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I'd hope that's expanded upon in Other M.

There's sooo many things they could capitalize on. I just hope they don't spend TOO mch time on Samus's character and not enough on what's going on around her.
Edit history:
kesvalk: 2010-03-07 10:30:23 am
Indie Lover
hummm federation soldiers with freezing weapons... frozen ridley on galatic laboratory BSL...

it's dificult to believe, but this one makes sense...

PS: i am the only that think they will make another game reliving the past of samus, before bounty hunting?
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Quote from kesvalk:
PS: i am the only that think they will make another game reliving the past of samus, before bounty hunting?

Samus frolicking in a field of flowers? Yes, this game will be epic.
Quote from kesvalk:
hummm federation soldiers with freezing weapons... frozen ridley on galatic laboratory BSL...

it's dificult to believe, but this one makes sense...

PS: i am the only that think they will make another game reliving the past of samus, before bounty hunting?

Good point! Its make sense i agree...
Edit history:
tomatobob: 2010-03-07 04:39:53 pm
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Poision Envy:
Zero mission was like, before the gamecube games right? Maybe he was talking about those? idk <.<

After Prime at least.

Quote from sabata2:
I just hope they don't spend TOO mch time on Samus's character and not enough on what's going on around her.

If anything Nintendo's said up to this point is to be believed, I've got some bad news for you.
Quote from Opium:
I have an idea:

Let's create a list of yes-or-no questions that attempt to predict things about Other M.  We can all come up with our own answers, and then when the game actually comes out and we know what the correct answers are, we can see who got the highest number of correct answers.
Example questions:

Will Other M have Etecoons and/or Dachoras?
Will Other M have X?
Does Samus end up telling Adam that she loves him?
Will Ridley speak?

Collectively we could come up with 100 or so questions if we want.  As more info about the game comes out, some of the questions will be answered before the game is released and will need to just be thrown out.  I like to do things like this for money, but that's kinda impossible here, so we can do it for points.  Obviously, one correct answer equals one point.  Whoever gets the most predictions right will be a total badass, and they can maybe even have a cookie. 

I think this would be a fun thing to do while we're waiting.  June is quite a ways off.  Anyone else think this would be a fun little game?  If it ends up being a hit, we could do it for every new metroid game in the future.

I do. 
1. Yes
2. Cameos only.
3. Probably, but it won't work out.  Here's why:
SAMUS:  Just be gald I didn't set it to Missile.
Armor Guardian
Quote from Toozin:
Samus frolicking in a field of flowers? Yes, this game will be epic.

Edit history:
kesvalk: 2010-03-10 10:56:52 am
kesvalk: 2010-03-10 10:55:35 am
Indie Lover
Quote from Toozin:
Samus frolicking in a field of flowers? Yes, this game will be epic.

errrr... a little AFTER the frolicking part, about the time were she is already smashing pirates skulls maybe?

unless of course they make a partnership with marvelous entertenaiment e do some kind of haverst moon with samus...

"gardening in zebes" maybe? someone need to take care of bristar after all!
defrag in progress
Quick question: Is already known where Other M`s story will take place chronologically? I heard it is (hopefully) supposed to be the sequel to Fusion? So the storyline will finally continue?
From what they've told us, the game is set between Super and Fusion. However, there's no telling where the flashbacks will be, except there's going to be some relating to Samus' time in the Federation before Metroid/Zero Mission. Not sure if that's were all of them will take place, or if they will be spread along the series. (Although there will be one showing the end battle against Mother Brain in Super right off the bat, where the hatchling sacrifices itself for Samus.)
I hope Other M will have plenty of cameos, but not too many like Super did.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
I'd much prefer a game that attempted to stand on its own merits rather than throwing in a bunch of cameos, relying on connecting it to the other popular games in the series to generate enthusiasm.
In a way that's kinda how I felt about SM, but it was good anyway.
Super had cameos?  I don't remember any.
It didn't.  Actually, I remember Peach sleeping in a bed in a castle resting up before a fight against Bowser.  Oh wait, wrong game.
don't you mean samus resting up for a fight?
Wow, you didn't notice any cameos?  Did you PLAY the game?
I'm not sure you know what a cameo is.
cameo (plural cameos)

  1. A piece of jewelry, etc., carved in relief.
  2. A single very brief appearance by a prominent actor or actress (or other notable) in a movie or song.

          Famous comic book writer Stan Lee had a cameo in the Spider-Man movie. He was on screen for perhaps ten seconds, but aficionados distinctly remember him.

We are talking about the second one.
I couldn't have said Samus cause she can't be a cameo in her own game. I was using the idea to represent what an actual cameo is since he clearly doesn't understand.

yeah i don't think he knows what a cameo is.
SM's cameos would have to be Ridley, Kraid, Mother Brain, and the infant.

They are probably what he's talking about because they are from the other games and show up again.
Indie Lover
like the metroid phases on metroid fusion and the metroid prime husk in corruption...
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from sabata2:
SM's cameos would have to be Ridley, Kraid, Mother Brain, and the infant.

Not really cameos if they actually have significant screen time, Kraid only counts as a cameo if you quick kill him him.

Quote from kesvalk:
like the metroid phases on metroid fusion and the metroid prime husk in corruption...

This guy has it right.
defrag in progress
I really don`t like how they try to press all the new games in between the already existing storyline. Ok, there are some big gaps between the games, but somehow the games were connected and the plot made sense (M1 - M2 - SM - Fusion).
Plus those gaps hold up the image of a mysterious lonesome heroine. Now, with all the subplots it feels to me like they rip apart all the stuff they`ve set up in the past, which made Metroid and Samus famous.

I`m quite sure Other M will be a very good game, just like the Primes and I`ll definitely play it, but the above issue remains.
Prime is a side story to the main series, so it doesn't have to fit in with, say, SM or Fusion. The only connection it has to the main series are the scans on the frigate that say that Samus has recently kicked ass on Zebes. And it makes sense that when Samus hooks up with the feds (Corruption) they'd then ask her to go and commit speciocide on SR388.

Other M is the first story to be sort of shoehorned in, and we can't say how well it works just yet.