Horizontal bomb jumping moves you laterally while deliberately gaining no height. HBJ is rather difficult to time and IMO you're better off learning the more "traditional" method for AWS. Diagonal bomb jumping is for both vertical and lateral movement, not quite as difficult.
Horizontal bomb jumping moves you laterally while deliberately gaining no height. HBJ is rather difficult to time and IMO you're better off learning the more "traditional" method for AWS. Diagonal bomb jumping is for both vertical and lateral movement, not quite as difficult.
Last question cause don't want to be annoying. How do you do a double missile and where are uses for it? only use I know of is for the worm that gives you charge beam?
For the Charge Beamst, at least as I recall, it's just a matter of firing a missile while on the ground, then jumping straight up and firing a second missile so both hit the eye at the same time. Timing's pretty strict.
Probably. People may have found more difficult things after I stopped caring about speedrunning, but that one was always way beyond me. Never had the patience to get it.
Probably. People may have found more difficult things after I stopped caring about speedrunning, but that one was always way beyond me. Never had the patience to get it.
zeldacia if you're interested in the game the zero mission discord is the best place to find stuff. pm me if you don't already have a link to the discord
It's mostly for a morph ball only challenge or for the difficulty of it. I sent you a discord link by the way. I'm not sure if you already had it. I don't use m2k2 regularly and forget =(.