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Quote from LifeMega:
Quote from Daniel, Lord Bahamut:
Probably didn't help that I was using a GamePad Pro USB... (those controllers are the devil. Sure, they only cost $10, but you get what you pay for. Try pushing right in Zelda or some other top-down game, and you end up going up because it just can't be calibrated correctly.)
I have that problem too... it's annoying as hell when I try to do a crystal flash in SM and I'm trying to hold down, and I roll all over the place. Those controllers are teh sucks

Thats why I wish I could find a way to plug my gameboy into my computer.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Quote from Dark_SA-X:
I dunno, I thought Zazabi was really easy. But that's just me.

Now that you mention it, the award Nate refered to is the HARDest boss award, not the most annoying (like I assume he meant).

I don't see how you guys could be having so much trouble with the SA-X chase though. Just drop down, missile, run, PB, missile, hop over the ice-statue, run, shoot up a lot, then either go straight down or go left and hop behind the piller (or above it) and wait a minute and you're free.
Mega Flare
Quote from JaggerG:
I don't see how you guys could be having so much trouble with the SA-X chase though. Just drop down, missile, run, PB, missile, hop over the ice-statue, run, shoot up a lot, then either go straight down or go left and hop behind the piller (or above it) and wait a minute and you're free.

Sure, for those of you who aren't poor and can afford a Gameboy or a better controller.  Rolling Eyes
Quote from Ekarderif:
I had the most trouble with Yakuza in my Bobless game.

He probably continue'd his emu rape Fusion file Bobless (with the impossible to do shine spark to skip the missile expansion. =p) for the 0% ending. ^___^
Time bomb set get out fast!
Yes, he did, so he could show us the 0% "See You Next Mission" screen.
The last time I played this, I found Nightmare and Yakuza to be extremely hard, but that was before I learned of the tricks to beating them.
In my first walks through fusion Nightmare was really the hardest boss. It took me off for so many times....
Now, in 1% runs it's also the hardest to get beaten quickly.
Sometimes I have troubles with ridley, it's mostly luck when I defeat him.
Hardest bosses:

-Nightmare, but...(AR Twisted Evil )

Ive gotten Yakuza pretty good, its just the Nightmare and SA-X that gives me the most problems. I nearly beat Nightmare(then got killed by that flickerbattin' core-X), the SA-X just kills me in only a few shots Crying or Very sad .
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Yakuza definitely gets my vote, while Nightmare proved to be a real bitch at first, Yakuza is the one that has managed to give me trouble consistently. He seems to be really random at times.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
you're playing it on emu or what? I guess I can understand how it can be kinda hard to control in the chase, but I don't see how it'd be any harder than a boss fight.

And I think the biggest problem with Yakuza is the final phase, which should be short if you do the first part right (which I never do apparently...he's NEVER been in red when he exploded for me). But if you can charge early enough, you theoretically should be able to hit him before he hits you. I think the hardest part is knowing where or when he'll be vulnerable.

With Nightmare, my main problem is I want to beat him as fast as possible, so I stay under him the first two phases and therefore always get hit then. In his last phaze, I ALWAYS get hit because I have trouble timing my jumping. Also, sometimes I get hit when I shouldn't be able to. Aren't you supposed to go through his arms when you pseudo screw attack? I was killed by its fingertips on several occasions!

Aren't you supposed to be able to morph into his armpit and dodge him when he drops in phase two? I was unharmed when I was in the rightmost part, but I was killed when I wasn't even touching him on the left side. Something's wrong there.
Sounds like death by B.O. to me. Morphing into the armpit is never a good thing.

Ridley is tough because there isn't really a good strategy you can use against him in a 1% run. All the others have strategies you can use bar Ridley.
Time bomb set get out fast!
I bet we'd have one ridley of a Ridley strategy if Sess had done just a few more segments....
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Actually, isn't it possible enough to shoot fast and hard enough to make Ridley moan before it spun its tail each time, much like how it's possible to shoot fast enough to beat OM without it swiping? Sorry for any gross images you may think of after that....
Cook of the Sea
Quote from JaggerG:
fast and hard enough to make Ridley moan

I'm sorry.  I could not resist.  Carry on.
Quote from JaggerG:
you're playing it on emu or what? I guess I can understand how it can be kinda hard to control in the chase, but I don't see how it'd be any harder than a boss fight.

I wasnt even referring to the SA-X chase, i was referring to the actual before last boss battle with it. Sorry i wasnt more specific on that one.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
I was wondering if you were talking about it. And I chose not to even go there.
Armor Guardian
The only bosses I find particularly hard are Yazuka and Nightmare. It's probably a coin toss between them. I also found the SA-X to be very easy for what's supposed to be the final boss.
Time bomb set get out fast!
Hey now.  If you don't have a strategy, the SA-X fight can be very hard -- even if the strategy, once you come up with it, is ridiculously simple.  I must have lost to that monster 20 times before I finally got it down.  The SA-X is fast, constantly moving, and capable of killing you in only a few shots.  There's no shame in having trouble with that battle.
Quote from pkmn_2005:
Hardest bosses:
Ive gotten Yakuza pretty good, its just the Nightmare and SA-X that gives me the most problems. I nearly beat Nightmare(then got killed by that flickerbattin' core-X), the SA-X just kills me in only a few shots Crying or Very sad .

An intersting trick to beating sa-x in the core and first form.

Charge up while space jumping around, then get her in front of you and tap the missile button, your charge shot will discharge without cancling your jump, making invulnerable to her shots.  This works with all core-x that you fight with the screw attack.
I found the SA-X to be fairly easy as long as you kept Screw+Charge Attacking it and then missiling it.
Really? I rarely use missiles after the ice-upgrade, they seem to lose that shine of a single hit kill...

I generaly just shoot her, charge jump back shoot her before she shoots rinse and repeat untill the ledge at the bottom.  After that I jump up and shoot her at each edge jump down and repeat.
Armor Guardian
Quote from Zeke:
[Stuff 'bout the SA-X]

I found the SA-X AI to be one of the most predictable things ever. It took me only a few deaths to come up with a nigh foolproof strategy. Seriously.
The hardest bosses for me were Yakuza and Nightmare. The only reason that I was stuck on yakuza was the SA-X chase afterwards.  I always forgot to save after getting the space jump. Evil or Very Mad
Nobody else found the second Security Robot difficult?  I could never nail that thing so it did damage!  The 'bot always jumped off and knocked me off the ladder, then I got electrocuted, then it'd jump into me again, then I'd be getting electrocuted...

Then when I finally did get back to dry land, bam!  Missiles.  The 'bot wasn't even on the screen when it launched them...

Crying or Very sad