This post was from me originally from the sequence break and speed trick's topic, but i decided to make a topic of all the known sw's, non-confirmed sw's etc., so we can keep track of the updated sw's and whats new. thanks to rekameohs for giving me some of the known sw's that i seemed to not notice.
Adventure mode secret worlds:
SW 1: Echo Hall
Found by: Metroid072
description: In the echo hall tunnel room, there is 2 crates that sit across the room from eachother. Jump on the one that is next to a corner, which is on the other side of the room. Then hit the pad to the right/left (depending which side you're on. Right side is you facing the wall, left is facing the morph ball tunnel, with a bomb/beam powered door), and jump. You will warp through the roof, and fall to you doom.
Special SW tricks, Echo Hall:
When you warp through the roof, you will see the morph maze below you, try to land in the tunnel, so by hitting the pad to the left/right (again, depending on which side you're on), you will actually warp through the tunnel, and land in it too! From here, you can just walk around the tunnel, shoot at the top/ceiling, and can get a nice view of the whole maze. But eventually, you will need to reset, because you can't morph for some reason.
SW 2: Thermal Vast
Found by: Dr. Trence
When you unmorph, at the front, you will see to the left of you a big pile of blocks. Jump in the lava and dbj onto the platform. Here, look up, and you will see a big pipe connected to the ceiling. Do a dbj onto it, and unmorph, then stick to the wall, (hold the d-pad left) and slowly walk ahead. At a point, you will see a big gap, this is where the sw is. When you come up to it, just hold down the d-pad, don't hold it foward or anything. This is because if you don't do it right, you will just pop through the wall, and not the sw, and will need to start over. So, when you get it down right, you will (as always), die.
Alternate Route 2: Thermal Vast
Found by: Mr Potter
This was actually the first one found. It involves jumping in midair after going on the jump pad. It will get you lodged in the Morph Ball tunnel, but you won't be able to move around in it
Alternative Route 3: Thermal Vast
Found by: Dr. Trence
Use the morph secret world trick in the tunnel, like method 2, you won't be able to move around in it
Alternative Route 4: Thermal Vast (recommended)
Found by: Dr. Trence
Stand against the front tunnel, and simply jump a few times, while holding up. You will be inside the tunnel, again, you won't be able to move though
Special SW tricks, Thermal Vast
1: When you start to fall, when you see the black gap, you will see a "lava ledge". This ledge is NOT in the real room, it is only in the sw. Try to land anywhere on the lava ledge. If you did it right, you will get damaged by the lava. From here, you can walk around the room, while in the sw! But be careful to not warp through the wall, stick to the edge. This trick may lead to some sw techniques.
2: This involves the "lava ledge" trick, and doesn't work yet, but i'm still testing it. When you are on the lava ledge, just basically walk off the edge, and at the peak of the "critical fall", activate your jump, (hence "ledge jump") you will still die, but the point is too prevent yourself from dieing, so you can walk freely around the "blank" space. But so far, you still die. It could work though, but it will be VERY hard to prevent myself from deing.
When you enter the sw, land on the lava ledge. Turn around, and you will see the platform that you dbj to reach the big pipe. There will be a corner on the edge of the platform, position yourself under it, and morph. Do a dbj, and when you blast in the air, unmorph. If you did it right, you will be "stuck" to the invisible tunnel you can't see. After this, morph. You will pop into the tunnel, then roll foward, and the tunnel's graphics will disappear! From here, you can just roll around the invisible tunnel, and you will see that you are actually under the room itself. To get out, simply roll to the boost pad. I've also noticed a glitch with this trick:
Position the morph ball so that you can see the platform that is under the tunnel, you will notice that there is a "gold square patch", that looks like is shining. I think i know what kind of thing that is, just can't remember the name, it is also in other places around the room.
Enter the sw, and turn to the back of the room, where the entrance door is (or tunnel), position yourself right under the tunnel that the platform is on (you should check your map, you will be RIGHT under the tunnel when the red dot on the map is together with the tunnel), when you do that, move your cannon to the side, and morph. Do a dbj, and unmorph while airborn, you will "stick" to the tunnel, once you do, morph again, and you'll end up in the tunnel. Roll foward and you will secretize the room, when you see that you can move around freely, unmorph. Then check your map again to see where the door is, when you position yourself up to it, shoot it. And when you hear it open, enter it. From here (if you game doesn't freeze, has it had done to me) just check your map again for the next door. Then the next, then the next. What you are doing is technically "wallcrawling", and "door warping". I'm going to try it out again tonight, but this is a awsome trick.
-Update- Well, i tried it again, and it seems that when you warp from room to room, the game freezes, it doesn't matter which door you use in TV, the game will just freeze either way. I warped with the other door, but it still froze.
