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OH ****!!!!
Quote from nn12000:
Quote from PiccoloCube:
i think that Ridley was caught somewhere else and delivered to BSL.

I think it's more likely a clone of Ridley than anything else. 

Wasn't there a couple logs in Prime that stated that Ridley was cloned after the destruction of Mother Brain on Planet Zebes?

No that was only one log and it talked about reconstruction.
plasma beam v.2.0
it isnt even about the reconstruction.  its about his (? right?) new abilities since the reconstruction.
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TJF588: 2008-06-18 09:41:16 am
once GameFAQs, now Twitch
So, we're in agreement that at least up to Super Metroid's Ridley is the same Ridley, with body parts replaced by prosthetic or cloned pieces, right?  Well, there's also that call about creature restorations end/post-Corruption.

for Ridley's X-variant, there's...
- He was caught and transported (and later X'd).
- He was X'd and made his/its way onto B.S.L.
- He was cloned (assumably on B.S.L) then X'd.
- He and a team made their way into B.S.L post-X and got X'd (not mentioned yet, so I'm putting it out there).

Does anyone have the ofikal guide for Fusion?  Or any retail guide, really?  Perhaps a mention is made as to it all.

A thought:  The Japanese-edition Gallery screens (attainable in Zero Mission via linking) show a Ridley with an Aerodactyl(sp?)-like mouth, as opposed to the Octorok-like one in M1 and the Ictyosaur-like ones seen otherwise (I think).  The X-variant seen in Fusion (at least during the battle; don't remember what the frozen one looks like) features this build, where Ridley's appearance in Zero Mission (along with the comic?) is more semblant to his typical appearance.  Is the X-varient Ridley's true DNA-based form?  If so, why is there the discrepency between the Fusion Gallery image and the comic (both set in the same time, and I think made IRL around the same time)?  The image features her father shooting at Ridley, though the comic places him within a building, so all of this could be moot anyway, but if the X-variant is his true genetic form... that's interesting.

As for naming, I've seen "Ridley Robot" and "Neo Ridley"/"Neo-Ridley" around... Damn these namey things.

EDIT: This is prolly going into the General Metroid area (what hasn't?), but is this officially confirmed anywhere?
[quote author=Skreeran (/mundermann)]
Ridley is the primary antagonist of the Metroid series. Ridley is the last surviving specimen of the original Zebesian natives, AKA the Zebesian Space Dragons. He was found by the Space Pirates, and they soon made him their leader.
from: IGN: Ridley Biography
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
Neo Ridley is Ridley-X's japanese name.

also, that quote puts things into a different perspective. makes the 1 Ridley theory much more likey and cloning has to have happened since he was completely destroyed in mp3 and he's back in SM completely new (clone) not rebuilt like in mp1 and mp3.

also, X parasites seem to twist around a bit the nature of the creatures they copy. just look at SA-X. Ridley-X could be to Ridley what SA-X is to Samus.
once GameFAQs, now Twitch
All we really see of the SA-X not-suit-wise and pre-WhatTheHellIsTHAT is the face, which is mostly similar.  Heck, the suit seems congruent enough.  How much different is Ridley-X from Ridley? How different is it from what was under that coat of ice?
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Compare this with this.
There's a bit of a difference.
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rekameohs: 2008-06-20 01:32:52 am
Anywhere, everywhere
How 'bout comparing these?

Ridley has gone through quite some graphical changes. But anyways, Ridley is probably dead after Fusion, seeing as his icy "body" got destroyed, and the X controlling him was destroyed as well.
once GameFAQs, now Twitch
Quote from rekameohs:
and the X controlling him was destroyed as well.

I thought X take on the form of their hosts, not anything Yeerk- or Go[a]uld-like (as much as those gut-worms like to think "nothing remains of the host").

EDIT:  *flips between Ridley-X shots* DAMN, X do freaky things.
Anywhere, everywhere
Yeah, I meant the X with his form; didn't word it correctly.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
Quote from rekameohs:
How 'bout comparing these?

