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A couple of things today.  The biggest one being in spoiler tags!

The Wiggler!

Pic 1: A comparision shot for the new suits.
Pic 2: Some new pics of the CRE and stuff.

Destroyer of Pirates
my jaw just smashed through the floor and came out in Australia

that wiggler was ******** amazing

and those CRE and suits. wow
Wiggler, awesome. ^_^

Suits, meh. The only real objection I have is the Green Gravity suit. Everybody does a green suit. =\ The blue suit is okay, though, although it doesn't offer much contrast from the rest of the palette. And the midsections on both could stay yellow =(

The CREs are win. I think you should make the Missile, Super Missile, and PB Blocks in general follow the same shading pattern as the regular Flip Block. Other than that, looks great =D
Go ahead. Stare.
That was amazing! You are clearly quite good at selecting enemies to swap out with. What are you using the music note block for? Crumble?
okay, the wiggler is epic, but the song that's playing during the fight isn't.
also, the varia suit and gravity suit.

why can't you just make brighter versions of the original? those suits seem to be lacking, with the main body, crotch, and visor all being the same color.
Destroyer of Pirates
i like the suits because there very fitting with the theme of super mario world

also correct me if im wrong
Quote from Bloodsonic:
okay, the wiggler is epic, but the song that's playing during the fight isn't.

i think the music is like that so the wiggler sounds like it is.........................i think
. . .
The music is like that so the wiggler will go "Squee!"  Besides, I'm tired of the same old same old!

On suits, I suppose I can make the center yellow, but the blue and green stay.  Blue for Mario Suit, and Green for Frog suit!;)
Go ahead. Stare.
Frog Suit- Awesome.
Mario Suit- Meh.

Why don't you try a hammer or tanooki suit instead? Not that I don't like the blue, but you could move that for the power suit and replace Varia with one of the aforementioned suits. Just an idea.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
The Wiggler is fantastic, but you can probably find some better suited tiles for the holes he disappears into.
Fear Me! (Or else...)
I liked it, except that with the suits, the middle probably ought to be a separate color, although it doesn't have to be much. It's only two colors! It's just a bit bland, with it all one color except for the head. With the power suit, you can get away with it, but it might be better if you made that gold stand out a bit more. This is seriously turning out awesome!
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
Correct me if I'm wrong (and I would be extremely stupid to be wrong), but isn't mario's normal suit red? I think you should start off red for normal, then the varia can be whitish pink to match fire-mario, which makes perfect sense seeing as the varia protects from heat. grin new Frog suit is a great idea because frogs go in water!

Fire mario suit would rule.
you rules S-I  Very Happy
. . .
Quote from shinlvl2darkchozo:
you rules S-I  Very Happy

Yes, I know.;)

Aliitle testing with suits today.  Me and the Mario Bros. (Bloodsonic and Zhs2) were talking on #JZD about the suits, and some ideas on how to change them.  I tried them out, one set looking horrible in my opinion and the other looking rather good.

Here they are, and a new POLL is open to see what you guys like!
I will not be changing the suits from these colors.  If you don't like how they look I'm sorry but its just how it going to be.

Mario suit is blue because Mario has a red shirt and blue pants.  Samus' helmet is already red, so the suit is blue.

yeah, yeah, I already told you this, buuuut...
I'll say it again.
The normal power suit is fine as it is.
The "mario suit" looks pretty damn good with both red and yellow variations.
The Frog suit looks great in it's yellow variation.

don't give up on this, squichigo-chan! :D
I think you should use the "after" version of the power suit, the "testing red" version of the varia suit, and anything but the "testing red" for the gravity.
Edit history:
playerman1230: 2009-01-25 12:39:15 am
Hated by all
I would be laughing seeing a rainbow suit, but that would be unfeasible.

So I was playing Mario Galaxy over the weekend, maybe the palettes of the fire and ice suit, along with the Luigi palette (green and purple)? Or the red star suit (the black and red)?
I like the testing red for the power and varia suits but the testing yellow looks much better for the gravity.
If i have to choose one though the testing yellow is the way to go.
. . .
Thx for all the comments you guys, I really appreciate it.  I'll let this poll run for a while since its a pretty big decision.


New little video up for all you Rainbow City fans.  I've been working on changing the intro scene for a few days, nothing fantasmic, but here it is!  Enjoy.;)

Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Ha ha - that's great, squishy! aiwebs_011

It's-a me, a-Metroid!
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
Genuine LOL. Oh my god, that's just brilliant!
Destroyer of Pirates
i commented on your video on youtube earlier, the mario made me LOL badly (during class too)
That's freaking brilliant S_I!  I love it!  And you really got the SMW style down for the logo!
I've wondered about this in other hacks...  It might even be worth a discussion topic of some sort, but it's not that big of a deal (to me). 

What about the Game Over / Continue screen?  It always says "Find the baby Metroid" (or something).  Are you going to change that too? 

I think most hacks should -if the over all story warrants it- to maintain some continuity.  Confused

Edit: That was funny! X-D
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
That would only work in hacks that used save stations too, wouldn't it? Eh?
Edit history:
Gaius_4: 2009-01-26 06:51:59 pm
I guess.  But you can always save at the ship (too) if there aren't any other save stations. 

Unless someone wanted to change the Continue screen and also have a note that says "Reload from previous state."  laugh new  As if they didn't know.

^As a statement, not a question. Razz