I don't think using the door warp will work in this sw, but i'm sure it would work in other sw's. But i've been thinking for a while, when you are on the pipe, and can see the sw, the roof is still on the top, if i can reach the top of the room, then i might be able to warp the door the classic way (if i could even reach it), i'll try to reach the roof tonight. It doesn't seem to high, it just "how will i do it?" I'll firgure out something
-Update 2-
Well, I found a method, but it didn't work. The ceiling isn't solid enough to stand on. Like the walls, you just fall through them. So we'll need to stick with the original method, and just find a way to prevent the game freezing when you warp
SW 3: Vesper Defense Outpost
Found by: Mr Potter
His notes at scu:
Secret World: Bio Defense Chamber B (during Slench 3 fight)
Found by:Dark_SA-X and Banjo2553
Stay on the very edge of the room, next to a wall, and have Slench 4 ram you. You may fall through.
Secret World: Oubliette Hall
Found by: Mr Potter
I have a new secret world. It's in the long hallway in Oubliette that has the portal to the energy tank. When you first get in, use the "morph secret world" trick to enter the morph ball tunnel on the right (this works over there but I have not gotten it to work on the other side). More often than not, you'll end up barely inside the tunnel and it'll try to push you out. To avoid being pushed out, walk in the direction of the tunnel and shoot a charged missile or Magmaul to push yourself in. Then use Magmaul to push yourself down the tunnel. Eventually you'll pop through the wall and fall to your death. I've gotten this to work twice.
Vid: Coming Soon
NEW! Secret World: Alternative Route 2
Found by: Dr. Trence
This is a little tricky, and sometimed random. Anyway, when you are unmorphing into the tunnel, you will either: pop barely into the tunnel. Or two: Will unmorph into the position you reach to with a magmaul blast.
I've only done this once, but like I said, it is VERY random, but if ever used in speed runs (if you don't submit to sda, since they don't accept sw-assisted speed runs), it could save you about 5-10 seconds.
Secret World: Tetra Vista
Found by: ajbolt89
In the room Tetra Vista on the Vesper Defense Outpost, it's incredibly easy to get on top of the portions of the broken tunnel which are still intact, though if you step onto the center part that branches the two sides, you'll fall through. I consider this a glitch because there's no reason for them to have not made the cieling solid, considering that as far as I can tell there's nothing to get to from up there, what with pits all around.
If you follow the side all the way to the end of the room (which is actually really not that far) you can walk through the walls up top, and then fall into a pit... I shot the door before but didn't allow it to open, then when up top and fell next to it. It opened when I came near it and the room it connected to (a loading tunnel) appeared around me. That was awesome, cause I thought I was done for.
Vid: Coming Soon
Processing Core
Found by: Mr Potter
I have found that this works in both multiplayer AND adventure. Go to the top floor and go to the morph ball tunnel that goes to where Double Damage is in multiplayer. Use the "Morph Secret World" trick to enter the tunnel. Push yourself down the tunnel. After pushing yourself down far enough, you wall fall into the secret world. I originally found this with Weavel. It's easiest with him, because once you enter the SW you can just go into alt-form and be propelled out of the tunnel. It's useless and the best part about it is being able to place a turret inside the tunnel. Unfortunately, this severely limits the damage you can deal. I am working on making this a speed trick in one-player, where you instead of falling jump to the morph ball door and go through it to skip the piston maze.
Vid: Coming Soon
NEW!: Secret World: Celestrial Archives, Celestrial Gateway
Found by: Dr. Trence
When you first arrive, aim your cannon slightly to the left. You'll notice that there are two small oval-like circles. Walk up to it. Then jump on the left one, into the oval. You will "stick" inside of the oval. Then get your missile launcher out and aim it right below you (you can charge it, but it won't make a difference). Then fire a missile/super missile, and you will blast up in the air. From here, hold the d-pad up, so you will land on the top of the oval glass thing. When you're inside, just walk foward and you will exit the room and fall to your death.
NEW!: Secret World: Celestrial Archives, Helm Room
Found by: Dr. Trence
When you enter, turn your view to the left. You will see another one of those oval windows. Walk up to it. And then repeat the same process, meaning either use method 1 or 2. when your on the window, simply jump a few times and you will fall to your death.
These are all the known single player sw's, but there are many more. If there is one that i didn't put in my list, then it might be because it wasn't confirmed, or not noticed
If you have found any new sw's or techniques, then post it here, i'll confirm it, and i will update my list.
NOTE: I WILL put any new techniques on my list, but if it hasen't been confirmed, then it will say "NOT confirmed", next to the founder. Once it has been, i'll erase it and keep it where it is
Special SW techniques/tricks
1:Morph Secret World:
Found by: Dr. Trence
Morph into a ball, and roll towards a tunnel. At the right time, unmorph. If you did it right, you will unmorph inside the tunnel, and be able to get a glimps at the "boundaries" there is in a sw. This does take a while, and doesn't work in every tunnel or room. (as far as i know) Unfourtanetly, you can't jump though the roof, or tunnel, so the only way to get out is to morph again, or just walk out of the tunnel. But, in certain rooms (such as frost labyrinth maze), you can actually walk around the tunnel, as opposed to being stuck in it.
Roof Warp:
Found by: ???
Very odd trick. First, stand on some sort of item/block (this will be referring to the Echo Hall SW), and then put yourself against a wall. Then jump while holding the d-pad right/left. You will warp through the roof and end up in the sw. Sometimes, you can do this while you are in a small room, with a small roof, because the point is to warp through the roof, while using the object as an extra height-giver. This doesn't work in every room, except for echo hall.