Ridley has gone through quite some graphical changes. But anyways, Ridley is probably dead after Fusion, seeing as his icy "body" got destroyed, and the X controlling him was destroyed as well.

knowing nintendo, they'll probaby resurrect him again (lol)
once GameFAQs, now Twitch
*checks fix'd link*
(Ridley's in the lower right)

Then again, this was back when Metroids had more tentacle/noodle/worm-like appendages.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
he looks like he got blended with a grenchler heh..
Super Metroid Addict
Even though i'm a huge fan of Ridley(i love Ridley X,even though he is so different),I miss good ol' Kraid...the little huge bastard could have been there,but,as the retro Studios said,putting that guy in a 3-D game could have ruined that boss fight for making it either  a pushover or a platform crap...
I miss Crocomire too...and I love the way the name is spelled...i'm usually call my young sister by Crocomire and she laughs at me and tells me to shut up..Crocomire could have been in Metroid Prime 2:echoes...somewhere in Torvus Bog or in the Space Pirate Base in Agon wastes...
But returning to Ridley..doesn't he know how to stay dead?xD
I have killed it let's say..a zillion times over,cause i've played and replayed all metroid games a lot of times...correction..i still haven't beat Metroid prime cause i don't own it,but that will be resolved on Monday xD

Ridley is a cool boss...a big bastard..but still cool

Jagger ftw
kraid should came back long long ago, like they said. there was a crocomire modle building in zm, but it didn't make it out, and the kraid modle, here is the picture

ridley is getting old... wwaayy too old, he is at every game except for return of samus, echos, hunter. and he is always soo easy and no fun (except for prime, and zm), there is even a topic about how ridley is a push over...
He looks so sexy in 3d.
Jagger ftw
yeah, it gives you the feeling that he is not easy any more :( :( :( :( :(
Anywhere, everywhere
I don't see how kraid could work at all in 3d, actually. His spikes go straight forward and his spikes move way to slow to make him challenging.

Oh, and ridley's a hell of a lot more fun to fight in super than in zm.
red chamber dream
Well, they'd obviously have to modify him a bit, just like they did with Prime's Ridley. His spikes could shoot upward in a parabola, falling on Samus; he could swipe with his claws, etc.
Jagger ftw
Quote from rekameohs:
ridley's a hell of a lot more fun to fight in super than in zm.

they are the same except in zm you can fight im in his sprite.. which is fun!
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Gamma_Metroid: 2008-08-06 05:11:36 pm
Quote from Arkarian:
Well, they'd obviously have to modify him a bit, just like they did with Prime's Ridley. His spikes could shoot upward in a parabola, falling on Samus; he could swipe with his claws, etc.

Maybe his spikes could go straight really fast, then blow up on the wall.  Or maybe they blow up sections of the wall and have some Metroids come out or something.  His fingernails can bounce off the walls/floor/ceiling.  He could roar to disable your lock-on for a bit (maybe you have to use another visor, like with Thardus).
Jagger ftw
then I would rather have op, since op is fun and easy
Quote from Gamma_Metroid:
blow op

Quote from Gu3st:
then I would rather have op, since op is fun and easy

... blow up?
OH ****!!!!
Quote from Gamma_Metroid:
Quote from Arkarian:
Well, they'd obviously have to modify him a bit, just like they did with Prime's Ridley. His spikes could shoot upward in a parabola, falling on Samus; he could swipe with his claws, etc.

Maybe his spikes could go straight really fast, then blow op on the wall.  Or maybe they blow up sections of the wall and have some Metroids come out or something.  His fingernails can bounce off the walls/floor/ceiling.  He could roar to disable your lock-on for a bit (maybe you have to use another visor, like with Thardus).

For a 3-D kraid to be a challenge it should have some kind of breath weapon. Its a kaiju it has to have one.  laugh new
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BioSpark: 2008-08-08 12:59:30 pm
Jagger ftw
... blow up?

you are werid :-s
Quote from BioSpark:
Quote from Gamma_Metroid:
blow op

* Gamma_Metroid looks around nervously