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Quote from kip:
It's a bit late but I tried it again just now because I forgot how I used to do it. I made both dashes about 5 times in a row before I stopped, but I've never tried to do it in an actual segment of a speed run, so I'm sure that's the reason it was consistent.


I bend both dashes back, so first I jump on the hive, then use the hive hanging below the portal for the first dash. I hit L + left + B at the same time, moving the stick to south as soon as it reaches left (whole thing is one motion). Then hold R some time in there.. I think right after the stick reaches left. I keep L/R and down held until I land, just like WSA if you've tried that.

For the next dash I do the same thing, except using the door you came in from.

I know the hive is already scanned in the vid, but just ignore that. I messed up a few times because I didn't remember which way to bend the first dash. If you weren't bending the dashes back, that's probably the reason you couldn't make it before. At least that's how I do it, maybe there's a better method but I've never heard of one.

I never did thank you for your help. So I'll thank you now, I did take a break from trying for awhile, but I'm giving it another shot now, because I'm considering doing a serious run, but that depends on me, and how much I want to frustrate myself. I finally figured out the proper movements on the dash in this room, I wasn't bending down right away, but I finally got the motion right, and now I'll just try my best to get it down in a run, but my problem is if I mess up, then it's for not.. and I wonder if I could just skip doing the scans in this room. But they seem really simply now that I got the motion down, so I'll probably just practice and hopefully record it, then move on to working on segment 2.
in the name of justice!
Quote from tomatobob:
Quote from Odylg:
this took me forever to figure out. as for chykka larva, you can lock on, but not to the weakest point

I was wondering why it took so long to kill him in my second run.

When I fought Chykka Larva he hardly ever came out of the water.  I spent ten minutes trying to hit is head in the water.  How do you get him to put his weak point where you can hit it?
Quote from Spine Shark:
Quote from tomatobob:
Quote from Odylg:
this took me forever to figure out. as for chykka larva, you can lock on, but not to the weakest point

I was wondering why it took so long to kill him in my second run.

When I fought Chykka Larva he hardly ever came out of the water.  I spent ten minutes trying to hit is head in the water.  How do you get him to put his weak point where you can hit it?

<_< you can only hit him when he jumpz outta the water.
Ready and willing.
No, you can shoot him as he swims around.
in the name of justice!
Yeah.  You can't lock on, either, and it doesn't do much damage.
Yeah so jus't use a charged light beam shot when he jumps out <_<
I run this here hotel of an evening
is there any way to get the light beam charge combo (i think it's the sunburst) without the screw attack?
One shall stand, one shall ball.
I don't think so, and if you could I doubt that you could hit him with it anyway.
I run this here hotel of an evening
i wanted it for boosty, actually. just so i could actually pwn him. but i think i'd need pb's to get sunburst, and i could just pwn him with that. problem is getting early pb's. it's friggin hard. oh well, back to the 1 round practice
Yes. You have to have the screw attack for the sunburst.
Oh and i killed the spider G i just can't kill Quadraxis. he's sooooooooo hard!
everybody knows it's true
The only time I had trouble with Quaddy is when I had 5 tanks and no dark suit, mainly because a couple of tanks were drained from the key skipping. I disposed him at the 7th or 8th try. What makes it hard?
in the name of justice!
i think the big problem is that the battle is insanely long.  you do know that you have to use the echo visor on the second part (where the head's floating) if you haven't beaten him before, and that for the last part you need to get onto his head with the boost/spider ball and bomb the holes.  once you have the strategy it should only take a try or two to finish it up.

btw, he does take damage from super missiles/charged light beam shots.  it seems like you would be able to kill him without bombing if you picked up practically every item you could.  i really, really don't feel like testing that...

oh, and lol @ odylg.  killing boosty with the slowburst? hahahahahaha.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Spine Shark:
btw, he does take damage from super missiles/charged light beam shots.  it seems like you would be able to kill him without bombing if you picked up practically every item you could.  i really, really don't feel like testing that...

You mean the end phase right? That's crazy, even with every item that'd be nearly impossible and excruciatingly long.
in the name of justice!
all right, i am going to make a freaking video of this.

i really don't think it would be that long.  you can see his health bar move when you hit him with a super missile.  unlike me fighting grapple guardian.
I tried this over 250 times...........
I followed kips instructions EXACTLY, and still I can't do it. It's impossible to turn the control stick all the way left and down before it freezes for me.
I tried the Roll jump method, but I dont unmorph no matter what I do........
I run this here hotel of an evening
for the roll just hit x and b one second after you roll off. that should help. as for the dash, it's not impossible. patience is key. it took me FOREVER to get the kip dash. as for the roll jump, it took me a few tries. just practice
always move fast
you have to unmorph when the ball is about half covered, so just wait way longer than youd think would be wise.  then its just a matter of pressing the right buttons and stuff.
I run this here hotel of an evening
Quote from bartendorsparky:
its just a matter of pressing the right buttons and stuff.

hahahaha    sigged!
everybody knows it's true
When the ball is partially visiblew from the edge fall press X and IMMEDIATLY PRESS B RIGHT AFTER!!!! Once you get the jump hold up, R, and L.
I run this here hotel of an evening
can someone gimme some advice on getting into the temple assembly site sw without screw attack? both the bomb jump method and the space jump method, and also jumping from the big rock thing. jumping from the big rock i seem to slide off, which makes me really flickerbatting mad, as i have enough trouble getting up there as it is. any help would be [i]GREATLY[/i]appreciated
What do I do after amorbis?
Stupid question, yes I know but iI forgot what to do.
I run this here hotel of an evening
exit agon, procede to torvus
everybody knows it's true
any% w/ dark s00t or low % - circle around the bomb slot door, darken the light beacon to climb out of the temple, get to a light portal, and trompely down to Torvus.

any% w/o dark s00t - Don't fight Morby at all, just trompely down to Torvus after receiving the light beam.

100% - Collect the energy after Morby fight, lighten up the world, give the energy to Light Temple, and trompely  down to Torvus.
Oh yeah, I mean after transfering the energy.