Example of Roof Warp: Echo Hall SW
Alt. Form Warp:
Found by: ???
Very unusual trick, but it is very similar to the roof warp, only with the exception of a push out of the room. First, go into a corner, and get a hunter go go in it's alt. form (alternitave form), then try to make it lunge at you, if it got you good enough, you will glitch through the wall, and end up in the sw. Most of the multi-player sw's were created using this.
Found by: rekameohs?, Dr. Trence (presented it as a small speed trick, which never worked.)
I have made this technique the most useful in Alinos, alinos gateway. Where rekameohs has also came close to find a sw. First, find a big slanted wall, and jump towards it, you will see that you are actually crawling up the wall! But make sure you are actually holding down the d-pad left, or right, or up. It is a slow process, but still something. VERY helpful, i have almost come close to a sw using this.
Secret Room's
Found by: Dr. Trence
I found this in thermal vast, first off, when you enter the sw, and land on the "lava ledge", and turn around, there should be a tunnel above you. But there isn't. First off, you will see a platform that has a small curve on the edge, morph into a ball, and do a dbj below it, then unmorph when you blast in the air. You should be "stuck" to the invsible tunnel. Then morph, and roll foward. You will notice that the tunnels graphics will disappear! You can roll around the tunnel freely, but it will look like you're just "floating". Then, to get out, use the boost pad on the other side. VERY useful, may help with future sw's...
Door Warp
Found by: Dr. Trence
This involves the "secret room" trick, i first did this in the front tunnel in TV (where you first arrive), enter the sw, go to the front, position yourself under the tunnel door (check your map for the point), and when you get stuck, morph, roll foward, then you will secretize the room, so there will be NOTHING in front of you. When you can see youself moving freely (that means your out of the tunnel), umorph, then check your map again to see where the door is, when you find it, shoot it, and when you hear the door open, walk fowards. So far, when i entered it, the game froze, but i will test it out again. But that is a sign that you actually door warped! Just like in prime and prime 2, you will freeze the game depending which room you're door warping from. But that is a definite sign that you were in the sw, and that you warped.
Missle Barrier Morph
Found by: primetime
I found a super easy way to get into MB tunnels. Just put your back to the tunnel and shoot a charged missile at the ground a little bit in front of you. The blast will push you right through the barrier.
NEW!: 3BJ (Triple Bomb Jump)
Found by: Dr. Trence
Morph into a ball. Lay the first 3 bombs in your meter in a slow order, like this: (1.2.3 (just count at a fast tempo, look at the dots, and just count at the tempo)) When you come down, you will get blown up again from the last bomb you layed before. When you do, lay the 3 other bombs in a row, from bottom, middle, and top.
NEW!: "Go Through Wall" Glitch"
Found by: Dr. Trence
This is a very odd glitch, but does work. First off, the only place i got it to work was in weapons complex, VDO. When you are on the upper level, turn right, and put your back against the edge of the "frost wall". There are either two ways to do this:
- Use a missle, aim slightly down, and fire it. Then jump rapidly backwards
- Use the battlehammer, and keep blasting away, while aiming down. Eventually, you'll go through the wall.
The reason i'm posting it in the sw topic, is because i have come REALLY close to finding a sw. However, i can't reproduce it. Look at the "sw's close to being discovered for more info.
Secret Worlds close to being discovered:
1: Alino's Gateway: Not found, "barrier" blocking the roof
This involves the floating trick. So, behind the ship is a lava-fall. To the right of it is a big boulder. Walk in the lava up to it, and wallcrawl on the corner of the boulder, and the wall. When you get to the top, you'll see that you are on top of a small cliff. From here, proceed to the right, but, if you want there is small glitch while on this cliff:
Use your beam and shoot at the left rock pillar. You will notice that the beam shots will disappear. They are just not there... But if you shoot anywhere else in the room, the shots will "magically" appear. Just a small graphic glitch
Anyway, proceed to the right, and hold the d-pad left. You will wallcrawl when you walk off the edge. But, if you want you can just jump, to gain more height. But either way, you'll need to gain more height. So, when you're against the wall, repeatilly hold the d-pad left, up, left, up. You will gain the extra height this way. When you see a stop in the increase of height, hold the d-pad up, and left in a certain angle. A few feet later, you'll notice that the wall won't be slanted anymore and you will fall off the wall. But, there's still hope, if you let go of the buttons, then hold it in the same angle again, when you see a slanted part of the wall, you'll grip onto it again. If you did it wrong, you will just fall, so this part can be tricky sometimes. So, when you get it down, you will end up behind a big patch in the wall. Just keep movin foward, you will just go over the wall. After you crawl over it, you will see a platform a little above you. Gain the height by using the left, up, left up trick. When you get on the top, keep going until you come up to the platform, stamped against the wall. Then just land on it. This is pretty much the dead-line, but ahead of you is a big pipe connected to the platform you are standing on, and to another one. If you try to land on it, you will just get pushed to the side. These pipes and patches are just graphical objects that aren't usable, like to stand on, shoot at, etc. But i haven't tried to get past the pipe, so i or someone else can test that out sometime later.
