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How do you do an Overcharge on those, anyway?
You have to go underneath them when their bulb is on top, and get out of the way when they slam their body into the ground. Then jump on them. The positioning is a little awkward, so it might not be worth it.

For Ridley, if you get him to 3/4 health while he is on the ground, he will be stunned and in lethal strike position. If you knock him out of the force field phaze while he is on the ground, he will also be stunned.
I noticed him doing the stun position after I knocked him out of his rage mode, but it always seemed to be for just a second, and I thought you couldn't hit him then.

Also, KingBroly, were you talking about Overblasting the Tree Spider or the Wave Pirates? Just wondering. If you were talking about the Tree Spider, I've found jumping near the head works best. I think you actually have to jump on right after it starts getting up, instead of when it's still on the ground.
I'm not sure about Ridley, haven't played the game in a while.
Does anyone know at what point the charge beam becomes stronger than missiles? Is it ice, wave, or plasma? Also, is Overblast any better than missiles?
Never thought about the different beams impacting the Charge attack...

Well we know for certain Missiles are better at Power Beam. Likely at Ice Beam.
You can spam missiles faster unless you have to do a lot of sense moves anyways. At plasma beam it doesn't matter anymore since you have Super Missiles.
Well, there are plenty of fights where you can sense move just as fast (maybe faster) than you can spam missiles. The Tree Spider is a good example. Also, for fights like the lava fish, you have plenty of time to charge between attacks.

Is Overblast stronger than missiles before you get any beams? Or do you need to get at least ice before it's useful?