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Quote from Red Scarlet:
What's up with Nate's sig...?

It was only 3M higher than January.

keep in mind that that spike in january was my single-segment run, which was probably three times larger in size than even your longest segment in the 1:00. the exponential law of bandwidth consumption says that the bandwidth used by a file grows exponentially with its size, so you need to take the third root of that spike (is that right?) to compare it properly to yours. also, i yanked your run after only a few days (iirc three), and let fileplanet take the rest of the bill, because it used over 2/3 of my monthly allowance in those three days. the demand for my single seg fell off as you see there on the graph.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
;( i'm telling you, it was insane. for a while i just stared at it all deer in headlights because i wasn't sure exactly what i was seeing.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Too bad you didn't have HQ back then.
Holy Shit, Ummeiko, where did you get that?

Dont ban me!

You're really gonna have to remove some of that pretty soon, there's only room for 8 more icons.

But seriously, how do you find so much stuff important enough to put on your desktop?
For those who requested it, my wallpaper is from here:

What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
How the hell do you keep track of all those icons, Starman?
Quote from Red Scarlet:
Too bad you didn't have HQ back then.

yeah ... "too bad" ... :P
Not sure but I think I'm the only mac user here.  [EDIT: Looking through the archives I realize I'm not the only mac user.  I still think mine is pretty snazzy though!]

So here's my OS X desktop!  Its so pretty...

The real res is 1440x900, I just scaled it down to save space.

10, count 'em, 10 Ev-Points for whomever can explain the relevance of my drive names.  [Hint: Palamedes is stand-alone; Narcissus and Echo go hand in hand]

Ready and willing.
Narc* and Echo are from Greek legend. Narc* fell in love with his reflection, and Echo fell in love with Narc*. But since Narc* was so interested in himself, Echo wasted away into only a voice. An Echo, and Narcasism (sp).
Very good, Yoshi.  Any takers on explaining Palamedes?
weird retro icons.
Quote from njahnke:
weird retro icons.

What's this in reference to?
Cook of the Sea
Airdevil, your Macness owns.
airdevil, you are NOT the only Mac user here, heck Nate is a Mac user!  My desktop:

Sorry for the biggness (and my grammar)[/url]
Cook of the Sea
A Ctrl-Alt-Del reader?
Quote from SABERinBLUE:
Airdevil, your Macness owns.

Why thank you, Saber.  In the worlds of Bender:
"Yeah baby.  I knows it."

I love the simple nature and order of my desktop if I do say so myself.

Quote from SABERinBLUE:
A Ctrl-Alt-Del reader?

No, its something in OS X 10.3 called Exposé.  You press F11 and it shows the desktop while moving the active windows to the sides of the screen.  Its pretty awesome, IMHO.

Macs >> PCs
OS X >>> Windows

PS if you'd like me to make a desktop for any of you, so all your icons are held in an area like mine are just shoot me and IM.  Its listed below.  I'd be happy to do it.  Personally, it helps me organize everything and keep my desktops tidy.  Mac and PCs are welcome!
...Hence my mad QuickLaunch bar skills... keeps desktop tidy...

I WOULD get a Mac, but then I wouldn't be able to do THIS!

*plays HL2*
Quote from Shikyo:
...Hence my mad QuickLaunch bar skills... keeps desktop tidy...

I WOULD get a Mac, but then I wouldn't be able to do THIS!

*plays HL2*

What's HL2?

And get a Mac anyways.  They're so much better.  I moved last year and not a day goes by that I don't ask myself why I waited so long.  I can't stress enough how much of a blessing the OS X operating system is!
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Half Life 2..you know..one of those computer game things that Macs get jipped on.
Quote from njahnke:
Quote from Red Scarlet:
What's up with Nate's sig...?

It was only 3M higher than January.

keep in mind that that spike in january was my single-segment run, which was probably three times larger in size than even your longest segment in the 1:00. the exponential law of bandwidth consumption says that the bandwidth used by a file grows exponentially with its size, so you need to take the third root of that spike (is that right?) to compare it properly to yours. also, i yanked your run after only a few days (iirc three), and let fileplanet take the rest of the bill, because it used over 2/3 of my monthly allowance in those three days. the demand for my single seg fell off as you see there on the graph.
HBA is going to pwn both of your pathetic little spikes!! >:O...

*cough* anyways, as much as I'd love to post a picture of my desktop here, I cannot... Doing so would require a very quick deletion of my post. >____>.... *looks at desktop*... Heheheh... My desktop is awesome...
Too many fangirls to count
MAC users can't use MS paint. like in my desktop.
lvl 28 Magic Leper
That could be why it is called MS paint.
Too many fangirls to count
I know. Is there a paint program that coms with MAC?