2: Boss Room Hallways:
When you arrive in a boss room hallway, you will see ahead of you these green things that are on the wall. Jump on the series of green steps that are on the right of the room. When you get on the top green thing, hold the pad up, and aim down, you will see slightly a small portion of the "black space", which represents it as a sw. You can't get in it in any way, but hopefully me or someone else will find a way, maybe i can get inside using the rocket jump? Or something. But so far, these small glitches are useless.
NEW!: Weapons Complex
i have come REALLY close to finding one. in weapons complex, in the room where the two droid things are and where the big arena below is, there is a "frost" wall. if you put your back up to it, and keep rapidly jumping, you will see a little gap. sooner or later, the frost wall will go away and you will see that half of weapons complex is gone! i've only done this once and can't reproduce it, but i was about to take a pic until i moved away from the wall, then the graphics reappeared again. but, what the goal was is to just step out of the room, and die, like you would usally do. as far as i know, i yet again "secretized" the room, because i was trying to step out of it, but i couldn't, because the invisible frost wall was still there. so, maybe someone can try this out, but i don't think they will get it, it was VERY random, and the only reason i did it is because i was messing around with the "go through wall" glitch.
Multi-player Secret Worlds
SW 4: Celestrial Archives:
Trick: Alt. Form Warp
Founder: Electrometer Prime
In the landing site, get a alt. form to push you through a cornered wall, you will fall backwards and die.
SW 5: Ice Hive
Found by: boble_dude0
His notes at the scu forum:
Secret World 6: Ice Hive (multiplayer)
Found by: REVLINK3 of Nintendo's forums
These are all the known multi-player secret worlds. I am pretty sure that there are more of them, but they haven't been found.
Again, if you found a multi-player secret world, then post it here, then i'll confirm it, and i will update my list
NEW!: SW Speed Tricks
1: Echo Hall "Skip Key"
Found by: Dr. Trence, primetime
First off, use the "morph secret world" trick at the front tunnel in Echo Hall. When you are in, use a super missle or the magmaul, and bosst yourself backwards. You will jam even further into the tunnel. From here, you can walk around the maze freely. When you walk wher the zoomers are, NOT in the small room, but close, there is a specific spot where you can jump regulary. It's somewhere near the zoomers, but when you see that you can jump around freely, use a super missle, shoot it straight down, and when you launch in the air, use you second jump to land on the top. Here, just simple collect the artifact, hat doesn't have the barrier around it. And proceed normaly
NEW!: "Skip Piston Maze"
Found by: rekameohs, troid92 (found a alternative route)
All right, here's how you do it. First make sure to have full health, as this can take off many Energy Tanks. In Processing Core, go to the Morph Ball tunnel at the right. Keep using the Magmaul to keep pushing farther into the tunnel. Eventually, you will shoot out the side, ready to get the Death message. You have to be quick here; you have to jump and hold backwards to get back inside the tunnel the second you shoot out. If done correctly, the screen should be violently shaking.
Now for the hardest part. Shoot the Morph Ball door so it will open later, then fall down the tunnel. As soon as possible, you should jump in midair and just catch the lip of the tunnel leading to the end of Piston Cave. Then, turn so your back is facing the door and shoot the wall in front of you. You should be right on the Morph Ball door. From here you can do 2 things.
1: Just Morph, turn around and get to the back of Piston Cave. Very safe method.
2: Use more Magmaul boosts to get into the back of Piston Cave. Here you can do neat things like stand in the Piston Cave!
Other misc. SW's/glitches:
1: And then there is one "not a secret world but going through the wall glitch" in Alinos Gateway in mulitplayer. Go to the little crack in the wall under the Imperialist and morph while holding right. Inside of this wall you can see and fire at your opponents, but they can't fire or see back.
2: In multi-player, in alinos gateway, play as weavel. When you are in the lava, go into alt. form, then use the stylus and scroll down with it, you will see the "blank" space below the floor. Nothing special, but it sure is weird
3: A pic of the "wall glitch", you can actually catch a glimps under the floor, of the "blank" space:
4: In multi-player, alinos perch, when you die, you can actually find a small gap in the big cliffs, there you can get a view of the whole arena, and also viewing it as a sw
In the Tetra Vista sw, when you are on the roof, you actually fall through the middle part of the roof, or the big part. This part of the roof wasn't made to be solid, maybe because the developers never intended us to get on the roof. But very odd, if you are trying to get to the sides of the room, then use the little edge of the roof, by walking on the slanted part.
When you are dbj'ng onto the roof, in Tetra Vista, you can see a little "crosshair", it looks like a little fuzzy part that you can see when you are faced up into the wall. Weird graphic glitch

Adventure mode secret worlds:
SW 1: Echo Hall
Found by: Metroid072
description: In the echo hall tunnel room, there is 2 crates that sit across the room from eachother. Jump on the one that is next to a corner, which is on the other side of the room. Then hit the pad to the right/left (depending which side you're on. Right side is you facing the wall, left is facing the morph ball tunnel, with a bomb/beam powered door), and jump. You will warp through the roof, and fall to you doom.
