no we didn't. we made use of the a save room and the X-Ray. saying that we cheated is like saying TASes should be compared to Console Runs IMO.
Cheated does not really fit in this case. More like corrupt or abuse things and then boast about it. It's like creating a save-state in a hack that starts in tourian, save there, continue on original metroid and go around telling people you finished super metroid in 5 minutes.
Why fishing compliments and boasting about something others have done too? I mean come on, I am sure you are over 12 years old. It is nice and all, but it really does not make any difference.
Also, don´t even think about starting the debate about tas-console runs-cheating, at least not in this topic :)
To stay on topic... It is weird to hear that you added the speedball challenge there too, I was thinking about just that and just the place when I was stuck after the first Super Missiles. Nice. =)
To stay on topic... It is weird to hear that you added the speedball challenge there too, I was thinking about just that and just the place when I was stuck after the first Super Missiles. Nice. =)
Thanks. I was just messing around looking at the graphics of the suits in slow mo for the many states, and accidently did a speed water-ball and thought "well thats interesting..." So then I added the spazer.
Slightly off topic, but I think the speedbooster has got to be my favorite item. So cool.
Psedo springball is basically making a midair morph to reach a moprhball tunnel/hole instead of using bombs. I dunno if this is true but when I read pseudo springball I always think of it as a midair morph where it is low to the roof (3-5 blocks)
Oh, I knew about that... Doesn't help, though, as there seems to be a spot in playground where I need to bomb jump, but it's underwater. The spot is only two squares high, so no midair morphing... I just know it's something obvious. >_<
Hi, I found an interesting bug in Super Metroid Playground.... I sometimes like to wait for the demo to watch after the title screen, not pressing any buttons. Hacks especially!!
Anyway, when watching the Playground demo, we eventually see Samus speed boosting through the woot room, going through the door, and looping back to the beginning of the room and then it's playable. You can speed through that room an infinate number of times either direction if you want!!
There's also a save spot in the middle of this room. I saved my game there to see what would happen and reloaded the game. I am now in Norfair. The room directly above the save room is glitched but you can go down to explore a little but you won't get far at all. It's an interesting glitch that the player can't do much with. :)
Well, I guess your post isn't irrelevant but it's definitely a necro-bump. Don't worry about it this time but try to avoid bumping threads that haven't been posted in for several months unless it's really important. Personally I would have sent Cardweaver a PM instead.