Yeah that's the part I'm talking about.
I can't even get past the metroid part. Have tried for about 45 minutes, but the most I was able to kill was ONE. I have avoided using the whole perspective shift as much as possible because it's AWFUL. If I manage to freeze a metroid, I'm looking at one second to make the perspective shift, and then 3-4 seconds just to stabilize the reticle, then another second or two to lock on - of course by then the metroid is either unfrozen or I'm being attacked by another one. It just takes too long to make those transitions, and it's mostly because of the frantic attempt to stabilize the reticle. I've tried to reposition my sensor bar, but it hasn't helped. It's just an awful, awful idea for a control scheme and I am completely and utterly shocked that ANY gaming company would even consider actually using it, let alone nintendo.