Special SW tricks, Echo Hall:
When you warp through the roof, you will see the morph maze below you, try to land in the tunnel, so by hitting the pad to the left/right (again, depending on which side you're on), you will actually warp through the tunnel, and land in it too! From here, you can just walk around the tunnel, shoot at the top/ceiling, and can get a nice view of the whole maze. But eventually, you will need to reset, because you can't morph for some reason.
SW 2: Thermal Vast
Found by: Dr. Trence
When you unmorph, at the front, you will see to the left of you a big pile of blocks. Jump in the lava and dbj onto the platform. Here, look up, and you will see a big pipe connected to the ceiling. Do a dbj onto it, and unmorph, then stick to the wall, (hold the d-pad left) and slowly walk ahead. At a point, you will see a big gap, this is where the sw is. When you come up to it, just hold down the d-pad, don't hold it foward or anything. This is because if you don't do it right, you will just pop through the wall, and not the sw, and will need to start over. So, when you get it down right, you will (as always), die.
Alternate Route 2: Thermal Vast
Found by: Mr Potter
This was actually the first one found. It involves jumping in midair after going on the jump pad. It will get you lodged in the Morph Ball tunnel, but you won't be able to move around in it
Alternative Route 3: Thermal Vast
Found by: Dr. Trence
Use the morph secret world trick in the tunnel, like method 2, you won't be able to move around in it
Alternative Route 4: Thermal Vast (recommended)
Found by: Dr. Trence
Stand against the front tunnel, and simply jump a few times, while holding up. You will be inside the tunnel, again, you won't be able to move though
Special SW tricks, Thermal Vast
1: When you start to fall, when you see the black gap, you will see a "lava ledge". This ledge is NOT in the real room, it is only in the sw. Try to land anywhere on the lava ledge. If you did it right, you will get damaged by the lava. From here, you can walk around the room, while in the sw! But be careful to not warp through the wall, stick to the edge. This trick may lead to some sw techniques.
2: This involves the "lava ledge" trick, and doesn't work yet, but i'm still testing it. When you are on the lava ledge, just basically walk off the edge, and at the peak of the "critical fall", activate your jump, (hence "ledge jump") you will still die, but the point is too prevent yourself from dieing, so you can walk freely around the "blank" space. But so far, you still die. It could work though, but it will be VERY hard to prevent myself from deing.
When you enter the sw, land on the lava ledge. Turn around, and you will see the platform that you dbj to reach the big pipe. There will be a corner on the edge of the platform, position yourself under it, and morph. Do a dbj, and when you blast in the air, unmorph. If you did it right, you will be "stuck" to the invisible tunnel you can't see. After this, morph. You will pop into the tunnel, then roll foward, and the tunnel's graphics will disappear! From here, you can just roll around the invisible tunnel, and you will see that you are actually under the room itself. To get out, simply roll to the boost pad. I've also noticed a glitch with this trick:
Position the morph ball so that you can see the platform that is under the tunnel, you will notice that there is a "gold square patch", that looks like is shining. I think i know what kind of thing that is, just can't remember the name, it is also in other places around the room.
Enter the sw, and turn to the back of the room, where the entrance door is (or tunnel), position yourself right under the tunnel that the platform is on (you should check your map, you will be RIGHT under the tunnel when the red dot on the map is together with the tunnel), when you do that, move your cannon to the side, and morph. Do a dbj, and unmorph while airborn, you will "stick" to the tunnel, once you do, morph again, and you'll end up in the tunnel. Roll foward and you will secretize the room, when you see that you can move around freely, unmorph. Then check your map again to see where the door is, when you position yourself up to it, shoot it. And when you hear it open, enter it. From here (if you game doesn't freeze, has it had done to me) just check your map again for the next door. Then the next, then the next. What you are doing is technically "wallcrawling", and "door warping". I'm going to try it out again tonight, but this is a awsome trick.
-Update- Well, i tried it again, and it seems that when you warp from room to room, the game freezes, it doesn't matter which door you use in TV, the game will just freeze either way. I warped with the other door, but it still froze.
I don't think using the door warp will work in this sw, but i'm sure it would work in other sw's. But i've been thinking for a while, when you are on the pipe, and can see the sw, the roof is still on the top, if i can reach the top of the room, then i might be able to warp the door the classic way (if i could even reach it), i'll try to reach the roof tonight. It doesn't seem to high, it just "how will i do it?" I'll firgure out something
-Update 2-
Well, I found a method, but it didn't work. The ceiling isn't solid enough to stand on. Like the walls, you just fall through them. So we'll need to stick with the original method, and just find a way to prevent the game freezing when you warp
SW 3: Vesper Defense Outpost
Found by: Mr Potter
His notes at scu:
I was fighting Spire today somewhere in Vesper Defense Outpost on the way out of the level after defeating Slench 4. I got out the shock coil and started using it on him. He went into alt-form and started hitting me with the Dialanche repeatedly. He cornered me and kept using the Dialanache while I aimed down with the Shock Coil. Well, a second later I popped through the wall and into the secret world. I fell to the standard and started walking around. Soon I started to take damage and when I died, I got the message "Hunter has taken an Octolith".
