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red chamber dream
This topic is for everyone's questions on how to do something in Metroid Fusion.
Any new (or recent) topics asking for specific help will be locked, so do not make any. Use this topic instead for questions on getting certain items or doing certain tricks.
Thread title: 
How do you do the alternate secret message method?
Find a vid of it at:

Next time please browsw the site a bit.  :P
Edit history:
BioSpark: 2008-07-29 02:55:20 am
I already watched the video but I didn't know when to time the missile. I got it last night anyway.

it isn´t really a question about  the game
but i don´t know where to post it

how do you film these whole speed runs ???

from a GBA (SP) Screen ???

isn´t it impossible to hold the Game boy
in the same position all the time ??
soaking through
You record using a VHS recorder hooked up to a Gamecube and a Gameboy Player.
ah  i see

thanks for the answer  :D
Also, I'd like to point out that TV cards aren't exactly the best things to use while actually playing the game. Some can have a delay of at least a second, which is important in those vital boss battles, like doors.

I speak from painful, painful experience.
please see the faq for the answers to this and many more questions.
Does anyone have a strategy for beating Ridley with 1%? I can only beat him some of the time, but not fast enough.
Beware: off duty ninja
I think there's a trick that involves being thrown into a wall. I think. . . .. have to ask somebody more knowledgable about fusion than I.

but here's my questoin as I have one: how low can one get thier fusion time without having to worry about resetting and starting segments over (ie. doing it like a speed run. not necessarily WR speed run but still fast) ? I am currnetly running fusoin at about 1:25 to 1:35 so atwhat kind of time will i be expencting to ahve to reset due to fusion's random factor?
Edit history:
BioSpark: 2008-07-29 03:13:28 am
Quote from SamuraiSamus:
I think there's a trick that involves being thrown into a wall. I think. . . .. have to ask somebody more knowledgable about fusion than I.
Problem: ridley's tail/claw (or whatever) + low health = one chance to get in wall. How do you do that anyway?
but here's my questoin as I have one: how low can one get thier fusion time without having to worry about resetting and starting segments over (ie. doing it like a speed run. not necessarily WR speed run but still fast) ? I am currnetly running fusoin at about 1:25 to 1:35 so atwhat kind of time will i be expencting to ahve to reset due to fusion's random factor?
Personally, I got 1:09 on a one time run (no saves).
Quote from The Dark Knight:
Personally, I got 1:09 on a one time run (no saves) Pretty good eh? :D
That's excellent!! I not even going to tell you what <i>my</i> best score is...
Um. Does anyone have a good strategy for beating *shudders* Yakuza on a 1% run.
soaking through
1.  Try.
2.  Fail.
3.  Repeat steps 1 and 2 for as long as the universe wills it.
4.  Beat Yakuza...
5.  ... only to get stuck again at Nightmare.

If it works for me, it can work for you!

Seriously though, Yakuza must have taken me upwards of 40 tries.  The best advice I can give you is to practice, and maybe try to make the flare hit when you hit him with a charge shot (the flare is the bit that extends about half a centimetre out of your beam when you shoot a charged shot).  Also, in the second form, staying in the corner seemed to give me a better survival rate.
I am having problems surviving in SA-X while disposing of the 5 X globs that are covering the Air Vent things.  I can't seem to get past the 4th X air thing without dying.  Can I have some tips on this please?
everybody knows it's true
Be more careful. Recklessness is the only reason you can die on Fusion.
You can't afford to be reckless on a 1% run-at all. You'll either die horribly, or end up collecting items, forcing a reset.
how do I get the power bomb tank in the bottem left corner with speed booster?
everybody knows it's true
run left to right on bottom, charge up, then grab the spark. Get to the small platform and shine to the left. Space jump up to the PB box, then time your jump so that you'll fall in.
Aran, how did you know what place he was talking about? Are you a psychic or something?
red chamber dream
Quote from Dark_SA-X:
Aran, how did you know what place he was talking about? Are you a psychic or something?

>.< No, it's probably because it's the only Powerbomb Tank in the game that's in the bottom left corner and that requires the Speed Booster.
Oh. Just which powerbomb is he talking about, exactly?
everybody knows it's true
dis one
Beware: off duty ninja
have a question, hope someone knows the answer: how may missles does it take to knock off nettori if you're using PB's as well as missles? I know about the 44 missles it takes to kill him, but how may would it take if one were also using PB's as well?
that's under the assumtion that PB's can hurt nettori. if not, then I better get busy with learning how to collect all of the missle tanks I normally do to kill him