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Skull64: 2015-02-12 08:06:26 pm
Skull64: 2015-02-12 08:06:17 pm
Skull64: 2015-02-12 07:59:10 pm
17% without Missiles:

1. Tallon Overworld - Alcove - Space Jump Boots - Morph Ball
2. Tallon Overworld - Landing Site - Missile Expansion - Morph Ball Bomb
3. Chozo Ruins - Main Plaza - Missile Expansion - Wave Beam
4. Chozo Ruins - Ruined Nursery - Missile Expansion - Ice Beam
5. Chozo Ruins - Ruined Gallery - Missile Expansion - Plasma Beam
_. Chozo Ruins - Hive Totem - Missile Launcher - Phazon Suit

Can't really do much from here. There might be some OoB stuff but you're probably not getting 12 more items from this point.

17% without Bombs:

1. Tallon Overworld - Alcove - Space Jump Boots - Morph Ball
2. Tallon Overworld - Landing Site - Missile Expansion - Missile Launcher
3. Tallon Overworld - Artifact Temple - Artifact of Truth - Wave Beam
4. Tallon Overworld - Transport Tunnel B - Missile Expansion - Ice Beam
5. Chozo Ruins - Ruined Shrine - Morph Ball - Plasma Beam
_. Chozo Ruins - Ruined Gallery - Missile Expansion - Phazon Suit
6. Chozo Ruins - Hive Totem - Missile Launcher - Artifact 1
7. Chozo Ruins - Transport Access North - Energy Tank - Artifact 2
8. Chozo Ruins - Main Plaza - Energy Tank - Artifact 3
9. Chozo Ruins - Gathering Hall - Missile Expansion - Artifact 4
10. Chozo Ruins - Watery Hall Access - Missile Expansion - Artifact 5
11. Chozo Ruins - Watery Hall - Missile Expansion - Artifact 6
12. Chozo Ruins - Furnace - Energy Tank - Artifact 7
13. Magmoor Caverns - Warrior Shrine - Artifact of Strength - Artifact 8
14. Magmoor Caverns - Storage Cavern - Missile Expansion - Artifact 9
15. Magmoor Caverns - Magmoor Workstation - Energy Tank - Artifact 10
16. Phendrana Drifts - Ruined Courtyard - Energy Tank - Artifact 11 (have to do Thardus Dash)
17. Phendrana Drifts - Ice Ruins West - PB Expansion - Artifact 12
__. Phendrana Drifts - Ice Ruins East - Missile Expansion - Extra Artifact
__. Phendrana Drifts - Phendrana Shorelines - Missile Expansion - Extra Artifact

Other items you might be able to get...

Chozo Ruins - Crossway - Missile Expansion (probably need SJ)
Magmoor Caverns - Fiery Shores - Missile Expansion (need SJ?)
Magmoor Caverns - Triclops Pit -  Missile Expansion (need SJ?)
Phendrana Drifts - Observatory - Super Missile (probably need SJ)
Phendrana Drifts - Research Lab Aether - Missile Expansion (if Observatory is possible)
Phendrana Drifts - Research Lab Aether - Energy Tank (if Observatory is possible))
Phendrana Drifts - Research Core - Thermal Visor (if Observatory is possible)

This seemed entirely possible until I saw Parax's comment about Phazon Core. Damn.
Quote from Parax:
It might be feasible to exchange bombs + missiles with space jump though.

I'd like to see an analysis of this... my knowledge of what's possible with OoB is pretty lacking.
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SkippyJr: 2015-02-12 09:46:16 pm
I just went through Phazon Core without using Morphball/Bombs.  Metroids have a secret weakness: if they latch onto you and you go through a door, they explode!  The missile recharge room was very helpful.  One can camp at the boundary of a map change to minimize damage.

Did it twice now: on entering lure the bottom metroid through the lower door, then run to the recharge room.  There lure both spawned metroids and get them through the door one after another, then go towards Prime.  0 health lost.

There are plenty of SWs available with spacejump in Tallon Overworld to reach Impact Crater.  Landing Site is a pretty crashy room though (when has that stopped anybody).  Wasn't there a thread 2-4 years ago where someone was trying to see how many items they could get in Tallon Overworld before going to the Chozo Ruins?  I recall rekameohs was there.

So unless there are some problems with a lack of locations to put items, I think that morphball, bombs, and missiles can be skipped.  At least the first 2, or the last 1.
Phazon core is only a problem without bombs if you don't have space jump. Naturally it's fine if you have it.
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Jack879: 2015-02-13 09:40:04 pm
No clue if this has been said, but I've encountered a few times where a warp from an item pickup sends me to Phazon Mines- Missile Station. Now this isn't an issue itself, but I'm in the aether, ~10 rooms height above the room itself, and slightly off-center from the middle of the room. It's possible to get down and clip through the room if I'm careful with falling, but still worth reporting.

