I thought you needed speed booster to get back there?
there are some hidden bomb blocks around the speedbooster blocks
I thought I looked everywhere...
Yes, they are early as I believe you are intended to get them first after defeating Kraid, which like a good person I did and apparently missed something very valuable...
I made a little TAS of this hack, it goes up until the end of the sanctuary. It won't be continued from there since Kraid would take a gazillion years to beat having skipped most missile tanks (taking one 5 tank in the beginning would probably save multiple seconds ). But I might do more of it anyway, picking up a few upgrades and beating kraid then starting to record again after that, it depends whether or not I feel like it.
Anyway, the optimization is nothing over the top (meaning it could probably be improved by a second or three), but there are some cool room solutions in there. Made with this emulator if you for some reason can't run it.
Very impressive! I'd love to see what you could do with the finished product when I release it.
Hmm...I can't think of any more 5-tanks along the main path you took, just a few 2-tanks... Unless you did that ceiling glitch in the Gaia Heights "mainstreet" room and got the 5-tank up there.
Unless you did that ceiling glitch in the Gaia Heights "mainstreet" room and got the 5-tank up there.
Yeah, if I redid this run for real I would pick up that one, it doesn't even take very long to grab. That would get me up to 12 missiles, so with some delays to pick up ammo I could enter kraids room with 10 missiles and possibly kill him without him getting up to the second level (don't know if it is possible without supers but it might be).
Thoughts: The map layout is superb, very intricate ideas there, good job. The sunset was AMAZING! Finding secrets is really fun in this, and secret areas have an interesting design to them. It feels very large so far, I can tell which rooms you went crazy on with detail, try that for the larger rooms to make them feel a bit less empty perhaps? I also feel that the backgrounds are lacking, try to spice them up with some custom made layer2 backgrounds if you have the time.
A major downside for me would have to be how easy Volta is. I don't like that I can just carelessly run through rooms and get hit by enemies and think nothing of it, in my opinion you should make some of them deal more damage to get the caution back into exploring an alien world.
Overall this is looking to be quite the hack, but I don't understand why people are releasing hacks in demos and parts these days. I'd much rather dig into a finished hack. You should probably make this the last demo, unless it's your intention to release in segments, in which case I'm going to wait for the finished thing.
I really hope you make this more difficult, I'm not asking for precise tricks, just tougher bad guys.
I suppose difficulty could also be relative to your progress, like in the original. No enemy took more than one missile for the first chunk of the game in that, and I guess Volta could be the same.
If the purpose of the hack is expolration and not precision (and clearly it is), I would echo that a little more enemy difficulty would be nice. And this is from someone who hates hard hacks. If anything, this almost feels easier than the original.
I think that if FirePhoenix0 is aiming for the same difficulty as the original, then he's succeeded. I also think that most of us are playing hacks because we've played, and loved, the original (which is probably why we find it easy now), and are after more of the same, so an increase in difficulty should be fine.
FAO: FirePhoenix: It seems that an increase in difficulty has been requested by the intended audience. What say you, old chap?