. You'll eventually end up flying up to near the top, where you can do an entire double jump (it thinks you're standing up there) and screw attack to the second floor. Unfortunately, the door ledge is totally blocked off from all sides, so that didn't work very well. But maybe other objects that are meant to rotate or move have clipping bugs.

I'm sure I found other small glitches in my first play through, but those are the only two I can remember.
So I just tried the Turbine Chamber trick and faced the Berserker Lord.  After killing him, I tried to advance, but the spinners seem to be deactivated, the locks are still in place, and the door is still blocked by a forcefield.  Does anyone know of a way to advance using this trick, or is it completely useless?
Pirate trooper glitch

@Troid92: Those glitches are not "useless," you might wish to post them in the SB topic.

@rjkovach: The spinners are not active only when he is dying (and up to the gold token).  Perhaps you hit a glitch.  You normally can proceed (and even skip him entirely).
“Well done is better than well said”
Master Zed:  In responce to your question, I saw a video on youtube titled metroid prime 3 graphic glitch that was vey familier.  I'm betting you don't have the game yet judging by the huge amount of discoveries and knowledge you provided in prime 1 & 2 among other games.  Can't wait till you start playing if you haven't started yet.