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I fail at like, the first tank.  Pisses me off I've got that weak of a will.
I just tend to remember I'm supposed to be doing 1% after I've picked up 3 missile tanks instinctively. :x
I think that the spider boss, whatever its name is. It can be very irritating when it grabs you then slams you down to the ground.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
He doesn't pick ME up, much less slam me down. :P

And that's not even the reason most of us consider Yakuza the hardest boss. That should be comparatively dodgable.
I hate the bit where he loses his legs and starts bouncing around the room. I can dodge everything up to that point, but then I start taking hits.

Of course, that would only really hurt my chances in a 1% run. :P
Yeah, Yakuza's "Space Jumping" around the room phase is definetly the worst part of the battle.

To avoide getting slammed, just stay in a corner.  To increase your chances of getting slammed, just roll up into Morph Ball...
I usually do stay in the corner but I still take a ton of hits. Is the left corner better than the right corner? I usually stay in the right corner.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
I think you get trapped in the corners. I feel it's best to run around and dodge it.

Well, he did say it increased your chances of getting slammed. XD
Guess it's worth a try. Corners don't seem to work well enough for me.
You stay in Morph Ball?  That's what I do.  I just stay in Morph Ball 'till he opens wide, then I go into crouching positon and just fire charged shots diagnolly at him.

Don't forget the trick where you can fire straight up and into his mouth when he first appears.  Listen for the ceiling overhead to explode, then aim up and start blasting away with missiles.  If you're fast enough, it takes off half his health andyou can get him to go into Space Jump mode the first time he opens his mouth.

But if you're talking about when he's in Space Jump mode, then no.  Staying in the corners is one of the worst things you can do.  What works for me in that freak stage of his, is just stand with the missile hatch open and aim up.  When he's over you and open, shoot.  If he drops a bomb on you, shoot to destroy it.  Sometimes, he'll drop a bomb at you, and even though you shoot straight up, your missiles misses the bomb even though it still hits you.  If you pixel count, however, you'll notice that if you just turn around and aim up, you can hit the bomb before it hits you.  It's not a foolproof strategy, but it works well enough for me.

You could always go Sess on it.  Wink
What did Sess do? Ekard's gonna be mad if he hears this...
What about cancerman?
Uh-oh, we're busted...
I meant suddenly develop super-hyper crazy skillz and pwn Yakuza the way Sess does in his 1% run.
Oh, and then die from cancer while fighting Ridley? :P
Ridley causes cancer? No wonder Nintendo puts him in so many games.
Ready and willing.
Okay people...
Quote from LifeMega:
Ridley causes cancer? No wonder Nintendo puts him in so many games.

I was referring to Sess...

Speaking of which, how the hell are you supposed to beat Ridley in a 1% run? Anyone know how to recreate the "hide in the wall" glitch here?
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
IIRC you need to have Ridley-X itself force you into the wall to get in there. I dunno if you can do it in 1%.

I actually totally own it before it has a chance to hit me. Sure it gets me with fireballs and when it goes low once in a while, but other than that, I take it out like nothing. Just keep the good angled shots and you'll have it screech every twoish hits. DD's 1% vid shows him dodging the pogo bounce several times and getting all crazy with morphing, but that's not necessary at all. Blast it into oblivion and try to rememeber to charge as fully as you can before firing. Just keep running and stay in front of it or it'll come down on you with the pogo hop of d00m. The trick is getting the angle of max damage. But once you get down a good sense of where he's flying, you'll get him easy.
So keeping in front of him is the key to winning, then? Thanks Jagger.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
no problem. What sucks is when you're pretty much trapped underneath him and his tail keeps blocking the shots. Tough positioning, but once that's down, it's all good.
OK then, sounds good. I wonder if Sess would've done it like that if he hadn't died of cancer. Oh well....

Anyway, just outta curiosity, how many people have actually completed a 1% run?
I've started a 1% run, yesterday actually.  I'll only be working on it at school, however.  At home, I'm working on a 100% Speed Run.

I geuss after I complete the speed run at home I can put the save state on disk and bring it home with me...  Since I only play on emulators...
You get to work on speed runs on school computers!? I can't. :(
I finished a 1% run. I found Ridley  to be annoying, but not that bad. As long as he doesn't corner you, then float back and forth tailing you in the process he isn't too hard. Just keep trying. I found Nightmare to be harder in 1%.