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I think they know exactly what they're doing - making a typical Ninja action game and slapping metroid all over it. That's probs why they wanted the nunchuck, for more ninjaness.
lol no way
Was reading this article on IGN, and though it's old (e3 '09) it's interesting think about that hilarious translation situation at the end of NEStroid.

IGN: When you beat the original Metroid, there's a warning of 'another Metroid.' Is that what 'Other M' refers to in the title of the Wii game?

Yoshio Sakamoto: The NES Metroid? I don't remember.

IGN: [Laughing] We guess that answers it then.
Indie Lover
it must mean something when a developer don't remember the ending of his own game...
he probably just couldnt think of an excuse to not answer
He probably doesn't remember the crazy engrish translation, that's all.
lol no way
Word that really answers it and the interviewer's "haha okay moving on" comes off like he's winking at Sakamoto as part of the in-group, when really he probably was like "ah awkward, cultural differences".
Unfortunately theres not going to be a scan log or whatever anymore.
I like turtles.
"Unfortunately"?  Scans were a pain in the Prime games, in my opinion.  There were way too many, there was never a consistent way to tell what one needed to scan for logbook completion, and many of the scans were limited opportunity - bosses, in particular could only be scanned once, but at the time, the player was more worried about killing them before they killed the player than scanning them.
Going for 100% scans was more of a replay thing than something I think one would attempt to achieve on the first playthrough.  Sometimes vital info on weaknesses or targeting was included in the boss scans, so scanning them became an important part of the fight.
Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
I definitely disliked the limited scans, especially since replaying didn't even ensure you wouldn't miss it again (assuming no online collaboration).  I wouldn't mind their return, as I definitely liked finding all the scans and reading them (at least for the first few times).
red chamber dream
Quote from Turtle:
"Unfortunately"?  Scans were a pain in the Prime games, in my opinion.  There were way too many, there was never a consistent way to tell what one needed to scan for logbook completion

it was pretty easy in prime iirc. anything living, anything collectible, and anything red.
Edit history:
Opium: 2010-07-30 02:59:48 pm
Quote from arkarian:
Quote from Turtle:
"Unfortunately"?  Scans were a pain in the Prime games, in my opinion.  There were way too many, there was never a consistent way to tell what one needed to scan for logbook completion

it was pretty easy in prime iirc. anything living, anything collectible, and anything red.

Those guidelines are pretty close, but item upgrades (beams, missile launcher, etc) are not log entries, so maybe 'collectible' isn't the best adjective.  Also, are all the mechanisms/doors etc in red?
red chamber dream
can you collect something if there's only one of it in the game?

and yeah "mechanisms" is maybe a good term for the doors and shit. it's usually pretty obvious what you're supposed to scan, really.
I like turtles.
I suppose it's worth mentioning that I actually did enjoy the various Lore entries (partly because they weren't limited-edition like other scans).  They gave deeper (and often comedic, in the case of the Space Pirates) insight into the story and backstory of the Metroid universe.
coral to complement blue
More importantly, they allowed for story elements that weren't intrusive like Fusion's and Corruption's.
So I guess now scanning is just for finding paths and items. 

Also, there's going to be a "theater mode" where you can watch all the cutscenes back to back in a TWO HOUR compilation.  It's hard to imagine 2 hours of cutscenes in a Metroid game.  Prime had what, 15 minutes of cutscenes, including the credits?  And even Corruption probably has little more than that.  I'm guessing 2 hours is about the cutdcene time for Red Dead Redemotion, so there's definitely going to be a heavy storyline.  I'm not complaining, just saying.
red chamber dream
i think the theatre mode is pretty cool. no reason not to have it really.
coral to complement blue
It isn't 2 hours of cutscenes. Most of it is pre-recorded gameplay, apparently meant to show boss strategies and other things that the player wouldn't have thought of on his first play-through.
red chamber dream
i got the impression that stuff doesn't constitute "most" of it.
ok.  and like i said, i'm not complaining.  i like the idea
One shall stand, one shall ball.
It'd be a pretty cool feature if it meant that I didn't have to sit through all of the shitty cutscenes while playing the game.
coral to complement blue
Quote from arkarian:
i got the impression that stuff doesn't constitute "most" of it.

Perhaps it's just wishful thinking on my part. But I really can't imagine there being over an hour of cutscenes.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
I imagine that overall cutscene time is going to depend largely on how many times they replat that Super Metroid scene, if the trailers so far are to be believed that once scene makes up roughly 84% of the game.

I swear if I have to see that one more time I'm going to kick puppies. All puppies.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Quote from arkarian:
it's usually pretty obvious what you're supposed to scan, really.

You gotta admit there were some massively bullshit scans though. Three different types of war wasps that barely look different and two of which are limited time spring to mind.