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Yeah, I considered the Floating Omega Metroid but I was getting pretty annoyed at that segment by then (I already had to give up to the SA-X after not finding anything special to do). And even though I'm not sure I'd have to take damage, it would've had to jump at least. Which would've taken an annoying amount of time.

And I'm sorry about the SA-X fight, there was nothing I could do Crying or Very sad. If the screw attack hadn't made her invincible I could've taken the fight to the skies.
Wow... i liked those... cookie
Ready and willing.
Okay, this guy definitely fails the Turing test.
It seems we have a little

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The requested URL /Dragonfangs/videos and stuff/Metroid_Fusion_0p/MetroidFusion_0p_TAS_x264_Part11.AVI was not found on this server.
deleted the links.
Yeah, anyone who wants any of the videos from now on should go here:
You did well with the canvas given.  It was quite enjoyable to watch Samus have fun with the BSL and its inhabitants (especially the bosses).  It is quite unexpected that the game would allow you to jump in air having just gone through a door (great job in discovering that).

Is the route used to reach Diffusion Missles much faster than the standard one?  Sure, it is doubly tough and comes right after you-know-who, but might a speedrunner seriously consider it?
I seriously doubt the Backwards Alternate Secret Message is humanly possible.
I can do it.
l'appel du vide
I always read that as "punt"...and it makes me laugh...
stop that. you'll confuse the europeans.
Ready and willing.
You make it sound like they're children.  :P
go opposite day.
Well you're WD, when I say something's not humanly possible, you don't count. To be honest, I never actually tried doing it in real-time, it seemed to require such perfect timing I didn't bother.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Well I done it on the japanese version (I don't play (U) or (E) much) with EASE, makes me wonder if it's easyer
All you have to do is stand on the platform, fire a missle, and run foward at the right time to make it hit.
Stop making it seem like I don't know what I'm talking about. :(

I sure as hell can't do it in real-time.
Quote from Dragonfangs:
Stop making it seem like I don't know what I'm talking about. :(

I sure as hell can't do it in real-time.

It's not hard, and can actually be done before level 4 doors, just before getting power bombs. Doing that and then running out of missiles will result in an AQA trap which I think should go on the main site, if only so I can AT LAST be credited with discovering something (I found the Amorbis name VD on Echoes, but no-one seems to care about that. And I posted this a couple weeks back, so I think I was first to find it.)
But you didnt discover it.
*sniff* It's really been a whole year since this thing. Happy anniversary, run!
Quote from Dragonfangs:
On that note, no, I won't make another run :P.

Haha, bullcrap.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
holy shit! it has been that long since that run? i thought it was made like 6 months ago. go time preception loss.
Game Lover
I feel so...


How the heck did you do all that perfectly!? o.O;
Aegis, you might want to read this bit of text:

You might also want to watch the run I later made for tasvideos which, although missing some playing around, still contains crazy stuff not present in the run here.