Secret World: Bio Defense Chamber B (during Slench 3 fight)
Found by:Dark_SA-X and Banjo2553
Stay on the very edge of the room, next to a wall, and have Slench 4 ram you. You may fall through.
Secret World: Oubliette Hall
Found by: Mr Potter
I have a new secret world. It's in the long hallway in Oubliette that has the portal to the energy tank. When you first get in, use the "morph secret world" trick to enter the morph ball tunnel on the right (this works over there but I have not gotten it to work on the other side). More often than not, you'll end up barely inside the tunnel and it'll try to push you out. To avoid being pushed out, walk in the direction of the tunnel and shoot a charged missile or Magmaul to push yourself in. Then use Magmaul to push yourself down the tunnel. Eventually you'll pop through the wall and fall to your death. I've gotten this to work twice.
Vid: Coming Soon
NEW! Secret World: Alternative Route 2
Found by: Dr. Trence
This is a little tricky, and sometimed random. Anyway, when you are unmorphing into the tunnel, you will either: pop barely into the tunnel. Or two: Will unmorph into the position you reach to with a magmaul blast.
I've only done this once, but like I said, it is VERY random, but if ever used in speed runs (if you don't submit to sda, since they don't accept sw-assisted speed runs), it could save you about 5-10 seconds.
Secret World: Tetra Vista
Found by: ajbolt89
In the room Tetra Vista on the Vesper Defense Outpost, it's incredibly easy to get on top of the portions of the broken tunnel which are still intact, though if you step onto the center part that branches the two sides, you'll fall through. I consider this a glitch because there's no reason for them to have not made the cieling solid, considering that as far as I can tell there's nothing to get to from up there, what with pits all around.
If you follow the side all the way to the end of the room (which is actually really not that far) you can walk through the walls up top, and then fall into a pit... I shot the door before but didn't allow it to open, then when up top and fell next to it. It opened when I came near it and the room it connected to (a loading tunnel) appeared around me. That was awesome, cause I thought I was done for.
Vid: Coming Soon
Processing Core
Found by: Mr Potter
I have found that this works in both multiplayer AND adventure. Go to the top floor and go to the morph ball tunnel that goes to where Double Damage is in multiplayer. Use the "Morph Secret World" trick to enter the tunnel. Push yourself down the tunnel. After pushing yourself down far enough, you wall fall into the secret world. I originally found this with Weavel. It's easiest with him, because once you enter the SW you can just go into alt-form and be propelled out of the tunnel. It's useless and the best part about it is being able to place a turret inside the tunnel. Unfortunately, this severely limits the damage you can deal. I am working on making this a speed trick in one-player, where you instead of falling jump to the morph ball door and go through it to skip the piston maze.
Vid: Coming Soon
NEW!: Secret World: Celestrial Archives, Celestrial Gateway
Found by: Dr. Trence
When you first arrive, aim your cannon slightly to the left. You'll notice that there are two small oval-like circles. Walk up to it. Then jump on the left one, into the oval. You will "stick" inside of the oval. Then get your missile launcher out and aim it right below you (you can charge it, but it won't make a difference). Then fire a missile/super missile, and you will blast up in the air. From here, hold the d-pad up, so you will land on the top of the oval glass thing. When you're inside, just walk foward and you will exit the room and fall to your death.
NEW!: Secret World: Celestrial Archives, Helm Room
Found by: Dr. Trence
When you enter, turn your view to the left. You will see another one of those oval windows. Walk up to it. And then repeat the same process, meaning either use method 1 or 2. when your on the window, simply jump a few times and you will fall to your death.
These are all the known single player sw's, but there are many more. If there is one that i didn't put in my list, then it might be because it wasn't confirmed, or not noticed
If you have found any new sw's or techniques, then post it here, i'll confirm it, and i will update my list.
NOTE: I WILL put any new techniques on my list, but if it hasen't been confirmed, then it will say "NOT confirmed", next to the founder. Once it has been, i'll erase it and keep it where it is
Special SW techniques/tricks
1:Morph Secret World:
Found by: Dr. Trence
Morph into a ball, and roll towards a tunnel. At the right time, unmorph. If you did it right, you will unmorph inside the tunnel, and be able to get a glimps at the "boundaries" there is in a sw. This does take a while, and doesn't work in every tunnel or room. (as far as i know) Unfourtanetly, you can't jump though the roof, or tunnel, so the only way to get out is to morph again, or just walk out of the tunnel. But, in certain rooms (such as frost labyrinth maze), you can actually walk around the tunnel, as opposed to being stuck in it.
Roof Warp:
Found by: ???
Very odd trick. First, stand on some sort of item/block (this will be referring to the Echo Hall SW), and then put yourself against a wall. Then jump while holding the d-pad right/left. You will warp through the roof and end up in the sw. Sometimes, you can do this while you are in a small room, with a small roof, because the point is to warp through the roof, while using the object as an extra height-giver. This doesn't work in every room, except for echo hall.
Example of Roof Warp: Echo Hall SW
Alt. Form Warp:
Found by: ???
Very unusual trick, but it is very similar to the roof warp, only with the exception of a push out of the room. First, go into a corner, and get a hunter go go in it's alt. form (alternitave form), then try to make it lunge at you, if it got you good enough, you will glitch through the wall, and end up in the sw. Most of the multi-player sw's were created using this.
