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i guess they finally ran out of cooler sounding names and came up with the simplest ones possible.

you can also check out this official looking japanese stuff
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Club 27 Goals
That's a stupid name.

But if the games are in just black and white that would be awesome.
ah yeah i get it, so pokemon black can only draw black pixels on the screen and white is analogous ... so you have to link up with a friend to get both kinds of pixels to play the game.
Isn't it a little early for a new generation? After all, they just finished HG and SS last year...
Except won't it have been a good 4 to 5 years since D/P came out by the time they arrive? Compared to FR/LG, HG/SS came out rather late in this generation's lifetime.

I saw someone suggesting that Black and White may be a play off of the typical good/evil theme, and according to what both Gamespot and Serebii suggest, the games are supposedly going to revolutionize/evolve nearly everything. Not quite sure what that's going to mean, but it would sound like Pokemon is getting a similar treatment to most of the major Nintendo franchises with a complete overhaul. (Metroid and Zelda at least, if what they say about Zelda Wii is true.) Guess that's good in a sense, even though I have no problem with the way they're doing things right now based on what they did for HG/SS.

Wow, that's a lot of abbreviations.
Edit history:
Idkbutlike2: 2010-04-09 08:37:04 pm
Idkbutlike2: 2010-04-09 08:35:29 pm
Well, I guess it's just the undeniable fact that critics and a few gamers here and there are getting tired of experiencing the same old "8 gyms + side-plot involving cheesy crime gang + Pokemon League = Pokemon game" formula that has gone on the past 14 years. I'm usually reluctant with change, as it doesn't always guarantee improvement, but I hope whatever Game Freak has in store for us ends up well.
I've heard a lot of that as well over the last few years, mostly since gen 4 started. It would be nice to have something different for once, I won't argue against that. I'm just saying I'm less critical of that because they're still making some significant changes to the battle formula with things like the Special/Physical split and the pokemon themselves. But again, if they give us something different that works well I won't be upset by that either, since I actually liked what they did with Colosseum's storyline for instance.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Up next on Fox News: Nintendo and Pocket Mons promote racial intolerance.
red chamber dream
Mar 12 02:30:56 <arkarian> perhaps they'd do black and white
Mar 12 02:31:08 <arkarian> that's actually a cool idea if you ask me
Mar 12 02:31:42 <Niko> kinda
Mar 12 02:32:03 <arkarian> they should introduce a new pokemon type too
Mar 12 02:32:05 <arkarian> light or something

we'll see about a light type i guess.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Toozin:
Up next on Fox News: Nintendo and Pocket Mons promote racial intolerance.

Nah, that sounds like they wouldn't be in favor of that. Fox News is totally down with racial intolerance.
and white wine
gyrotechnic lollipop
if you buy pokemon white you're racist.
poketto howaito

also windy~
red chamber dream
lol. an enthusiastic young white indeed.
They better be introducing 3D battles

Seriously, about time they do something different.
red chamber dream
lol ... i wouldn't expect it. not on the ds at least.
I'm gonna hold out for Pokémon Grey version. Sounds... fun.
Edit history:
Idkbutlike2: 2010-04-10 12:11:43 pm
Quote from Toozin:
Up next on Fox News: Nintendo and Pocket Mons promote racial intolerance.

It already has before:
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
That should totally be the cover poke for Black.
red chamber dream
mr. mime could be on white.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Or perhaps the brand-new Aryanmon.
not evil,just hungry
so will be 3rd game in the generation be called gray or oreo?
red chamber dream
probably yellow. azn version.
red chamber dream
i guess i'm not convinced the english versions will be called pokemon black and white. might be like "charcoal black" or something rather than just black and the same for white.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
It will be Pokemon Rainbow and the cover will be Ash and Brock in thongs.