for draygon this is my tactic: first i begin with and horizontal spark across his head, this does enough damage to make him between yellow and red., like a dark orange. then for some reason he always follows up with the white thingies so i use as usual a powerbomb and release all my missiles. Lastly before draygon touches the walls i run the opposite way and do a charge to finish him off with an horizontal spark
Well, this is a almost 100% copy of my TAS-tactic against Draygon (especially the powerful horizontal shinespark through him) I posted just a while back. I'm actually glad Azor realized it's use even on console and hope that other speedrunner (BlueGlass, Hotarubi) will also consider to use it in their upcoming runs.
If somebody (catnap?) can inform Hotarubi about this trick (as he probably won't have a chance to read this himself), that would be great.
The optimal position for a spark is shown in the video.
The height of the spark should be so that Samus' front knee is exactly in the middle of Draygons eye when passing. And the more near you start the spark to Draygon the more damage you will be able to do because the acceleration of the spark is the lowest at the beginning, so you can hit him for more frames while being at the lowest speed. But don't start it too near, because otherwise you will miss the full possible range of the damage fields of Draygon.
Pic that shows the optimal starting position for the spark: (Doing 2250 HP damage, and only works if very optimal)
On console it should definitely be possible to do 1500 HP on average.
Also note that it doesn't matter if starting the spark behind or in front of Draygon, both positions do exactly the same damage if optimal, because during the damage Draygon stands still completely.
that is awesome, my only problem when sparking him was that i need to get fast behind him, accorgind to my logic it would be better if i traveled along with draygon but now that i know this i can totally replan my strategy!!
thanks saturn, thanks to you i won lose thast many health which will result in a more efficient speed run :)
Yeah, but I quoted his post where he quoted you and didn't realize that I had left the [quote="Azor"] tag in, but I fixed it immediately after posting.
My strategy is a couple seconds slower, as I have to wait for Draygon to dive a second time, but it looks really cool, isn't too hard, and allows me to save the supers that I would have to use for the two-round strat so I can have them later to speed up my Ridley fight.
On that note, I just realized something interesting: we've managed to lower eery boss fight on console to, like, thirty seconds, maximum.
Torizo: really short fight Spore Spawn: skipped Kraid: three seconds Phantoon: two rounds Botwoon: one round Draygon: two rounds Crocamire: one shot Golden Torizo: 10 seconds Ridley: 15-25 seconds
the one i use i beam him and stick to him so he jumps fast, then i attack the globes and keep beaming until he jumps again. this was all of the following globes release missiles and while jumping i grab the previous ones and finish him off on he second recharge
That's what I meant. I think the only way you coud make that fight shorter would be to pull a Hotarubi. Or enter with 8 missiles, but that woould never happen in a speedrun.
EDIT: reread your strategy; why not grab missile refills from the first set of globes? If you want me to go in depth on my Torizo strategy, here it is:
stand at the spot where he can't hit
shoot him at a constant rate as he attacks, jumps back, and prepares to shoot orbs. Hit him 10 times.
Shoot the orbs.
jump and grab two missile refills.
while shooting these missiles, jump again and grab another refill.
if there are any refills left after killing him, grab those.
Strange... I find that pretty easy in real time now. I just think you need to understand the timing and positioning for that trick to work, after that it's really easy.
I jsut realized somethig: with these new boss strategies, there's no need to get the ice beam on the first trip to Norfair as long as we can climb the red Brinstar shaft TAS-style. I'm not sure this will affect the any% route, because I don't think any time is lost there by grabbing the ice beam the first time because you'd just be returning to the elevator room no matter when you grabbed it, but it'll definitely save a bit of time for the 100%, what with being able to go straight out of Norfair the first time, and being able to get the ice beam and then go straight to Crocamire.
I not know how you define this. But my opinion it was in one round.
His way from one side to another is a round. There's no way of dealing enough damage for one-rounding him without severe glitch abuse (Plasma before Draygon, anyone?), since he's always moving fast from left to right in the first round, and there's nothing much you can do to him, except a horizontal spark or a couple of missiles to his belly.