Found by: rekameohs?, Dr. Trence (presented it as a small speed trick, which never worked.)
I have made this technique the most useful in Alinos, alinos gateway. Where rekameohs has also came close to find a sw. First, find a big slanted wall, and jump towards it, you will see that you are actually crawling up the wall! But make sure you are actually holding down the d-pad left, or right, or up. It is a slow process, but still something. VERY helpful, i have almost come close to a sw using this.
Secret Room's
Found by: Dr. Trence
I found this in thermal vast, first off, when you enter the sw, and land on the "lava ledge", and turn around, there should be a tunnel above you. But there isn't. First off, you will see a platform that has a small curve on the edge, morph into a ball, and do a dbj below it, then unmorph when you blast in the air. You should be "stuck" to the invsible tunnel. Then morph, and roll foward. You will notice that the tunnels graphics will disappear! You can roll around the tunnel freely, but it will look like you're just "floating". Then, to get out, use the boost pad on the other side. VERY useful, may help with future sw's...
Door Warp
Found by: Dr. Trence
This involves the "secret room" trick, i first did this in the front tunnel in TV (where you first arrive), enter the sw, go to the front, position yourself under the tunnel door (check your map for the point), and when you get stuck, morph, roll foward, then you will secretize the room, so there will be NOTHING in front of you. When you can see youself moving freely (that means your out of the tunnel), umorph, then check your map again to see where the door is, when you find it, shoot it, and when you hear the door open, walk fowards. So far, when i entered it, the game froze, but i will test it out again. But that is a sign that you actually door warped! Just like in prime and prime 2, you will freeze the game depending which room you're door warping from. But that is a definite sign that you were in the sw, and that you warped.
Missle Barrier Morph
Found by: primetime
I found a super easy way to get into MB tunnels. Just put your back to the tunnel and shoot a charged missile at the ground a little bit in front of you. The blast will push you right through the barrier.
NEW!: 3BJ (Triple Bomb Jump)
Found by: Dr. Trence
Morph into a ball. Lay the first 3 bombs in your meter in a slow order, like this: (1.2.3 (just count at a fast tempo, look at the dots, and just count at the tempo)) When you come down, you will get blown up again from the last bomb you layed before. When you do, lay the 3 other bombs in a row, from bottom, middle, and top.
NEW!: "Go Through Wall" Glitch"
Found by: Dr. Trence
This is a very odd glitch, but does work. First off, the only place i got it to work was in weapons complex, VDO. When you are on the upper level, turn right, and put your back against the edge of the "frost wall". There are either two ways to do this:
- Use a missle, aim slightly down, and fire it. Then jump rapidly backwards
- Use the battlehammer, and keep blasting away, while aiming down. Eventually, you'll go through the wall.
The reason i'm posting it in the sw topic, is because i have come REALLY close to finding a sw. However, i can't reproduce it. Look at the "sw's close to being discovered for more info.
Secret Worlds close to being discovered:
1: Alino's Gateway: Not found, "barrier" blocking the roof
This involves the floating trick. So, behind the ship is a lava-fall. To the right of it is a big boulder. Walk in the lava up to it, and wallcrawl on the corner of the boulder, and the wall. When you get to the top, you'll see that you are on top of a small cliff. From here, proceed to the right, but, if you want there is small glitch while on this cliff:
Use your beam and shoot at the left rock pillar. You will notice that the beam shots will disappear. They are just not there... But if you shoot anywhere else in the room, the shots will "magically" appear. Just a small graphic glitch
Anyway, proceed to the right, and hold the d-pad left. You will wallcrawl when you walk off the edge. But, if you want you can just jump, to gain more height. But either way, you'll need to gain more height. So, when you're against the wall, repeatilly hold the d-pad left, up, left, up. You will gain the extra height this way. When you see a stop in the increase of height, hold the d-pad up, and left in a certain angle. A few feet later, you'll notice that the wall won't be slanted anymore and you will fall off the wall. But, there's still hope, if you let go of the buttons, then hold it in the same angle again, when you see a slanted part of the wall, you'll grip onto it again. If you did it wrong, you will just fall, so this part can be tricky sometimes. So, when you get it down, you will end up behind a big patch in the wall. Just keep movin foward, you will just go over the wall. After you crawl over it, you will see a platform a little above you. Gain the height by using the left, up, left up trick. When you get on the top, keep going until you come up to the platform, stamped against the wall. Then just land on it. This is pretty much the dead-line, but ahead of you is a big pipe connected to the platform you are standing on, and to another one. If you try to land on it, you will just get pushed to the side. These pipes and patches are just graphical objects that aren't usable, like to stand on, shoot at, etc. But i haven't tried to get past the pipe, so i or someone else can test that out sometime later.
2: Boss Room Hallways:
When you arrive in a boss room hallway, you will see ahead of you these green things that are on the wall. Jump on the series of green steps that are on the right of the room. When you get on the top green thing, hold the pad up, and aim down, you will see slightly a small portion of the "black space", which represents it as a sw. You can't get in it in any way, but hopefully me or someone else will find a way, maybe i can get inside using the rocket jump? Or something. But so far, these small glitches are useless.
