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Don't know how that would happen.

Try deleting settings.txt from the tools folder and run it again. It will create the file on startup.
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Gunert: 2015-01-30 06:42:37 am
west furnace access why
I believe I've found the problem, the script is not making a settings file, any idea why that would be happening?
Edit: I got the settings file to start appearing but deleting it does not appear to be working, any other ideas?
Anywhere, everywhere
The very first thing the script does after printing the little title bar is create a settings file if one doesn't exist. If it fails to read the file properly, an error will come up and tell you why it didn't work and delete the file. Haven't heard it not working for anyone else. There's also no way that it's not reading it correctly in some form because that's the only way it knows whether you're in the MP1 or 2 menu. So if you can see that part of the menu, it's still working in some capacity. I suppose you could edit the settings file directly, it's exactly the same syntax that I say in the settings documentation within the script.
west furnace access why
hm, not even editing the file is helping, I'm still getting the error.
Just don't use shoemaker's tool, it's not that difficult to setup otherwise especially if that is giving you issues
Edit history:
Gunert: 2015-01-31 05:52:40 pm
Gunert: 2015-01-31 05:52:34 pm
Gunert: 2015-01-31 05:52:33 pm
west furnace access why
that's what I'll probably end up doing. one last question though, what is suppose to be in the prime1/2 files when you extract the iso's? because the PAKs and audio files were empty when I checked them.
edit: would the fact the iso's are randomized have anything to do with it?
Um, no. There should definitely be shit in there. That might be why shoemaker's tool is having trouble...
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Gunert: 2015-01-31 11:10:47 pm
west furnace access why
ok, I figured it out. You CANNOT use an ISO that is randomized as the file you dump, it needs to be a fresh one. (I'm only putting this here in case someone else has the same problem at some point)
Anywhere, everywhere
Yeah, since the script actually opens, it's clearly not that it's failing to read the settings file. It's probably because you had a faulty ISO.
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Gunert: 2015-02-01 11:53:37 am
west furnace access why
one last problem (yay), the ILS and frigate skip functions don't appear to be working plus its not randomizing. I got it to work once, idk how though.
edit: nevermind, I figured it out. Must have messed up something on the old script I was using, I downloded a new one.
Anywhere, everywhere
The posts in here reminded me that I had fixed a couple of the bugs from v2.2 a while back, but never released it. So I've fixed a bunch of stuff, but most of it is under the hood. I'll call it v3.0. Again, it's located here, as per usual.

This version now fully supports the Wii versions of each of the games. There were problems before, but they're all tested and working now. Frigate skip, randomizers, options, etc. are working now for Trilogy PAL, Prime New Play Control, and Echoes New Play Control (Trilogy NTSC worked before). So every version should be working now, except for the elusive 0-01 and Korean version, but whatever. It's interesting that Trilogy PAL has a different folder structure than Trilogy NA. PAL must've included a system update on the disc.

I also included a readme for the script itself for this release.

- Added support for the frigate skip in Trilogy PAL and New Play Control (it's now in all versions)
- Fixed the folder structure for the Trilogy PAL/New Play Control versions
- Fixed a bug where running the refill randomizer, then turning it off would still have it read that it's on
- Exceptions are now displayed when you're running a custom seed
- Updated the formatting of the randomizer options display as the randomizer is running just to be a little more pleasing to the eye
- Display exceptions to be randomized as the randomizer is running (this is done with new files "MP1_items.txt" and "MP2_items.txt")
- Major cleanup/bugfixes
- Put together the readme

Note that the "MP1_items.txt" and "MP2_items.txt" files are new, so update the "tools" folder if you're using an older version. There's no need to dump the ISO again.

Here's a little image of the display screen that comes up if you're running a randomizer. For example, here's a little display for the Echoes Randomizer.

Have fun! Of course, let me know if you're having any problems.
Where does the ISO have to be for your script to dump it? It's in the root [C:\mp1.iso] but your program says it's not found :/
same folder as the script, i assume
Anywhere, everywhere
Yeah, exactly
What am I doing wrong :c
Anywhere, everywhere
You have to download the whole package in the zip.... Don't move stuff around. Keep the "tools" folder, that's where all of the meat is
Anywhere, everywhere
- Added some more error messages to hopefully keep any confusion from happening while things are running
- Put a warning message when dumping an ISO/WBFS again when one has already been dumped
- Added "all" to randomizer settings if you want to run the frigate skip / warps in MP1 or the music randomizer in MP2 without randomizing any items
lol It gave me a malware warning. What did you do to it?
rekameohs injected a dangerous GUI interface that will track your IP address. I'd be careful with that if I were you.
Anywhere, everywhere
Every new version's gonna do that for a little while since it's a batch script and those can be dangerous if they're from an untrustworthy source (not like me, right bro?!) It seems to go away after a couple hours once enough people have downloaded it or something. I dunno.

Just don't use Chrome to download it right when I release it, because Chrome is overly protective
I'll be sure to download two.
Some people have gotten good seeds in Prime and Echoes Randomizer, which makes me wonder how good placement could be for a low%, any% or 100%.

For example: what is the absolute fastest and lowest low% that can be done?  Minimally needed (percentage wise) are the artifacts, 4 beams, phazon suit, and space jump.  Leaving SJ alone seems good, but after that what would be the optimal locations of the rest to minimize time?

Can one set the item placements in Randomizer, rather than trying a bunch of seeds?
I don't know how you expect to get anywhere in the game without missiles, morph ball, or morph ball bombs.
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Skull64: 2015-02-12 08:01:21 pm
I think it's been determined that 17% 18% is possible in randomizer. You need:

1. Missiles
2. Morph Ball
3. Bombs
4. Wave Beam (required to defeat Prime)
5. Ice Beam (required to defeat Prime unless you get Charge+Supers)
6. Plasma Beam (required to defeat Prime)
7-18: Artifacts (required to open Impact Crater)
Phazon Suit (required to defeat Prime)

Things you get in 21% that you could theoretically skip:

1. Power Bombs because Warrior is in a different place
2. Varia Suit because you get Phazon Suit instead
3. X-Ray Visor because you don't need to fight OP
4. Ice Beam because it's not required to beat Prime

Now that I'm thinking about it it might be possible to skip Missiles or Bombs too, depending on how many items you can get without them.
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Aruki: 2015-02-12 07:41:02 pm
The problem with missiles is the missile lock on the way to Artifact Temple (and tons of other missile locks scattered throughout the game), and the problem with bombs is Phazon Core. It might be feasible to exchange bombs + missiles with space jump though.

Also Ice Beam should be on that list. The only way you don't need it to beat Prime is if you pick up charge + supers.