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Idkbutlike2: 2010-08-21 06:42:32 pm
Triple battle just make everything take more time.
fighting 3 zubats at once omg wat do i do
Club 27 Goals
Ryu, you must use STRATEGY.

Oh god, fighting three zubats, all of them casting confuse, goddammit.
Yeah, they'll definitely need to add a few new multi-targeting moves in the new versions.
Club 27 Goals
Quote from Idkbutlike2:
Triple battle just make everything take more time.

No, not really.

Lets say you fight against a trainer who has 6 pokemon. In a regular battle, assuming you kill each of his people with one shot, and you have all the animations turned off:

1-He throws out pokemon
2-You throw out pokemon
3-You select attack
4-They take damage
5-"Do you wish to switch pokemon?"
6-He throws out new pokemon
7-You select attack
8-They take damage
9-"Do you wish to switch pokemon?"
10-He throws out new pokemon
11-You select attack
12-They take damage
13-"Do you wish to switch pokemon?"
14-He throws out new pokemon
15-You select attack
16-They take damage
17-"Do you wish to switch pokemon?"
18-He throws out new pokemon
19-You select attack
20-They take damage
21-"Do you wish to switch pokemon?"
22-He throws out new pokemon
23-You select attack
24-They take damage

In a triple battle:

1-You throw out three pokemon
2-He throws out three pokemon
3-You select attack
4-You select attack
5-You select attack
6-They take damage
7-They take damage
8-They take damage (less depending on if you use any attacks that hurt more than one)
9-"Do you wish to change any pokemon?"
10-He throws out three pokemon
11-You select attack
12-You select attack
13-You select attack
14-They take damage
15-They take damage
16-They take damage

Am I forgetting anything?
Edit history:
UchihaSasuke: 2010-08-22 07:17:50 pm
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
at least i hope triple battles are as rare as double battles were in RS.

what worries me is if there's a section where you have to team up with someone. that was the only part in DPt where wild pokes appeared in doubles.
There are double wild encounters now, heh.
Edit history:
Idkbutlike2: 2010-09-16 07:27:19 pm
Idkbutlike2: 2010-09-16 06:30:34 pm
Idkbutlike2: 2010-09-16 06:29:36 pm
Well, looks like Serebii got their hands the some leaked pics of the new 5th gen Pokemon, along with their Japanese names.
Looks like they have all of the new ones listed there, or at least most of them. (156!) Some of them seem very weird as far as their designs go, but obviously it's hard to tell just based on the pictures and types alone. Speaking of which, looks like there will be a lot of interesting new type combinations from what I saw.
Club 27 Goals
idkbutlike, you should change it so the url actually takes you to the url, instead of a deleted topic <.<
Quote from Poision Envy:
idkbutlike, you should change it so the url actually takes you to the url, instead of a deleted topic <.<

Club 27 Goals
They seem to have a much bigger digimon feel to them this gen.
Quote from Poision Envy:

Thou shall not mention that name within this thread. Dost thou understand?
Club 27 Goals
in that case, this gen seems to resemble them-that-shalt-not-be-named more so than the previous gen (which already resembled them quite a bit).
Seriously though, it's beyond me how people are still into Digimon nowadays. It's such a forgettable bygone.
Club 27 Goals
nostalgia, if they had kept making decent digimon games then I'd probably play them as much as pokemon (which really isn't that much to begin with).
Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
lol, anyway, I actually looked through the images -- and -- some of the designs are S T U P I D -- I mean,

This one is my favorite, so far :P


Dive is an HM again. Diving in R/S was fun. Very Happy
Uhhh... because it'll melt from being inside a Pokeball too long, duh...
Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
I always wondered where men got the design for chandeliers... from poke-nature! .... heh
One thing I want to know is this:
What is the fascination with a Fire/Fighting starter? That's 3 generations in a row now! Still won't make me change my mind about starting off with the fire starter again, since it's not only a tradition of mine but the fire pig makes me think of Ganon at the end, but I've got to admit the final evolution of the grass starter is pretty slick too. Not sure how the water one goes from form two to form three, since the other two seem pretty obvious.

Some of my favorites at this point include:
The swan, the deer, the zebra, the polar bear, the electric spider, and maybe even the croc. A few others stand out from the rest but those six specifically seem pretty cool to me.

Also, anyone notice the potential Tauros evolution about 3/4 of the way down the list?
Club 27 Goals
That croc is def gonna be in my party as soon as I can get him.
Ouch, I just noticed something with what are likely some of the legendaries:

Those four ???/Fighting ones specifically (All with Justice Heart) are setup to completely bash on the rock one. Steel, Grass, and Water variants. Whose bright idea was that?
red chamber dream
my favorites atm are pururiru and its evo burunkeru. ghost/water ftw ... shame its stats sucks though.

Quote from Prime Hunter:
Also, anyone notice the potential Tauros evolution about 3/4 of the way down the list?

seems like it has to be a tauros evo. sucks. ;(

also what's up with "victini" at 494? first time we've seen a non-starter listed first in a new gen's pokedex.