NEW!: Weapons Complex
i have come REALLY close to finding one. in weapons complex, in the room where the two droid things are and where the big arena below is, there is a "frost" wall. if you put your back up to it, and keep rapidly jumping, you will see a little gap. sooner or later, the frost wall will go away and you will see that half of weapons complex is gone! i've only done this once and can't reproduce it, but i was about to take a pic until i moved away from the wall, then the graphics reappeared again. but, what the goal was is to just step out of the room, and die, like you would usally do. as far as i know, i yet again "secretized" the room, because i was trying to step out of it, but i couldn't, because the invisible frost wall was still there. so, maybe someone can try this out, but i don't think they will get it, it was VERY random, and the only reason i did it is because i was messing around with the "go through wall" glitch.
Multi-player Secret Worlds
SW 4: Celestrial Archives:
Trick: Alt. Form Warp
Founder: Electrometer Prime
In the landing site, get a alt. form to push you through a cornered wall, you will fall backwards and die.
SW 5: Ice Hive
Found by: boble_dude0
His notes at the scu forum:
ok, go to ice hive as samus (you can do this with any character but I just think double bomb bouncing is easier). anyway, go to where there's that double-damage item and spikes below you. Now, THIS IS IMPORTANT SO LISTEN! go to the jump pad and get to the level above you. do you see where the wall separates into snow/ice all around the room? shoot around there, one part of the snow/ice above the wall hasen't been programmed to be solid so you can double bomb jump or use the jump pad to get through it!
Secret World 6: Ice Hive (multiplayer)
Found by: REVLINK3 of Nintendo's forums
now i dont know if this will work everytime or if this is just a one time thing because ive only gotten it once before but, on ice hive, the map from acctera, if you go to the place where the control panel would normaly be and walk backwards to the right at a certain angle you will fall out of the level. you wont die and you can still see the level, but no one else can see you, and its almost impossable for anyone else to shoot you. im not sure how i did it but it was awesome. i beat the bots realy easy and they couldnt figure out where i was.
These are all the known multi-player secret worlds. I am pretty sure that there are more of them, but they haven't been found.
Again, if you found a multi-player secret world, then post it here, then i'll confirm it, and i will update my list
NEW!: SW Speed Tricks
1: Echo Hall "Skip Key"
Found by: Dr. Trence, primetime
First off, use the "morph secret world" trick at the front tunnel in Echo Hall. When you are in, use a super missle or the magmaul, and bosst yourself backwards. You will jam even further into the tunnel. From here, you can walk around the maze freely. When you walk wher the zoomers are, NOT in the small room, but close, there is a specific spot where you can jump regulary. It's somewhere near the zoomers, but when you see that you can jump around freely, use a super missle, shoot it straight down, and when you launch in the air, use you second jump to land on the top. Here, just simple collect the artifact, hat doesn't have the barrier around it. And proceed normaly
NEW!: "Skip Piston Maze"
Found by: rekameohs, troid92 (found a alternative route)
All right, here's how you do it. First make sure to have full health, as this can take off many Energy Tanks. In Processing Core, go to the Morph Ball tunnel at the right. Keep using the Magmaul to keep pushing farther into the tunnel. Eventually, you will shoot out the side, ready to get the Death message. You have to be quick here; you have to jump and hold backwards to get back inside the tunnel the second you shoot out. If done correctly, the screen should be violently shaking.
Now for the hardest part. Shoot the Morph Ball door so it will open later, then fall down the tunnel. As soon as possible, you should jump in midair and just catch the lip of the tunnel leading to the end of Piston Cave. Then, turn so your back is facing the door and shoot the wall in front of you. You should be right on the Morph Ball door. From here you can do 2 things.
1: Just Morph, turn around and get to the back of Piston Cave. Very safe method.
2: Use more Magmaul boosts to get into the back of Piston Cave. Here you can do neat things like stand in the Piston Cave!
Other misc. SW's/glitches:
1: And then there is one "not a secret world but going through the wall glitch" in Alinos Gateway in mulitplayer. Go to the little crack in the wall under the Imperialist and morph while holding right. Inside of this wall you can see and fire at your opponents, but they can't fire or see back.
2: In multi-player, in alinos gateway, play as weavel. When you are in the lava, go into alt. form, then use the stylus and scroll down with it, you will see the "blank" space below the floor. Nothing special, but it sure is weird
3: A pic of the "wall glitch", you can actually catch a glimps under the floor, of the "blank" space:
4: In multi-player, alinos perch, when you die, you can actually find a small gap in the big cliffs, there you can get a view of the whole arena, and also viewing it as a sw
In the Tetra Vista sw, when you are on the roof, you actually fall through the middle part of the roof, or the big part. This part of the roof wasn't made to be solid, maybe because the developers never intended us to get on the roof. But very odd, if you are trying to get to the sides of the room, then use the little edge of the roof, by walking on the slanted part.
When you are dbj'ng onto the roof, in Tetra Vista, you can see a little "crosshair", it looks like a little fuzzy part that you can see when you are faced up into the wall. Weird graphic glitch
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