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Quote from PiccoloCube:
i have a friend that destroyed his GBA SP while playing F-Zero Maximum Velocity because he kept crashing and stuff :p. he tossed it violently at a wall and the poor thing died badly.

then, he broke another one after playing the same game but the second one was accidentally.

recently, he sent me the remains and it looked very bad. surprisingly, the chip still worked when i tested it :o. just no screen and case :p

if 10% hard SS is too much, i'll gladly wait for a 9% normal SS instead :p :)

9% single segments like crazy run, I try this run couple times, but most part take too much lucky. Yesterday im died Mother brain battle because im falling acid pool. Mother brain is pretty hard but Mecha ridley is too hard beat without death. Im really hate last escape after Mecha ridley, this escape cause lot horror with 9 ss run.
Mister ...
Umm, I'm having some problems right now.
I'm doing a 100% run, and right now i"m at 99%.  The one items I'm missing? The Brinstar Super Missile Tank.  I've seen the video on how to do it, but here's my question.  How do I stop my Morph Ball Speed boost (as I roll along the ground)?  Puh-Lease help!!!

EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out.
Eh, I need help with Mother Brain on hard. Im just taking a wild guess since I don't have the game with me, but I have about 7 full energy tanks, around 70 regular missles, and 4 Super missles, can I get some help? Tips?

Thanks in advance.
Mister ...
Break the Glass first, using normal Missiles.  When it's broken, and Mother Brain's Eye is open, use your Super MIssiles, and when you run out, revert back to normal missiles. Be careful not to miss, and remember, you can destroy the little round things for missiles and sometimes health.  Good luck, as you'll need it for teh Space Pirates.
Half of the Save Rooms are unaccesable.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Your guess is right...you can get some help.

I'd advise you to practice for the fun of it, just because big battles in which you have trouble with always give you a sense of accomplishment when you finally win. Other than that, if you really don't want to handle it yet, go back and grab some more super missile tanks. There should be a lot more you can get. Haven't you done Normal 100% yet? That's usually the first thing I do in these kinds of games.

EDIT: the simu-poster just reminded me :P

I say use two missiles and a super missile for the eye until you run out of supers. That way it shoots less.
How do I get out of Kraid if I skipped the Acid Worm?
Quote from the_glitch:
How do I get out of Kraid if I skipped the Acid Worm?

Use speed booster. Jump super jump over acid pool.
Mister ...
Or, you can Bomb Jump.  I managed to get out of Kraid without Speed boost.  Yay skippable items!
Quote from nn12000:
Or, you can Bomb Jump.  I managed to get out of Kraid without Speed boost.  Yay skippable items!

how did you bomb jump all the way to the end of that room? the only way you can do that is doing a horizontal bomb jump, but you would have to be god to do that. It even says in a NBMB FAQ/Walkthrough, that the only way to escape is to have speed booster.
Mister ...
Are we talking about the same room?

Speaking of Bomb Jumping, after getting the Bomb Upgrade, I went straight for the Varia Suit Upgrade.  I managed to get Varia, but not after a hell of a lot of difficult bomb jumping.  What a pain in teh ass.
The room they're referring to is the Rio Room, which requires either active ziplines or speed booster.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Yeah, nn...you can't skip both acid worm AND speed booster in one run. Either one or the other. He's asking how to get through the rio room without facing the acid worm, therefore without the ziplines activated.
Mister ...
Quote from JaggerG:
Yeah, nn...you can't skip both acid worm AND speed booster in one run. Either one or the other. He's asking how to get through the rio room without facing the acid worm, therefore without the ziplines activated.

Well, I wouldn't know, I haven't been able to skip acid worm.  DS Controls kinda suck when it comes to trying to grab those little blocks.  And the room I was talking about was the tall verticle room after Kraid, it's lined with the breakable blue blocks on the right side. So yeah.
oh, i thought you were refering to the rio room, so my bad.
Mister ...
If your talking about the room where you zip line across, and kill the little bugs that chase you, then I see your point.  I thought about it last night and I see the error in my ways.

i've done EVERYTHING in Chizoda but that.. and cant find anywhere long enough to run and charge up. Or any raps anywhere NEAR the entrance so prolong a shinespark charge.

Also im having problem getting this missile pack:

Heeelp X-D

you need to build up a charge on the long tunnel that has the sm tank in it, once you are charged up, then shoot the block on top, and jump on the next level, then do a shine spark to the left, then once you come up to the wall, crouch, then jump on the platform, and until you get on the very top of the room, shine spark again to the right. Once you get into the next room, immediatly crouch so you dont run into the wall, then screw attack the blocks, and fall off the ledge, once you see a small ledge with a diagonal walk-way, land there, then do a shine spark to the right, you will get the e-tank while you are still shine sparking.

sorry but i cant remember how to get the other one, ask somenone else for that, anyway, hope that helps
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
for the second one, you charge going to the left in the acid tunnel, then go into ball mode and shinespark to the right to pass through the small passage (i think you should hold right on D-pad during the whole shinespark)
Quote from PiccoloCube:
for the second one, you charge going to the left in the acid tunnel, then go into ball mode and shinespark to the right to pass through the small passage (i think you should hold right on D-pad during the whole shinespark)

yes thats what i thought, but to shinespark you need to jump. The passageway is on the floor.

ill try and get a screenshot

edit: doest matter.. done it ^.^
Time bomb set get out fast!
Have any of you guys mysteriously lost ending pics from your gallery?  I'm certain I got the 100% Hard sub-2:00 pic (even posted to that effect here), but now it's gone.
are you SURE you got below 2:00? did you have time attack mode on? that will tell you what your last game time progress was.
Time bomb set get out fast!
You can't get a Hard ending in Time Attack mode, so definitely not.  (But my 100% TA record is 1:30 if you're curious.)  And yeah, I'm sure I remember getting that ending.  I guess I might have turned the GBA off rather than waiting for the game to restart, if that makes a difference... but I don't think I did.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
what's faster this or my vbm
This sucks.  I'm doing a 9% run on Normal, and I can't figure out how to skip the energy tank on the way to the bombs.  I'll keep trying, but I'm not sure how to do it.  Wall jump probably.

EDIT: Wow.  After screwing up the three times before posting this, I got it my first try while this was in the middle of posting.

EDIT 2: Well, the zebetites are hard.  Any ideas?  I've been trying to let missile refils be in place before I need them but the turrets keep getting in my way.  Should I just ignore the turrets?
I have a quick, easy, simple question. 'Kay after you get the gravity suit is it possible to explore zebes again? Please tell me you can. I wanna try to do a 100% run.