Quote from kip:
It's a bit late but I tried it again just now because I forgot how I used to do it. I made both dashes about 5 times in a row before I stopped, but I've never tried to do it in an actual segment of a speed run, so I'm sure that's the reason it was consistent.
I bend both dashes back, so first I jump on the hive, then use the hive hanging below the portal for the first dash. I hit L + left + B at the same time, moving the stick to south as soon as it reaches left (whole thing is one motion). Then hold R some time in there.. I think right after the stick reaches left. I keep L/R and down held until I land, just like WSA if you've tried that.
For the next dash I do the same thing, except using the door you came in from.
I know the hive is already scanned in the vid, but just ignore that. I messed up a few times because I didn't remember which way to bend the first dash. If you weren't bending the dashes back, that's probably the reason you couldn't make it before. At least that's how I do it, maybe there's a better method but I've never heard of one.
I bend both dashes back, so first I jump on the hive, then use the hive hanging below the portal for the first dash. I hit L + left + B at the same time, moving the stick to south as soon as it reaches left (whole thing is one motion). Then hold R some time in there.. I think right after the stick reaches left. I keep L/R and down held until I land, just like WSA if you've tried that.
For the next dash I do the same thing, except using the door you came in from.
I know the hive is already scanned in the vid, but just ignore that. I messed up a few times because I didn't remember which way to bend the first dash. If you weren't bending the dashes back, that's probably the reason you couldn't make it before. At least that's how I do it, maybe there's a better method but I've never heard of one.
I never did thank you for your help. So I'll thank you now, I did take a break from trying for awhile, but I'm giving it another shot now, because I'm considering doing a serious run, but that depends on me, and how much I want to frustrate myself. I finally figured out the proper movements on the dash in this room, I wasn't bending down right away, but I finally got the motion right, and now I'll just try my best to get it down in a run, but my problem is if I mess up, then it's for not.. and I wonder if I could just skip doing the scans in this room. But they seem really simply now that I got the motion down, so I'll probably just practice and hopefully record it, then move on to working on segment 2.