I always like to press z for difficult dashes to make it more easy to adjust the controlstick. This is a pretty easy method of doing the dash:
First of all dash to the right and let go of the L buttun as soon as possible after the dash, this will give you more height rather than distance (you realy need the height). Press z (or start)
Bend you dash holding the control stick between down and down right. exit the map (or start menu). When you're at the peak of your first jump, jump again (still hold the stick in the down- down right possition).
You can chose wether to press z again or just press L + down when you think you're in front of the ledge. Better press z, gives you time to think and time your jump. Now hold the controlstick down and tap L as soon as you think you're in front of the ledge. Remeber to only tap the L button not hold it.
If you don't like to pause during a dash or are good enough to do it without then this method can still be used of course.
here is a video: [url]www.chrisvandijke.nl/stefan/movies/ventshaft_dash.avi[/url]
I hit a puffer but I don't think it helped.
Edit: another video [url]www.chrisvandijke.nl/stefan/movies/ventshaft_dash2.avi[/url]
First of all dash to the right and let go of the L buttun as soon as possible after the dash, this will give you more height rather than distance (you realy need the height). Press z (or start)
Bend you dash holding the control stick between down and down right. exit the map (or start menu). When you're at the peak of your first jump, jump again (still hold the stick in the down- down right possition).
You can chose wether to press z again or just press L + down when you think you're in front of the ledge. Better press z, gives you time to think and time your jump. Now hold the controlstick down and tap L as soon as you think you're in front of the ledge. Remeber to only tap the L button not hold it.
If you don't like to pause during a dash or are good enough to do it without then this method can still be used of course.
here is a video: [url]www.chrisvandijke.nl/stefan/movies/ventshaft_dash.avi[/url]
I hit a puffer but I don't think it helped.
Edit: another video [url]www.chrisvandijke.nl/stefan/movies/ventshaft_dash2.avi[/url]