Seed: 1177594309
Excluded pickups: 5 19 28 63
Chozo - - - Ruined Fountain - - - - - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Mines - - - Missile Station Mines
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BioSpark: 2015-02-13 10:13:08 pm
Quote from Jack879:
No clue if this has been said

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Jack879: 2015-02-13 10:14:59 pm
Oh haha. Thank you for showing my ineptitude. I tried the search function but I'm just bad.
It's not a bug, it's a feature.
Edit history:
SkippyJr: 2015-02-15 09:12:37 am
SkippyJr: 2015-02-14 06:09:08 pm
SkippyJr: 2015-02-14 06:01:17 pm
SkippyJr: 2015-02-14 05:58:39 pm
SkippyJr: 2015-02-14 05:45:38 pm
SkippyJr: 2015-02-14 05:43:39 pm
How does the seed / excluded list exactly set the new locations?  It looks like the excluded things are locked out first and the indicies of the rest 0..N are operated on.  What's done then, something like RC4 initialization?

For investigating low% with placed items, here are all(?) the item locations that can be reached without OOB with space jump + missiles + required (12 artifacts, 3 beams, phazon suit) = 18 item / 17% (my bad, phazon suit doesn't count)
Chozo Ruins - Main Plaza (Half-pipe)
Chozo Ruins - Main Plaza (Grapple ledge)
Chozo Ruins - Main Plaza (Locked door)
Chozo Ruins - Ruined Shrine ("Beetle battle")
Chozo Ruins - Tower of Light
Chozo Ruins - Tower Chamber
Chozo Ruins - Ruined Gallery (Missile wall)
Chozo Ruins - Transport Access North
Chozo Ruins - Hive Totem
Tallon Overworld - Alcove
Tallon Overworld - Root Cave
Tallon Overworld - Artifact Temple
Tallon Overworld - Transport Tunnel B
Tallon Overworld - Arbor Chamber

That's 14 of 18 items.  Wallcrawling without morphball and bombs can get you perma-stuck.  With 3 wallcralls you can get 5 more items (at least):  Main Plaza(SW) -> Arbetorium then get items (15) Watery Hall Access and (16) Watery Hall.  Gathering Hall(SW) -> Sun Chamber and get floaty jump and items (17 and 18) Sun Chamber.  Sun Chamber (FJ SW) -> Main Plaza and can pick up (19) Main Plaza (Tree).  One more item than needed.  (Watery Hall (Underwater) is also available with an aditional wallcrawl.)

Adding only morph ball to the mix gives 19 items / 18% but can be done with no OOB with 7 more item locations reachable for a total of 21 in bound reachable locations (you can ignore the hardest 2!).
Chozo Ruins - Ruined Shrine (Half-pipe)
Chozo Ruins - Watery Hall Access
Chozo Ruins - Watery Hall (Scan puzzle)
Tallon Overworld - Landing Site
Tallon Overworld - Frigate Crash Site
Tallon Overworld - Overgrown Cavern
Tallon Overworld - Cargo Freight Lift to Deck Gamma

I verified each of these, and there may be more that were missed.  Can any items in Magmoor be collected with 99 health?  Swapping space jump for bombs would chage what can be reached quite a bit.
Edit history:
Aruki: 2015-02-14 10:16:48 pm
Aruki: 2015-02-14 09:52:05 pm
Aruki: 2015-02-14 09:50:48 pm
I don't think you can get anything in Magmoor with 99 health, but if you pick up the Phazon Suit then you don't need to worry about that and that opens up Fiery Shores, Triclops Pit, and Warrior Shrine. Lava Lake might be accessible with a wallcrawl from Main Plaza but that'd be rather difficult to pull off without Morph Ball. Plasma Processing is theoretically possible with Wave + Ice or Plasma, but again, not fun without morph ball.

Unfortunately it seems like 17% is the limit of what you can get without morph ball or wallcrawling. Can't think of anywhere else that's accessible.
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Skull64: 2015-02-15 02:13:47 am
I wonder what the low% would be for warp randomizer. It wouldn't surprise me if it were possible to get the beams, Artifacts, Phazon Suit, and SJ without getting anything else and then get warped into Artifact Temple. That would be 16%.
I wish there was a seed viewer
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SkippyJr: 2015-02-22 09:48:19 am
Anyone want to play an 18% (19 items as listed above) game without any OOB?

Exclusion list: 2,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,19,20,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,35,36,38,39, 40,42,43,44,45,46,59,63,67,68,69,70,71,73,74,75,76,78,79,80,81,82,84,85,86,87,89,93,94,95,97

Any one of these seeds (and more!) (phazon suit, wave beam, and ice beam should be in a reachable place):

No Thardus Dash (which would open up even more locations), but you will need 0-00 to climb Frozen Pike to leave Phendrana.  Look through the logs of each seed to find one which is not annoying to you.

