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Part-time philosopher
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Quote from Toozin:
Quote from arkarian:
Quote from Tahngarthor:
you can break the sequence by choosing 'NO' when asked to continue.

Yes, I would say you did.
Does anyone have a way to test if there's an invisible wall blocking that missile tank in the room where you first fight the Tree Giraffe? I want to know if you can get it before coming back with everything.
In the Elevator Room (The one that's darkish before you 1st turn on the power), there is a green square opening to the left side.
You are supposed to turn on the power and activate the switch to make the platform appear.
BUT, I tried like heck yesterday to get that power up (Missle Tank) before turning on the power, but I can't for some reason.

I've tried IBJ, Spring Balling off the higher ledge, morphing while hugging the edge of the ledge (propeling me off the the left side), and even gripping the ledge (opposite of the hole in the wall) and "ledge jump / wall jump" and a mid-air morph ball, BUT NOTHING WORKS.

I can shoot inside the square, I just can't get in there without activating the electricity and extendable ledge.

________        ___________ < - Top Ledge
__              ___________      < - Missile Expansion Green Square Entrance

________        ___________
Quote from Daemon5258:

I've tried IBJ, Spring Balling off the higher ledge, morphing while hugging the edge of the ledge (propeling me off the the left side), and even gripping the ledge (opposite of the hole in the wall) and "ledge jump / wall jump" and a mid-air morph ball, BUT NOTHING WORKS.

Well you've named off pretty much all the techniques that WOULD work towards sequence breaking... If the game wasn't designed with communities like this in mind. I have sat around for countless hrs trying to find ways to break this game to no avail...

Not sayin it can't be done, but good luck my friend. And this is all based off of personal experience so please post results if you succeed!
We did get something back then. We were able to open a three lock seeker Missile door without Seeker Missiles. It was useless though.

It was also very close to getting the 5-lock ones. I still think it might be remotely possible. I'm not sure, but it was tried to get as far off of the door as possible, then shoot the missiles in rapid succession while walking towards it, but that didn't work... when I tried this, it was ridiculously hard to even do it. I think there might be enough room to optimize this to break through.

So... that's all we have in a year of work. :/ One remotely possible trick, a ridiculously hard one at that, which may or may not lead to anything useful. (Though, in theory, it should, more or less, allow skipping Seeker Missiles)
They were probably so proud of their unbreakable metroid game. Then the reviews and sales figures came in. 
lol, I really hope that it's taught them a lesson.
I'm more hoping the lesson is more learned on "Samus is independent and not completely reliant on others" over linearity.

Yes it's bad, but having an "open world" Metroid game with the Other M Samus would be worse than what we got IMO.
It wouldn't even have to be a truly open world. Just enough to make people think it is. :3
Like Prime! :D
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
that also increases the chance of accidental SBs as a bonus.
Yol dok, Dovahkiin.
Sequence breaking has always been a major part of Metroid, from day one. I would hoped that between Team Ninja and Nintendo, they would've figured that out and built it to the same variable degree. It seems not.

Brick wall
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy

Use this concept and do something, guys. So far it theoretically saves about a second in 100%.
That... was something
Edit history:
AutoFire: 2014-01-23 04:52:31 pm
My god... he found a secret world.
Here's the better question: Can you replicate this or was it a one time event?
Edit history:
Jimmyfosho: 2014-01-24 08:19:36 pm
forever seeking the answers.
he has replicated it a few times on stream, but it seems pretty difficult/inconsistent from what he told me.
from what jaggerg told me, you basically have to go super fast in the parts before the OoB, and reach it before it's loaded
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
I've managed to do it in my 3:15 100%. Very difficult to tell if it's actually faster, but it's probably as consistent as actually spacejumping over the damn rock above the missile tank. >:^(

I've looked into other places you're technically out of bounds during speedruns, but unfortunately they're during room transitions, so the screen freezes until the room loads around you. Interesting thing though: coming back from Sector Zero in Sector 1, sometimes if you morph as soon as you gain control and roll to the door, the door's not there like 60% of the time, and you can roll into the next room. And like I said, the screen freezes, the door loads behind you, the game appears to advance one frame, then freezes until the other room loads.

Another bizarre thing that appears useless: door transitions occasionally move the door and its frame. O_o It pushes it in the direction you're moving, though, so it seems useless. The door outside Sector 0 that eventually loads has seams around the door you can see through because the door frame is out of place.
Well... You've gone and done it.
This thread isn't just a joke anymore.
red chamber dream
<jagger> oh, it was a joke?
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from sabata2:
Well... You've gone and done it.
This thread isn't just a joke anymore.

lol let's not be silly now.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
the only way to strip this thread of joke status is find the trigger to trigger the escape sequence on the first visit and beat the game in 5 minutes.
So all we need to do is get to where Adam's helmet is, right?

Probably not, since based on tests I remember people doing early on getting to places like the Ridley fight early doesn't work. I doubt it'd be that simple here.