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Quote from playe:
I second R-hop. (Though TDHRTMYSAAGSAAWD was pretty funny.)

Hahahahaha I'm glad you enjoyed it!
TDHRTMYSAAGSAAWD sounds more professional :/
i am super excited about this tas and you haven't even finished the first room yet!!! keep up the good work!!!!!!! I also like the TDHRTMYSAAGSAAWD. I like to say it in a screaming kind of street fighter attack voice.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
tid-hurt-my-sag-sawe dash
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Just Saw Dash would be enough, I reckon. aiwebs_004
This run better be full of sag-sawing.

I love it.
I vote for 'Saw Dash' and 'Sag Sawing' as a verb.
Edit history:
Hazel: 2012-02-23 12:14:47 pm
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
I say swag sawing as a verb and saw dash as the name ^_^ and when we find variations of this dash we should name them using the same naming strategy
Quote from itsPersonnal:
I say swag sawing as a verb and saw dash as the name ^_^ and when we find variations of this dash we should name them using the same naming strategy

I think it's decided then hahaha. I like Saw dash cos if you look at the serrated edge of a saw it's basically the character's path through the air ^_^
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
yeah I was thinking that too, the blades are like samus jumping :P
how about you guys shut the fuck up and follow the conventions we always have. so basically something like ghetto lol hbjbsjlssjurmom jump
Quote from BioSpark:
how about you guys shut the fuck up and follow the conventions we always have. so basically something like ghetto lol hbjbsjlssjurmom jump

Most of the acronyms seem like sexual euphemisms
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
now i know why that TDHRTMYSAAGSAAWD dash looks so easy for you personnal i'll beat you mwhahalolwdafsagrgaiwebs_020
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
uhhhh what??
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
just kidding
Edit history:
UchihaSasuke: 2012-02-23 07:09:24 pm
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
what about "personnal dash"?

keeps it simple and sounds more like the old tricks like ghetto jump (and the sasuke hop i discovered which was ghetto-jump-while-locked-to-a-target-in-scan-visor-mode)
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
personnal dash? lol i invented it in the frigate on this pipe thing so how about MrSpeedrun-dash xP
(ok part of it was already known but i was the first person who used it in a speedrun)
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
ok. my mistake (reading just the last page is bad :p)

"MrSpeedDash" sounds good imo.
Edit history:
Hazel: 2012-02-23 07:17:18 pm
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
I`d rather not name that trick after me, it was found like a year ago long before I even started TASing
and that one time mrspeedrun saw dashed shouldn't get its own name, I`m not going to go and name every trick I use in my TAS <_<
Anywhere, everywhere
Naming a trick after a username is fucking stupid
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
mrspeeddash xD nice idea aiwebs_011
Definitely Saw Dash, this way it has a retardedly funny history like every other trick name, and actually has a meaning (Some After a While)
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
and the verb is still swag sawing because that's just awesome
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
as long as we don't have a Flickerball vs Infinite Speed war...