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Baby Sheegoth: 2012-02-18 12:59:25 pm
Quote from arkarian:
who gives a fuck about tasvideos?

make whatever tas you'd like then put it on youtube. would get the most views there anyway.

That's what I was thinking too. It'd still quite clearly be the fastest TAS if done properly. Fuck tasvideos
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
I'm still going with my plan, I can submit the "practice" run to TASvideos
Quote from itsPersonnal:
I'm still going with my plan, I can submit the "practice" run to TASvideos

Oh okay that makes sense
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
The last like second or so was non-TAS I just wanted to show this off
Love that hopping dash. This is going to be awesome
dude, that was awesome. gonna love seeing bunny hops throughout the run
Okay I've gotta admit, I'm starting to get as excited for this as I am Swordless Link's Ocarina of Time MST TAS (Well when he releases it publicly anyways.)

I'm going to keep my eye on this.
Anywhere, everywhere
Continuing the praise. Gonna love this thing.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Quote from playe:
as I am Swordless Link's Ocarina of Time MST TAS

not to get off topic but, Ahh I can't wait to see that run, the WIP's look so awesome ^__^
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MrSpEeDrUn: 2012-02-19 06:12:52 pm
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
im not sure but i think the hopping dash is slower than the scan dash, cause the ship is fourther away
and yeah when you dash from and object which is as close as the target there it may is slower
we should time it... but nice idea aiwebs_011
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
^^OMG Nathan, no way, you totally called it! lmfao
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
hm ok i'll do another "first room" tas lets see if it is faster or not :S
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Hazel: 2012-02-19 07:11:34 pm
Hazel: 2012-02-19 07:11:15 pm
Hazel: 2012-02-19 06:20:30 pm
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Dude that was mostly non-TAS I've already taken off over 10 frames

We all know its faster to hopping dash then your method. and I know its faster the use the ship, like a said
Quote from itsPersonnal:
I just wanted to show this off

Also afaik its faster the use the other side of the targets because the time its takes to turn around is slower then the time saved by dashing off the ship, which it only a few frames in the first place
Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
saw you're first room YT video, itsPersonnal! Lovin' it!
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Hazel: 2012-02-20 12:26:14 am
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
I'm working on a better one, I took off a frame on the second targets and I'm facing the right way so I can shot the door faster

Edit: Oh my god! this is bull shit! you literally can't get to the door if you dash of the target facing it <_< you can't bend the dash backwards and I'm like 5 pixels off avoiding the boundary in front of the path to the door with bending it as far back as possible. Ugghhh it looks like I need to do it facing the wrong way and "lose" time >_>
What if you just use a few of those frames where you're moving forward to angle yourself better?
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Hazel: 2012-02-20 12:12:01 pm
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
It doesn't seem possible to change the angle of the dash without losing a large amount of speed <_<. Even when you're holding L + R you can change you're positioning but you lose like all you're speed.

I think I'm going to test this a fair bit before I move on with the TAS, if I can get the dash of the right target to go where I need it to go I can save like .3 seconds

So as for that hopping dash:
It seems as tho you gain speed doing one
It doesn't seem to work well unless you hold L + R before you land
Afaik it can only be bent during the first dash (if you want to keep your speed)

Afaik holding L + R throughout the whole sequence is faster but maybe if I just do like and R jump when I land then not hold anything (but up/down) when I'm in the air I can slightly change the angle without losing speed

any other ideas on how to bend the dash, even just a little?
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
hm you can angle the R dash to front while dashing if you push the control stick to front immediately after you press B also you can move slightly even after you pressed R
getting there...
Hey, itspersonal, what is your opinion on this "bunny hopping" thing being used in a real time run? Is it so frame perfect that it could never be used in a real time run? Even if you could get it by "accident" during a segmented run it would probably save time time in places. Is this a non-possibility?
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Baby Sheegoth: 2012-02-21 06:53:37 am
Quote from Caveberry:
Hey, itspersonal, what is your opinion on this "bunny hopping" thing being used in a real time run? Is it so frame perfect that it could never be used in a real time run? Even if you could get it by "accident" during a segmented run it would probably save time time in places. Is this a non-possibility?

It's not really frame perfect, it's just stupidly difficult to successfully chain together in real time. Pretty sure its been fairly well known for years in MP, its just never used as its not really practical in real time.
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
of course you can use it in real time. when you use the R dash and mash the B button very fast you can be much faster than just L jumping in some spots.
Ok, this is pretty much settled by now, but I just wanted to point this out. The TAS from itsPersonnal it over 2 seconds faster, and it was unoptimized. It is faster to do the hopping from the target on the bottom left and itsPersonnal and I have already established that (for those of you who don't know, I'm helping with his TAS :P ). Here is a comparison video of the 2 TASes for verification:

Quote from itsPersonnal:
^^OMG Nathan, no way, you totally called it! lmfao

Yeah, I totally called it XD
Edit history:
Hazel: 2012-02-21 09:23:07 pm
Hazel: 2012-02-21 09:22:48 pm
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
I've decided to go and find the "exact" spot this hopping dash
someone please find a better name for that trick (unless you guys actually like that name :P)
can be done in, it seems like there is a very small area where this dash can be pulled off and landing in the area after an R jump that is nearly impossible to optimize, this could be a while. <____<
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Baby Sheegoth: 2012-02-21 11:04:30 pm
Baby Sheegoth: 2012-02-21 11:04:03 pm
Baby Sheegoth: 2012-02-21 11:02:18 pm
Quote from itsPersonnal:
someone please find a better name for that trick (unless you guys actually like that name :P

Either that or The-Dash-Holding-R-That-Maintains-Your-Speed-And-Also-Gains-Some-After-A-While-Dash. (TDHRTMYSAAGSAAWD for short.)
I second R-hop. (Though TDHRTMYSAAGSAAWD was pretty funny.)