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Water could be dripping off the energy field ;)

Or maybe the field deactivates when she leaves water.

When she jumps upward the field will push water upward, it deactivates when she leaves the water so the water above her falls onto her head, thus creating the dripping visor.
Who woulda thought Metroid science could be so complicated?
sure, skynes, the energy field could also be only like a millimeter thick, enough for her to have a little room to see and move freely. That you can't see any energy field in the gravity suit cutscene underwater suggests this.
I have an idea I think works for the space jump.

Chozos we know can somehow become ghostlike entities and move through anything (Chozo Ghosts).  So if they are capable of becoming energy and that is a trait of chozos then Samus might be able to do it too because of the chozo blood in her.

Now these "ghosts" phase in and out of existance, which means that if you believe that there are diferent planes or dimensions, like in Dungeons and Dragons, these ghosts are torn between them.

Any being capable of becoming like this must have a special sense of awareness or expanded consciousness like other beings capable of  transversing planes like that do.

So with this expanded consciousness they would not need visual confirmation to see arpound them.  So when spinning insanely fast Samus could use that ability to judge where she is and what is around her.
Hm...So like, Samus jumps forward, up, and to the left, while staying in the same place in the fourth dimension, and viewing her progress from there?  Keep in mind, I have no experience with D&D.

The other thing that could work is that the whole suit is like a camera.  That way, when Samus space jumps, the suit finds her rotational speed, and figures out which pictures to show Samus at which time, creating the illusion for Samus that she's not spinning at all.  Of course, she'd get motion sick like a mother, but they might have some cure for that.
What about the Phazon beam? How does it work?
My opinion is this: In the Phazon suit there's this siphon system that draws in liquid phazon and brings it to her arm cannon when Samus is standing on it. This also explains why the phazon puddles deplete during Prime's final battle.
Sorry that this draws away from the space jump concept.
Yeah, my theory is that, during the corruption of the suit, it got kinda "addicted" to phazon. The arm cannon probably opens in that way to allow more phazon in, and samus can use this to fire the phazon out in a beam.
That idea add to mine, or is it a seperate idea?
Hm...Phazon suit and beam eh?  Lets see.  Alright, the phazon suit has a glow right?  Let us suppose that the phazon corruption destroyed the function of the Varia and Gravity suits.  Let us also assume that, luckily, the phazon has the capacity to do what the Gravity and Varia suits do.  To use the phazon beam, the suit pumps the phazon protecting and surrounding Samus into the arm cannon, where it is projected somehow, I'll work on that part later (Hi pressure stream?)  However, to maintain the suit's projection, there is a certain amount of phazon that must be kept around Samus to compensate for the loss of the Varia and Gravity sutis.  So, when Samus stands in a puddle of the phazon, there is excess, which the suit ejects through the arm cannon.

EDIT:  Oh wait, shoot, that wouldn't work.

When MP yanks the phazon suit off, she still has her suit.  Though for some reason I can't remember which suit Samus has on after that.

Perhaps the Phazon somehow temporarily halts the functioning of the Varia and Gravity suits...
She's in the Gravity Suit at the end. I think even when you skip Gravity too...And she's in Varia at the Mission Final screen.  :? Well, I think the previous explanations were all pretty good, the first one was my idea.
Also, we haven't considered the Spazer/Wide Beam...
Space Jump being a ghost form? Nah Chozo Ghosts were Chozo who got corrupted by Phazon. I don't think they're actually paranormal beings. Just screwed up Chozo.

Samus has jet type things on her back. That's more than likely how she space jumps.

The Phazon Beam - Samus' suit adapts to upgrades and enhancements whether they are of Chozo origin or not (Thermal Visor was Pirate built)

The arm cannon adapts depending on the energy given to it. When given a dose of Phazon it adapts to the Phazon to enable itself to use it.
the chozo, who were the ones who died from the phazon radiation, died and were caught between life and death, whereas the phazon distorted their life-force <the chozo were mythical like creatures>

the phazon beam was based on the space pirates' technology
remember that
samus gained her phazon suit when her grav suit was fused w/ the omega pirate.  the space pirates had advanced the omega pirate to the point where it uses phazon, thus allowing samus to use the phazon beam
I don't think that means it's based on their tech, as it says that the corruption of the suit is what caused the arm cannon to make the beam. Just think: if the space pirates had the phazon beam, OP would pwn you in about 10 seconds.
but that phazon that allows u to use phazon beam is raw/fresh, it was made w/i 2 sec when you use it
Skynes:  I seem to remember there being a log which states they are at least slightly multidimensional.  Also, what Zylok was talking about was the 2d metroid space jumps, and not about how she does them, but how she knows where she's going.

Mr. Chess:  You'll have to enlighten me a bit, what is the spazer/wide beam?  I've only played MF, MP, and M:ZM, and I don't remember it in any of them.

