I think they know exactly what they're doing - making a typical Ninja action game and slapping metroid all over it. That's probs why they wanted the nunchuck, for more ninjaness.
Was reading this article on IGN, and though it's old (e3 '09) it's interesting think about that hilarious translation situation at the end of NEStroid.
IGN: When you beat the original Metroid, there's a warning of 'another Metroid.' Is that what 'Other M' refers to in the title of the Wii game?
Yoshio Sakamoto: The NES Metroid? I don't remember.
IGN: [Laughing] We guess that answers it then.
Yoshio Sakamoto: The NES Metroid? I don't remember.
IGN: [Laughing] We guess that answers it then.