Method used to find them:  Fix needed items that are in reachable places and unwanted items that are in nonreachable places.  Let the randomizer do the rest of the work and make sure that all needed items end up in reachable locations.
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Skull64: 2015-03-11 08:57:17 pm
Skull64: 2015-03-08 12:17:23 am
Okay so Baby Sheegoth and I have decided that 16% randomizer is possible. The items are 12 artifacts, 3 beams, SJ, and Phazon Suit.

Get these items normally.

1. Tallon Overworld - Alcove - Space Jump Boots - Space Jump Boots
2. Chozo Ruins - Main Plaza - Missile Expansion - Wave Beam
3. Chozo Ruins - Main Plaza - Missile Expansion - Ice Beam
4. Chozo Ruins - Main Plaza - Energy Tank - Plasma Beam
5. Chozo Ruins - Ruined Nursery - Missile Expansion - Artifact 1 (don't need morph because artifacts are big)
_. Chozo Ruins - Hive Totem - Missile Launcher - Phazon Suit

Get out of bounds in Main Plaza and wallcrawl to Gathering Hall.

6. Chozo Ruins - Gathering Hall - Missile Expansion - Artifact 2 (get from OoB; stay OoB)

Wallcrawl from Gathering Hall to Watery Hall.

7. Chozo Ruins - Watery Hall - Charge Beam - Artifact 3

Get out of bounds in Watery Hall and wallcrawl to Sun Tower. Activate the trigger to change Sunchamber's state to the Ghost fight.

8. Chozo Ruins - Sunchamber - Artifact of Wild - Artifact 4

Get out of bounds in Tallon Canyon and wallcrawl to Landing Site.

9. Tallon Overworld - Landing Site - Missile Expansion - Artifact 5 (get from OoB; stay OoB)

Wallcrawl from Landing Site to Root Cave.

10. Tallon Overworld - Transport Tunnel B - Missile Expansion - Artifact 6
11. Tallon Overworld - Root Cave - Missile Expansion - Artifact 7
12. Tallon Overworld - Arbor Chamber - Missile Expansion - Artifact 8
13. Magmoor Caverns - Fiery Shores - Missile Expansion - Artifact 9
14. Magmoor Caverns - Warrior Shrine - Artifact of Strength - Artifact 10
15. Magmoor Caverns - Plasma Processing - Plasma Beam - Artifact 11

Get out of bounds in Root Cave and wallcrawl to Artifact Temple.

16. Tallon Overworld - Artifact Temple - Artifact of Truth - Artifact 12

Note that until I confirmed it's possible to get an artifact in Gathering Hall out of bounds, the next best idea was going to be wallcrawling from Tallon Canyon all the way through the crashed frigate to Great Tree Hall and getting the missile in Main Quarry.

There's probably something we haven't through of but I think this seems pretty possible. The only problem is that I calculate the chance that a random seed is compatible with this list is around 1 in 356 trillion (17 factorial) where the actual number of seeds is 2.15 billion (2^31). Is it possible to manually place items in specific locations?
Quote from Skull64:
Is it possible to manually place items in specific locations?

yes but i have no fucking idea how.

Also, should I ask Nate to change my name to Tom Lube just for the sake of not being confusing or is it too memeular now
It's possible if you do it by modifying the files yourself, but the randomizer doesn't have any function to do that.
WTF @skull I did this a LONG time ago. http://pastebin.com/14mZNzzU
Quote from JustinDM:
WTF @skull I did this a LONG time ago. http://pastebin.com/14mZNzzU

Remind me how you're getting from Tower of Light to Main Plaza without missiles
I dun goofed.
Quote from Skull64:
Quote from JustinDM:
WTF @skull I did this a LONG time ago. http://pastebin.com/14mZNzzU

Remind me how you're getting from Tower of Light to Main Plaza without missiles

Edit history:
Aruki: 2015-03-14 01:44:52 pm
Quote from Skull64:
Quote from JustinDM:
WTF @skull I did this a LONG time ago. http://pastebin.com/14mZNzzU

Remind me how you're getting from Tower of Light to Main Plaza without missiles

or getting the Ruined Shrine half-pipe item without morph ball

or getting out of Crossway without morph ball
Yea yea I did a bad thing.
So if you guys are willing to figure out the lowest randomizer % possible, maybe you would also be willing to try to figure out the exact requirements for every item in the game? I dunno when Miles plans to update the randomizer so that seeds are always completable, but I'm sure having that list would help either way.
When I said that Tom and I figured that stuff out, what basically happened is I would suggest an item and he would decide whether it was possible to get into a SW and get it. My actual participation was pretty minimal other than writing it all down.
Quote from Parax:
So if you guys are willing to figure out the lowest randomizer % possible, maybe you would also be willing to try to figure out the exact requirements for every item in the game? I dunno when Miles plans to update the randomizer so that seeds are always completable, but I'm sure having that list would help either way.

It's so impossible though man, I'll try to do some but like every item is fucking conditional on something you know? Like if you have X then you can do X but if you don't have Y you can't get Y unless you have Z. I'll try to do a tree or something but it will take a while (and probably not be all correct{