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Bangaa Bishop
I dont have a problem with the actual quality of the sound, just saying I was looking for more..."musicy" music. I'm not  that fond of totally ambient music. Sometimes it's good, othertimes, it just doesn't do the job it's there for, even if the quality of the work itself is good.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
my problem is that it was a bit too quiet. the prime games have ambient music but it still feels like it is there clearly.
red chamber dream
can't you just turn the background music up?
Bangaa Bishop
That's another thing. Basically no options other than language.
red chamber dream
wow ... are we in 1999 again?
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Considering the graphics, voice work, and the control restrictions... Yeah, gaming like it's 1999.
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kesvalk: 2010-09-01 05:39:53 pm
Indie Lover
the graphics are not bad -_- they are not PC graphics, but they are not bad... no.
The biological environments are bad.

Desert is LOL bad, Snow world is bad, Biosphere is not good, etc.  Also, when you have to fight those things with prurple eyes in where's waldo view near the end...unbelievably terrible Idea. 
I mean, they're not amazing, no, but they're not that terrible.
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UchihaSasuke: 2010-09-02 02:11:15 am
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
true. it doesn't look as good as top games form the GC/PS2/XB days but it would be unfair to put it in the N64/PSX bracket. have you played a game from that era recently? Other M would be DC quality at the least.
Bangaa Bishop
I'm actually really happy shinespark is back, even if it's in a relatively limited way. At least it can be used to find things that *would* be pretty well hidden if the game didn't tell you "Do a shinespark!" like Peppy tells you to Do A Barrel Roll!
Yeah, any open room with a lot of running distance in it is practically BEGGING you to use the speedbooster and shinespark somewhere inside it.
To that credit, it annoys the hell out of me that they put so many of those damned "roots" around the long hallways so you can't speedbooster all over the place.
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kesvalk: 2010-09-02 12:02:15 pm
Indie Lover
yea, the roots were kind stupid, if you don't want someone to speed boost, then just make a more elaborate room...
Heh. :/ Yeah, it's blatantly obvious that all those roots etc are only there to stop speed booster.
lol no way
Like those blocks put on railings used to stop kids from skateboarding and scratching off the paint. Weak.
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HUDD: 2010-09-03 12:56:15 pm
I finished the game and it is the worst Metroid game I have ever played.  Probably because it is not Metroid.  I will not buy a Metroid with Sakamoto involved, I'm done.  Man, I wish I didn't waste my cash on this garbage.
I'm a crazy fanatic for 2d metroid.  Christ I spent nearly 3 years making a hack for it (Redesign)  and what I can tell, if nintendo siply made a 2d metroid game with none of this fps and 3rd POVOTS view then it would be golden.  they need to stop shoving us on a linear path and locking optional doors along the way.  Metroid is about exploration and only blocking off doors with ability limitations, and if the player is skilled enough to ibj, or wall jump high enough then grant them the damn ability to get past it and progress.

That said I don't understand the graphical hate, I think this game is BEAUTIFUL, easily one of the best looking wii games.  when you realize how much is going on in each room and how many enemies there can be on screen its impressive.
It's not so much graphical hate, but graphical disappointment.
We know that there's a ton of enemies on the screen and junk, and when you couple that with the fluidity of the animations (which had me in awe when I saw them), plus the Wii's hardware capabilities, you end up with a "mid teir Gamecube" style of graphic. Not all of us are saying it's bad. We're just disappointed.
Indie Lover
really, it's one of the best graphics for the wii i saw... it's up there with Monster hunter and mario galaxy O.o
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Opium: 2010-09-03 04:02:05 pm
I think the game looks great, I just don't like the way that it plays.  During a fight you can close your eyes and still win.  All you have to do is rapidly press the dpad so that samus does a sense move every time an enemy attacks.  While doing this, charge up your beam and fire everytime you hear it get fully charged.  Auto-targeting will eventually hit the enemy enough times to take it down.  I'm not crazy about a combat system that is possible to do with your eyes closed.  And, while I've gotten much better at the whole perspective shift after rearranging my gaming room, it still feels awkward.
(kes, before you get defensive please note that I respect your right to love this game and am not challenging your take on it, just expressing my own)
I've actually tried that method (once I realized, dodging and firing the quick charged shot was incredibly fast) and against the later enemies it doesn't quite work.

You CAN dodge the wrong way and end up in the path of the attack. And there ARE attacks that have to be dodged multiple times before having that "perfect" shot.

I STILL hate those Power Bomb doors because they fxing teleport if you fire at the wrong time.

This game should have had a Boss Rush mode. It would have ruined much of the point to replay the game, but it would have been great.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
They should give HAL a shot at the next Metroid. They certianly couldn't do worse than the last few. And they'd totally do a boss rush.
Indie Lover
Quote from Opium:
I think the game looks great, I just don't like the way that it plays.  During a fight you can close your eyes and still win.  All you have to do is rapidly press the dpad so that samus does a sense move every time an enemy attacks.  While doing this, charge up your beam and fire everytime you hear it get fully charged.  Auto-targeting will eventually hit the enemy enough times to take it down.  I'm not crazy about a combat system that is possible to do with your eyes closed.  And, while I've gotten much better at the whole perspective shift after rearranging my gaming room, it still feels awkward.
(kes, before you get defensive please note that I respect your right to love this game and am not challenging your take on it, just expressing my own)

nah, i understand that you don't like action games, i was just baffled that you were so bad in these types of games aiwebs_011
Quote from kesvalk:
Quote from Opium:
I think the game looks great, I just don't like the way that it plays.  During a fight you can close your eyes and still win.  All you have to do is rapidly press the dpad so that samus does a sense move every time an enemy attacks.  While doing this, charge up your beam and fire everytime you hear it get fully charged.  Auto-targeting will eventually hit the enemy enough times to take it down.  I'm not crazy about a combat system that is possible to do with your eyes closed.  And, while I've gotten much better at the whole perspective shift after rearranging my gaming room, it still feels awkward.
(kes, before you get defensive please note that I respect your right to love this game and am not challenging your take on it, just expressing my own)

nah, i understand that you don't like action games, i was just baffled that you were so bad in these types of games aiwebs_011
