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Like the Speed Booster.
plasma beam v.2.0
the speed booster would have been imposible to work.  so they made the boost ball.  same thing with the xray scanner to the xray visor.  its the same item, just built on a 3d model.  they really should have done a spazer type weapon though... that would have been pretty sweet.
red chamber dream
The Boost Ball isn't much like the Speed Booster really. Sure it makes you go fast, but you can't Shinespark or go through blocks, which were the two main uses for the SB in the 2D games.
I think Ridley's better off not in Echoes considering the Space Pirates were barely getting around to raiding the planet a week prior to Samus' intervention.
Quote from Arkarian:
The Boost Ball isn't much like the Speed Booster really. Sure it makes you go fast, but you can't Shinespark or go through blocks, which were the two main uses for the SB in the 2D games.

Didn't we already have this argument about speed boosting, Kinetic Orb Cannons, and ballsparking?
Time bomb set get out fast!
I was really disappointed at the lack of a Dark Ridley.  It would have been the obvious thing to do; everything else seemed to have a Dark equivalent.  (No Dark Missiles or Dark Bombs, but that's probably for the best.)  For once there was a natural Ridley variant to include -- no ad-hoc "Meta" or "Omega" required -- and they didn't do it.  It's a shame.

Overuse?  Pfft.  Videogame series know not this thing you humans call excess, and we love them for it.  I'm with Soap on a Rope:
I want to fight Ridley, Meta Ridley, Mega Ridley, Ultra Ridley, Super Ridley, Hyper Ridley, Dark Ridley, and Omega Ridley at the same time. While riding on Turbo Ridley's back. Inside Jumbo Ridley.

Yeah, there was no Ridley in Metroid II.  So why make the mistake again?
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from jihnsius:
I think Ridley's better off not in Echoes considering the Space Pirates were barely getting around to raiding the planet a week prior to Samus' intervention.

Ridley could have served as incentive for them to work faster, they would have gotten much more done in that timespan if that were the case.

It would have been more fun to fight him than Chykka anyway, that should be more than enough reason to have him in the game.
red chamber dream
Chykka was better than some of the other bosses. I'm looking at you, Alpha Blogg.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Alpha Blogg's a sub boss though isn't he? Ridley gets to be a real boss.

I also kinda forgot about Alpha Blogg... >_>
red chamber dream
Quote from tomatobob:
Alpha Blogg's a sub boss though isn't he?

No idea. I don't like Echoze.
Quote from tomatobob:
Alpha Blogg's a sub boss though isn't he?

He's a sub-"guardian" if you want to be technical.
red chamber dream
My, what a big mouth you have.
Anywhere, everywhere
Alpha Blogg actually isn't one of the umpteen "guardians" in this game...
Time bomb set get out fast!
Probably because he "guards" an item that wasn't stolen from you (and you obtain it before you fight him). 

I remember reviewers complaining about having to fight a boss for almost every major upgrade in Prime 2; it's probably why Prime 3 is more like 1 in terms of giving you a few for free.  But I for one like to earn my powerups, and I love boss fights, especially when they're as interesting and creative as this series makes them.  Of course, you can overdo it.  Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance was a boss lover's pizza, but too many of the bosses were just giant regular enemies... and let's not even discuss Cretaphids and Slenches.  But Prime 2's Guardians pretty much nailed it IMO.

I also maintain that one Guardian was left on the cutting room floor, so to speak.
Edit history:
rekameohs: 2008-03-08 11:27:23 pm
Anywhere, everywhere
The only guardians that I found cool were spider and somewhat grapple. Bomb was too similar to a regular sandigger, jump and boost were just superpowered ings, and power bomb just sucked.

And the Dark Missile Trooper has to be the best and most challenging video game boss in history.
OH ****!!!!
Quote from rekameohs:
The only guardians that I found cool were spider and somewhat grapple. Bomb was too similar to a regular sandigger, jump and boost were just superpowered ings, and power bomb just sucked.

And the Dark Missile Trooper has to be the best and most challenge video game boss in history.

The last part was sarcasism right ? :|
Anywhere, everywhere
Of course not
plasma beam v.2.0
[quote="Mr. Shadow"]
Quote from rekameohs:
The only guardians that I found cool were spider and somewhat grapple.
stupid spiders... fun boss once i got used to prime 2's slightly different boost physics and stopped boosting right into it.  got worse when i accidentally pb'd it...
Bomb was too similar to a regular sandigger, jump and boost were just superpowered ings, and power bomb just sucked.

And the Dark Missile Trooper has to be the best and most challenge video game boss in history.

The last part was sarcasism right ? :|

not a chance.  and samus is a man...
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Mr. Shadow:
The last part was sarcasism right ? :|

Dark Missile trooper is an unstoppable death machine, if you're a real man. The Charged Dark Beam Plus Missile is for the weak. >_>
OH ****!!!!
Quote from tomatobob:
Quote from Mr. Shadow:
The last part was sarcasism right ? :|

Dark Missile trooper is an unstoppable death machine, if you're a real man. The Charged Dark Beam Plus Missile is for the weak. >_>

So you can't button mash with the power beam by what your saying?
plasma beam v.2.0
uh, what about:
pb's, light beam, the all knowing, all destroying darkburst, the annihalator beam, strait missles, mashing power beam, bombs, boosting, causing him to take fire damage (if possible), need i add more, are there more?  only boosting is hard.

btw, mr shadow, who said that quote?
OH ****!!!!
The ridley one? IDK i saw it in a post a page back and  thought it was hilarious. laugh new
Edit history:
tomatobob: 2008-03-16 06:11:17 am
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Mr. Shadow:
So you can't button mash with the power beam by what your saying?

Such tactics are also for the weak, real men headbutt him into submission and make him serve as your heavy weapons support.
OH ****!!!!
Quote from tomatobob:
Quote from Mr. Shadow:
So you can't button mash with the power beam by what your saying?

Such tactics are also for the weak, real men headbutt him into submission and make him serve as you're heavy weapons support.

You know that samus isn't a "man", so she won't ever be that "real man" your talking about.  extra_smug