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I haven't tried them yet, but could you tell me how much extra distance you gain. Like, a dash jump gets you 10% further than a normal jump. Or how close does a normal jump gets to the ledge of the missle expansion?

Also, can you explain the technique? Do I have to stand at the very edge of a ledge, dash, and it works? What position is the control stick in? Do you think that with this technique we can get sjf?
Enough distance that you can get to that ledge which is pretty much way out of your way.
Alright, i think I got it to work. I never did this in corruption but the thing is, when you have a succesfull dash you don't hear a dash sound. Easy to notice appart from the extra distance you gain. I tried geo core dashing from the metal box on the wall. The puddles give a bad angle and so does the stalagnite from the other room. For now it sucks that we need gravity for 1 artifact, spider for 1 artifact, supers for 1 artifact and grapple beam for plasma (I'm sure MQB can be solved). Not counting SWs.
Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
Keep in mind also that the "freeze" scan dash -- not the fast one in the early missile example, but in Paraxade's - also gives height.  That's what helps Paraxade get up to the platform in his example.
A dash that gives height, I would love to use that. So can you explane to me how this works? I've checked the metroid2002 page for the technique but there's nothing about dashes there.

Edit: I found a description of the technique from paraxade:

"For the scan dash, you need to jump right as you're about to fall off so you keep some of the speed from when you strafe off a ledge while locked onto something. It requires very precise timing, so it's not easy to do at all."

I think this is the one I'm doing right now. I understand what he means with the speed you gain from strafing of a ledge. You can test this by locking on an enemy and strafe of a ledge without jumping. You get more vertical speed.

Edit 2: I tried sjf using the beetle dash, I was hoping this new dash was going to help me, however it doesn't work on this particular ledge. It works on almost every ledge, you notice it when walking sideways of a ledge and you get a small boost in speed. Maybe with a different angle but the beetles are not cooperating. Damn, I really want something huge, either skipping grapple or early wave or early space jump.
Use the seedling dash?
red chamber dream
how would that help if he couldn't do the dash using the spidervine?
Because you can't scandash as well?
Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
Is the scandash like in MP3? Or in the PAL version?
red chamber dream
doesn't the corruption dash work with both the combat and scan visor?
getting there...
In any case, there is no dash that gets as far as Primes' . This new dash,      obviously can't get as far as the old, one or he wouldn't be using the beetle dash.

I'm going to do a bunch of searching when the trilogy reaches America. But until then, it's all you guys.
I have been trying space jump first for a couple of hours the last few days and I will just share my knowledge cos it might be usefull to others. I tried the seedling dash. My goal is to get, what it's apperently called, a freez dash. This dash works on ledges that give you an extra boost after stafing of the ledge while locked onto something. I was strafing of the gunship and noticed after a couple of tries that I wasn't getting this speed effect by strafing of the ship. However when I tried it at the back of the ship it worked, the speed effect I mean. With just a normal dash you actually already get pretty close and I think with a freez dash there is a big chance for making it. Unfortunatly I don't know a way to succesfully get the speedeffect and even when if I get it I still have to get the dash to work. The important thing is that it is possible to get the speed effect so I'm pretty sure you can get the dash too. Hopefully some one can figure out how to do it, I'm getting sick of trying and you barely keep your lock when you're at the back of the ship so you have to go back to the seedling everytime you lose it.
red chamber dream
is dashing off a scan point different?
oh yeah, well its not mentioned anywhere but you can't scan dash :(
Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
Ah, so you're just relying on the little extra distance and height that the first "dash" gives...
I finaly found some time to make a few video's. I made a playlist:

my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
that's good. you did all the speed tricks i recorded much faster and put the others i either didn't know or didn't try.
I have been thinking about a possible route and it involves the early powerbomb in chozo ruis (not yet confirmed).

-Charge beam
-Morphball bombs
-Varia suit
-Nature 1 (in pillar in magmoor caverns)
-Boost ball
-Space jump
-Wave beam
Enter chozo ruins from front
-Early Power bomb
BSJ furnace
-Ice Beam
Bars DBJ, use early powerbomb for
-Grapple beam
-Main powerbomb
-Plasma beam
-Elder 2 (in tower)
-Spirit 3 (behind powerbomb wall)
-Gravity Suit
-Spider ball
-Sun 4
-Strength 5 (under statue, magmoor)
-Lifegiver 6 (By tower of light, chozo)
-Wild 7 (top of sun tower)
-World 8 (under statue, chozo)
-Chozo 9
Mines from front, use powerbomb on wave troopers
-Warrior 10
-Phazon suit
-Newborn 11
-Truth 12

Please let me know if this is a possible route, it seems pretty fast to me with minimal backtracking. Not a lot of people are playing this now off course but I hope the interest grows when it finaly releases. Sorry for the head start. ;P

edit: got the early powerbomb in chozo to work :). Interesting part is that I obtained the powerbomb as soon as I used a morphball bomb instead of boosting. This means that you can get items without boostball. I don't know if having the boost ball makes a difference so this needs more testing. The first time i got the early powerbomb the game crashed a few rooms later but when I got it the second time I decided to unmorph after picking up the powerbomb. In first person there is a light show but you can still navigate samus around the room. I then morphed again and the IS glitch is gone. Now it was very easy to go to the save station in morphball without the game crashing. I unmorphed to space jump up to one ledge in the light show with no problem. This might confirm powerbombs right after morphball bombs. Could be very usefull in a run.
Maybe you could get X-ray and chozo right after ice beam, on your way to the mines ?
Don't forget IBBF. Seems good though.
Quote from Oliver:
Maybe you could get X-ray and chozo right after ice beam, on your way to the mines ?

Haven't though about that, but then after world I would still need to go to the mines and through gth seems the fastest way. It depends on the difficulty of the segments what the best choice is. Having x-ray earlier doesn't do anything as far as I know.

IBBF, well the problem is we can't do that, we need space jump.
You're right. Though X-ray gives a slim advantage when fighting the ghosts for Wild. It could shorten the fight a bit.
Is there a problem with using old early SJ?  You have to backtrack from chozo after bombs but its still a lot less backtracking than boost > SJ > wave and would allow IBBF.
red chamber dream
bombs don't work the same as in the gamecube versions. can read some of the previous posts in this topic for more.

doesn't ibbf require sws? were they not fixed in this version?
Quote from Oliver:
Maybe you could get X-ray and chozo right after ice beam, on your way to the mines ?

I'm not thinking straight, good point. You lose some time for having to pick up a refill from the enemy in life grove for the wall there and another refill for grapple. It depends if the time saved on the chozo fight is more than that. I think a perfect fight with no x-ray is just as fast as with if the ghosts cooperate.

As for space jump early, I also tried it with springball but couldn't get it to work. I never made it on the gamecube either so some one els has to confirm this too before we assume its not possible. I'm still triying early wave cos that saves a lot of time too, maybe even more than early space jump.

And also sw are still there as UchihaSasuke shows in his video. I also used the sw in main plaza to sun tower to skip the super missles and spider ball. I can also confirm the sw in phazon mines in the room where you fight the elite on your way back after picking up the main powerbomb.

I can also say that the route works. I forgot to put thermal visor in the route but it comes after supers.

Question to UchihaSasuke. Did you get the room where the pirate breaks the glass in phendrana to work? What happens to me is that the pirate breaks through later than he would in the gamcube version and as soon as I activate the metroid cutscene the door towards Elder locks and I have to reload the room again to get rid of this lock. Was wondering if you had the same problem?