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LOL, it seems they are still as moronic as ever.

Remember how in DP they requested Darkrai's for like, everything?
Club 27 Goals
I remember back in the day you used to be able to dupe pokemon using the gts, but you had to make sure people wouldn't trade anything for it so people would list the pokemon with crazy demands so people wouldn't trade them.
But I don't see any reason to ask for level 9 and under Zekrom and Reshiram's now.

Speaking of which, back in DP, you could name a Magikarp Arceus and it'd show up on the GTS when you searched Arceus. Too bad that's not possible anymore though.
Bah, I'm really starting to hate Garbodor. Not only is the thing arguably my least favorite pokemon of gen 5, but he just completely stomped my attempt in the Battle Subway. I was checking out my Gen 1 team since I just migrated them from Platinum earlier today, and even though I haven't gone back to retrain them yet they managed to get to the first Subway Boss on their first run with only a few slip ups along the way. Then Garbodor, who is the first one out, decides to flinch my Golem right as I'm trying to use Rock Polish on him to set him up to try and sweep whatever else the Boss had. Thanks to the new Toxic/Venoshock combo my other two fall before I am able to take it out.

First time I get to the Subway Boss and he tosses me aside so quickly...
One shall stand, one shall ball.
How in the hell do you make a creature that is half boulder flinch?
red chamber dream
i can make pretty much anything flinch. just have to show it my dick.
I can make anything flinch by showing it naked pics of urmom
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from arkarian:
i can make pretty much anything flinch. just have to show it my dick.

Out of sympathy, I take it.
Edit history:
Prime Hunter: 2011-04-02 04:45:52 pm
d'oh! Seriously? Why is it everything these days has to go there?

Oh, and for the record, I looked up Garbodor after that battle and my guess is that it has the Stench ability, which causes things to flinch sometimes after it attacks them. So... because it stinks?

So many things wrong in the Pokemon universe...
red chamber dream
<3 garbodor
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Prime Hunter:
Oh, and for the record, I looked up Garbodor after that battle and my guess is that it has the Stench ability, which causes things to flinch sometimes after it attacks them.

That just sounds unbalanced, I mean, I'm sure the activation rate is pretty low but screwing someone out of their turn without doing anything special just seems cheesy. I guess you just have to throw out something faster than it to get around it but, bleh.
red chamber dream
it's not unbalanced because garbodor sucks. abilities like that are rarely found on pokemon that are actually good.
It mainly got lucky against me in that battle, because in reality it's not the fast. Faster than an unboosted Golem in any case, but it didn't hurt that it decided to use Focus Blast on me.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
I just it just that in my head, stopping an opponent from doing anything at all shouldn't be a passive ability, feels like you should have to actively try to do it and not just get lucky while doing your normal thing. It just sounds wrong, whether or not it really is.
Yeah, I get you there. But then, there are a few things like that in Pokemon that aren't entirely fair or balanced, one of which in my mind is Stealth Rock, but that's another story.

And I'm definitely sure that is what Stench is supposed to do based on the description of Serebii, since it wasn't from its item (Black Sludge I think) or Focus Blast, which only drops Sp. Def in some cases.
red chamber dream
looks like stench has only a 10% chance of flinching the opponent, which is barely worthwhile at all.

black sludge is the same thing as leftovers for poison types iirc.
Only 10% huh? I call typical AI hax on that one then, being able to pull it off exactly when it was needed. And yeah, pretty sure that's what Black Sludge is, since it was healing during the fight against my other two because of it.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
I'm sure you've played enough video games to know that a 10% chance is a 90% chance when the AI absolutely needs it to win. Just like how Confusion is totally harmless except when you have a pokemon that would wipe the entire opposing team because npc trainers are idiots, in which case it will kill your dude almost without fail.
Edit history:
Sephiran: 2011-04-02 05:31:58 pm
A Black Sludge is a Leftovers for poison types, but it subtracts double of that if you're not a poison type.

I hate the Battle Subway. It's programmed to screw you over - Quick Claw always activates, if you get confused you'll always get hurt (as far as I can remember) and you'll miss almost all the time if your opponent uses Double Team.. etc.. It's awful. And crits are way more common.
Quote from tomatobob:
I'm sure you've played enough video games to know that a 10% chance is a 90% chance when the AI absolutely needs it to win.

Oh, definitely. Plenty of games where the AI abuses the odds in its favor as a way to make up for not being able to predict things like a human player might. With how many hours I've put into Pokemon over the years it just happens to have a lot of bad memories for me where the AI has done something like that to screw me over. X-COM is another good example.
red chamber dream
i actually really doubt pokemon ai does anything like that. the chances are calculated with every attack, it's not like there's an "automatic cpu win" function programmed in.
People tend to remember bad things instead of the good.
Edit history:
Prime Hunter: 2011-04-02 06:00:47 pm
Guess I should've worded that differently. I'm pretty sure that there isn't any numerical evidence to back up the fact that the AI tends to have better odds than players do in most cases, Pokemon or otherwise. I'd say it's more like Sephiram just said with the fact that the moments that stick out most are when things don't go your way. Sometimes it just feels like the AI is able to tap into the odds and skew them in the game's favor if you happen to be hitting a streak of bad luck. With games in general it just feels like these streaks come more often than not with some games. At least in my experience.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Also doesn't help that that shit never works out when you try it on the AI. Neutral
Exactly. You do the same thing the AI just did, only to have the AI miraculously know what you're planning and be able to counter it before you know what's happening. OK, so maybe not every time, but enough where you tend to notice.