Yeah... Play around in the lower left part of the map, there should be a way through somehow. I don't remember exactly though, and you might have to get Power Bombs too.
Actually I got it solved. They were power bomb blocks. I found the first P bomb expansion, so I am all set. Also, hey Nate, been a long time! How are you?
Well what the hell am I supposed to do when he starts alla that tail swingin' shit?
I have 299 energy, 26 missles, 3 super missles. What am I doing so wrong? I only get hit by his tail! I immediately (once it's safe) stand right below him and pump missles into him at a very rapid rate.
I immediately (once it's safe) stand right below him and pump missles into him at a very rapid rate.
That's your problem right there... he only does the tail whip when he takes a certain amount of damage in a short period of time. Slow down your rate of fire and you'll be okay. Some thread around here talks about it in more detail.
I need some help with the Meta-Ridley fight 9% normal. I found the Mother Brain fight to be fairly simple but I have loads of trouble when Meta-Ridley overlaps his attacks. And I am having trouble shooting down the missles before they hit me without the long beam. And advice would be much appreciated.
I need some help with the Meta-Ridley fight 9% normal. I found the Mother Brain fight to be fairly simple but I have loads of trouble when Meta-Ridley overlaps his attacks. And I am having trouble shooting down the missles before they hit me without the long beam. And advice would be much appreciated.
Yes, that can be very hard at first. If you crouch in the corner of the room, his claw will miss you. With the missiles, shoot up diagonally while crouched in the corner of the room to take out the first two, then shoot in front of you when the last one's about to hit you. This should take care of the missiles. When he starts shooting the green lasers, and one's about to hit you, jump straight up to avoid it, and crouch as soon as you hit the ground to avoid the claw or shoot the missiles. When he starts using all attacks at once, sometimes it will be impossible to avoid damage. But if you just jump up and crouch as soon as you hit the ground, you may be able to avoid the claw and shoot the missiles as well. But you may have to jump right away again to avoid another laser, and shoot the missiles on the way down to the ground. I would not suggest space jumping in the top corner, as it's hard to avoid the missiles and claw up there. After a long time you will win. I hope this helps and doesn't just look like a big wall of text. Also, don't expect to win the first try after reading this. It took me a few days to do it correctly. So expect to die a lot. And in the escape, be very careful. Take your time, five minutes is plenty. Make sure you know the trick to defeat the black pirates easily, or you may be very angry and break your gameboy or something. I would suggest watching ajBolt89's hard 10% 49:41. Although it's hard, he has about the same amount of missiles, and doesn't get hit much, if at all. Good luck!
Edit: this post ended up looking kind of odd. I tried to write it in neat paragraph form, but it looks like I pressed enter in random places. Anyone know what happened?
Edit: this post ended up looking kind of odd. I tried to write it in neat paragraph form, but it looks like I pressed enter in random places. Anyone know what happened?
You DID press enter in random places. While typing you post, you pressed enter at the end of each line before you got to the end of the box. Don't do that; let the words automatically move down to the next line. The post will look fine if you just type normally (like I am doing now ... see how well my lines line up?). However, pressing enter (such as I just did) to start a new paragraph is really helpful to the reader if you're making a long post. That's a good way to make neat paragraphs.
Another solution would be to skip a line in between paragraphs (again, like I just did), a common courteousy on this and many other forums. It breaks the paragraphs up even moreso than pressing enter once after you're finished a paragraph.
Note that you can't indent afaik on phpBB.
EDIT: You're welcome.
EDIT 2: Actually, I was wrong: you can indent with phpBB, using non-breaking spaces. I believe this only works in Safari, though (doesn't work in FireFox on Windows, at least).
oh no!! I'm stuck! I'm trying a 9% normal speed run and getting the super missles before kraid is got me baffled can anyone help? Another problem is somehow I got myself stuck in a save room!
oh no!! I'm stuck! I'm trying a 9% normal speed run and getting the super missles before kraid is got me baffled can anyone help? Another problem is somehow I got myself stuck in a save room!
If your doing 9% why are you getting Super Missiles, to get out of a save room you shoot the door
In case you want to know the items you get in 9%, here they are.
Morph Ball Bombs Missile Tank Power Grip Ice Beam Plasma Beam (Unknown Item) Space Jump (Unknown Item) Gravity Suit (Unknown Item) Varia Suit (Even if you choose not to grab it, the game will give you the varia and the 1% for it when you get your fully powered suit)