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BioSpark: 2010-05-11 09:01:57 pm
they look fake to me, especially because the right two look retarded.

oh, i missed the ones below. they all look retarded.
red chamber dream
they're not official lol. the style doesn't match anything they've done before (ie the colors look like they were blended by a photoshop amateur), the lines are too rough, etc.

Quote from tdk:
they look fake to me, especially because the right two look retarded.

looking at nintendo's track record, that's not a legitimate reason. :P
Quote from Poision Envy:

O Lawdzy, the fun never ends.
first pokemon on all of them look like re-made cyndiquils if you ask me...=/
Edit history:
Prime Hunter: 2010-05-12 10:10:43 am
Prime Hunter: 2010-05-12 10:08:37 am
Prime Hunter: 2010-05-12 10:06:50 am
Serebii posted these images this morning, saying they're supposedly from Coro-Coro, where they expect the real deal to be coming from once we're 100% sure. So it's possible these are the real starters and main characters, but there is still some room for doubt basically. (The main characters at least seem real to me, given that we've seen the female character in some of the screenshots already.)

Not sure about these guys since I have no idea what the grass and water ones are. But either way, that fire pig stands out as my frontrunner since 1: I can recognize it, and 2: it seems kinda cool. So once again, it's looking like the fire starter will win the battle for me. (4 out of 5 if this happens.)

red chamber dream
those look legit to me. interestingly enough, i like the look of the grass one best so i may end up going 5 for 5 for grass. water one is cool too though. fire pig is lame. it's just a cuter grumpig.
red chamber dream
also the girl trainer rules.
Quote from arkarian:
also the girl trainer rules.

Both those trainers rule, but they have a LOT to make up for in terms of girl trainers. May was ok, but generally they're just the Male trainer with no sleeves, miniskirts and bigger hat/hair.
Quote from arkarian:
those look legit to me. interestingly enough, i like the look of the grass one best so i may end up going 5 for 5 for grass. water one is cool too though. fire pig is lame. it's just a cuter grumpig.

I kinda like Grumpig though, so that doesn't matter to me as much. Besides, who knows what these three will turn into by the end, so any one of these could turn out to be either awesome or lame by their final evolution. And maybe it's just the color choice, but it almost looks like the fire pig could eventually become part dark by the end, which would be cool since I love Houndoom. Honestly can't tell with the other two what they could theoretically become.

As far as trainers go, Serebii notes that they're supposed to be a bit older than we're used to seeing, which probably has a lot to do with their designs. They look closer to Coliseum's main character as far as age goes, which was one thing that character had going for him. But yes, I like them a lot as well.
Ready to internet!
I saw the reveal AFTER seeing this fanart (btw, website has NSFW ads). Fucking hell, some people really have too much spare time.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
the tail was a big giveaway. looks like silhouettes can't hide pigs.

also, the grass one looks like he's thinking about something sneaky. he could end up as a Dark type later. Fire one becomes Psychic because of gumpig similarity and the water one morphs into a boxing panda and i win with my type prediction.
or they could go on like 2nd gen and end up as single types.
yeah, grass one looks pretty bad ass, especially compared to the other two. i might want to look at their evolutions first though. also, the girl does rock.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Grass stater is one smug son of a bitch.
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arkarian: 2010-05-12 06:11:48 pm
red chamber dream
slightly more info here and here.
Club 27 Goals
I want to see what they evolve to before choosing which one I like most. The grass one looks the best as of now, hopefully he will evolve into something cool. The first one looks pretty meh and generic as far as starters go, doubt he will evolve into anything good. The water one looks pretty good actually, he looks like he could evolve into something pretty cool.
possibly. it's based off a sea otter apparently.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
This just in: Nintendo does not know how snakes work.
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Poision Envy: 2010-05-12 09:02:26 pm
Poision Envy: 2010-05-12 09:01:57 pm
Club 27 Goals
Quote from tomatobob:
This just in: Nintendo does not know how snakes work.

EDIT: lol, looks like Ekans is looking at your quote and his mouth is all open in disbelief... or something. Idk. I didn't plan it.

EDIT2: what did you mean by that post anyway?
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Second link in ark's post, Greeny McSmug is apparently a grass snake pokemon.

also ekans has a really fucked up neck. actually there's a lot wrong with that ekans.
red chamber dream
maybe it's in the middle of swallowing a rattata.
looks like a snake to me.
red chamber dream
heh doesn't look like a snake at all to me ... owell
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from BioSpark:
looks like a snake to me.

have you seen a snake irl?
red chamber dream
well biospark is pretty young so maybe he's thinking of a basilisk. those kids and their harry potters ...
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Fun Fact, when I read Chamber of Secrets I thought they were talking about the actual lizard and wondered why the fuck they were so worried.
red chamber dream
there's a real lizard called a basilisk? news to me.