Aznwhore:  I like to think that the Power Suit can think for itself, or that it is extremely reactive to Samus's (sp?) thoughts.  She/it saw the effectiveness of using phazon as armor when she met with the Elite Pirates and moreso the Omega, and the next chance Samus/the suit had, took an excess of phazon and coated itself with it.  With a bit of thinking critically, she/it adapted phazon to be used as a weapon, however, being rather utilitarian, decided to use the phazon beam only when there is more excess, so as not to lose the rather beneficial defensive effects of the Phazon Suit.
I'm sure if they had the phazon beam tech, the space pirates would just shovel enough phazon into OP's room to trigger the beam. They could make little phazon distilleries to purify it.
Now,we know how a good deal of the how stuff works,right?

But what about powering them? So they don't get disabled at the worst possible moment?

Here's MY theory:
Remember,the Chozo were high as the sky in technology. So in that case,a couple Quantum Computers(If the chozo had them) could most easily do things like going from Power Beam to Wave Beam,Power to Ice,and Power to Plasma. And each Beam Mode has it's own Quantum Computers(which would make them very small),one for going from this beam to that,visor to visor,and our favorite to discuss: Morph Ball.

For the beams,each one would have about 5 QC(Quantum Computer)'s,each one with a certain function,like Plasma and Ice would have a temp control to make sure the beams won't Burn or Freeze her when she is charging them up,for example. The Power and Wave Beams would have overload control,to make sure they won't malfunction. All beams would have a change-beam to take care of switching from Beam to beam,and making sure that,let's say- If you switched from Plasma to Ice, the Ice wouldn't be melted,or the Plasma frozen. The other QC's would handle combos,charges,and reloading. That's all for beams.

Oh,visors. This will be MUCH easier! :D
Combat Visor would be built in as a standard for Samus,so let's not get into it until later.
Scan Visor- Oh,god. NOT THIS ONE! This one is tricky,but when Samus got her suit,the Chozo,let's say, forgot to activate her databases,and when it did,she had to scan them herself. When Samus scans something,she just has to think about it,a QC built into the visor(on the side of her visor,in that case) would lock on the object,scan it throughly,and see if it is in the databanks. If so,that piece of data is activated.
Thermal Visor- This is how it would work: There are de-activated
QC's on either side of Samus's visor,the Thermal Visor data would activate a heat sensor in the visor,and it sees whatever Samus sees thermarly(sp?). When Samus wants to see thermaly,she would swipe her fingers across her visor in a certain way(1 finger or 2,or 3),that visor would activate(like when she got the thermal in the game,she swipes her fingers across her visor,and boom,thermal visor).
X-Ray Visor- Much simpler than the others. When activated for the first time and every other after,X-Rays are emited through the visor,thus Samus sees in X-Ray Vision.

Here we are- the theory to end all theories.
Samus curls up to the smallest she can,then when small enough,a single QC with more power than all the others in the suit combined,makes a makeshift shell in the form of a ball. Yet it is not fully inclosed,so a sheild of energy fully covers Samus. That's why we think Samus turns to energy. When Samus wants to plant a bomb,It takes mere thinking,and poof-a bomb blows up a horde of Parasites. Whoa. Power Bombs are the same. Just that Samus isn't harmed beacause maybe the frequency of the Bombs and Power Bombs is the same as Samus's suit frequency.

Bah! My fingers are tired,so I won't do this till later.
She couldn't use her left hand to switch visors, though, since if you hold R you can still switch visors, and her left hand is on her gun. But remember how her suit is tied into her nervous system? She can probably just command the visors to switch with her mind.
Quote from PessimistByNature:
Mr. Chess:  You'll have to enlighten me a bit, what is the spazer/wide beam?  I've only played MF, MP, and M:ZM, and I don't remember it in any of them.

Well, it was called the spazer beam in Super, and it was called the wide beam in Fusion.
Ready and willing.
Quote from Mr. Chess:
Quote from PessimistByNature:
Mr. Chess:  You'll have to enlighten me a bit, what is the spazer/wide beam?  I've only played MF, MP, and M:ZM, and I don't remember it in any of them.

Well, it was called the spazer beam in Super, and it was called the wide beam in Fusion.

It was also called the Spazer in M2.
Something that seems odd to me is how spazer and plasma are not compatible together. Why couldn't they both work at the same time? Wide and plasma work just fine. Is there something I missed?
When activated for the first time and every other after,X-Rays are emited through the visor,thus Samus sees in X-Ray Vision.

Maybe we should pass the optical theories to people who actually KNOW about things like this. What do you mean, X-rays through the visor? Every object in the world emits so-called X-rays, more or less. Our eyes just aren't calibrated to detect them. We can only see in the color spectrum. Everything infra-red or ultra-violet or beyond seems invisible to us. That includes the thermal range, and X-rays.

The only possible explanation I've been able to come up with regarding Samus' visors is that the visor is, in fact, not transparent from the inside, except when in combat and scan modes. The only way we could replicate an X-ray visor of any type today would probably be if we somehow calibrated a camera to only pick up X-rays, put it on a helmet and made the "visor" like a computer monitor that showed what the camera picks up. But we know that's not how Samus' visors work...

Just saying. Optics are complicated.
i personally dont think nintendo went that far into explaining samus's x-ray visor.
if u asked them they would answer: Chozo
Ready and willing.
Quote from Aznwhore:
i personally dont think nintendo went that far into explaining samus's x-ray visor.
if u asked them they would answer: Chozo

Then you're missing the point of this topic. ^_^