I don't know, I'm not digging the sort of urban setting this game has. Sky scrapers and wandering businesspeople just don't seem to go with the rest of the game.
No wonder the game is so long nowadays, with battles like those. They're getting worse and worse.
Wild Pokemon appeared! *Animation as other pokemon appears* *Animation as your pokeball is thrown* Would you like to battle? You have chosen to battle. Choose whether to fight, run, change pokemon, or use an item? You have chosen to attack. Please select an attack? 1, 2, 3, 4. You have chosen 3. Attacking with 3. *Animation as your pokemon attacks* *Animation as the other pokemon is hit* *Wait for health to be drained* It's not very effective. *Animation as the other pokemon attacks* *Animation as your pokemon is damaged* *Wait for health to drain* It's not very effective. *Wait for menu to appear* Do you wish to continue fighting, or run away, bored?
the battles are my favorite part, but that may be because nothing else in the pokemon games is ever interesting at all. so it's a step in the right direction (making the battles better), but the real solution i think would be to make the rest of the game more compelling.
if i had to guess, i think they're setting up the 3rd version to be a 3DS game so they can re-release BW with better looking graphics for people who didn't like the current state. also, it must be an awfully long job to animate 600+ pokes (assuming 5th gen adds 100+)
It was six minutes. You think I have time for that?!
I never seriously thought they would. a) They're yet to top the 1st and 2nd gen Pokémon in terms of appeal and b) this is Pokémon, which has barely changed in over a decade.
i know in one of the games, on their stats screen their sprite just sorta stretches out while it plays their cry.
right. we're talking about black and white though. that's not to say they won't do something like that again, but i think most pokes will have individual animations.