So... if it's that painful to deal with what are two highly annoying to enter/use Secret Worlds, can't you just bite the bullet and add in a save point between the two and split that part into two segments? That will only add in so much time and will save speed runners the hassle of trying to get both of these done in one go. Single Segment runs are a different story, obviously, but for anyone who does it in segments it will be a little less of a burden to get through there and I think it would save time in the long run. (Anyone who can manage to pull off both in one go though shouldn't be discouraged from doing so if they wish, obviously.)
Although, where is Concourse Ventilation again? It's been so long that just hearing the names of rooms isn't enough for me to remember where most of them are anymore.
Although, where is Concourse Ventilation again? It's been so long that just hearing the names of rooms isn't enough for me to remember where most of them are anymore.