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Almost done with Yoshi King...
Just a few little tweaks here and there.

But lets just say he's done.  And here he is!

Edit history:
Zhs2: 2008-11-07 10:27:27 am
Hahaha, he has a YELLOW tongue. My upper lip wiggles at the sight~ Laughing
Good show, Squishy. The only real problems I see are the quadruple legs, :-s yellow tongue, laugh new and scary claws. aiwebs_005 I like, keep it coming!

- Quadruple legs? I could swear Yoshis had two. That could be used for aesthetic effect, though. Just, registers as out of place.
- Yellow tongue? Yoshi's have a them red colahs, son. Also, the tongue is freakily alien-like.
- Claws? Not good on a Yoshi. Suggesting highly damaging froggy-hands as opposed to claws.
Almost happy
Oh my god that is so hilariously awesome. It is so far from anything I have ener seen in a SM hack before, it's so deliciously out of place. And the cartoonish look he got from not having a body with a lot of dents and details like crocmire does is sweet (and so not SM, which is the point) :D

Oh and as a suggestion for the graphics of the beam pickups. Why not use the fireflower for all the beams, just with different colors corresponding to the beam color (A.i green for plasma, red/purple for wave etc). After all, all the beam pickups in the original look the same except for the little orb with a letter on it, and there are not enough items in SMW to transfer all items in SM.
You ought to make the Ice Beam freezie from mario bros.

Love the Yoshi King ;)
. . .
A few more enemies...

And I'm liking that fire flower suggestion Cpadolf!

Quote from squishy_ichigo:
Missles ?
Supers ?
PBs ?
Grapple ?
X-Ray ?
maybe you shouldn't include these.there never was any limited ammo in any mario game.(accept galaxy AFAIK)would anyone else like to fight bosses with their beams?
Fear Me! (Or else...)
The first time I ever played Super Metroid, I never used missiles or supers, except on the doors. I always killed the bosses using my charge beam laugh new. Loved that weapon! Maybe you could turn one of the beams into the fireballs? That'd be neat. Like the grapple, or something - wouldn't it be so cool to be held up by a string of fireballs?!? laugh new laugh new laugh new
Devonodev: Other D
crocmire looks... wow!
all the new enemies are fit really well with the game. I think for goombas, you should use the SMB3 ones.
Hated by all
Items, huh?

You know how the Charge Beam looks like a moon? Can't you use the 3-Up Moon for it (it's in Yoshi's Island 1 in SMW)?
Speed Booster could be made with any of the boot upgrades from Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door.
Power Bombs could be the P-Switches.
X-Ray would be like a Boo Mushroom (closest I can think of is a gray-transparent mushroom).

I wonder what you can use a key for (the one to alternate exits with keyholes).
. . .
I finally started working on my SMW Inside.gfx today.  If anyone took a gander at the outside.gfx, you'd have noticed that there is ALOT of free space still there. (Which I might fill in later and re-release it).  But the Inside.gfx is so crammed!  I don't even know if I got all of it in there!  I might have to do two gfx files... I hope not though...

Once I'm done drawing up the tiles in map16, and finishing the palletes, I'll be releasing it, and the polls will be closed!  Any of you last minute voters better vote soon!;)
Attempting this for the full set of powerups...

Suit items
Morph Ball=Blue Shell (? NSMB reference)
Bombs=Bob-omb (you could even replace the bomb sprite with little bob-ombs for extra lulz)
Varia Suit=Tanooki suit/Mario's Cap (? not really sure on this one.  Latter is because in SM64/SMS, Mario loses health in hot places w/o his hat)
Space Jump=Feather/Wing Cap
Gravity Suit=Frog Suit/Metal Cap
Screw Attack=Super Star
Hi-jump = Luigi's cap/Rocket Nozzle/Spring Suit (reference to Luigi jumping higher/SMS/SMG)
Spring Ball = Winged shell (? going off the blue shell thing from above)
Speed Booster = Turbo Nozzle (SMS)
Grapple = ??? (I really can't think of anything here.  SMB doesn't have anything even remotely similar)
X-ray = Vanish Cap/Boo Mushroom

Eh, just go with cpadolf's Fire Flower idea.  After all, there's the Ice Flower in SMG for the Ice Beam, and all the beams kind of look the same.  3-up moon for charge beam is fine, I suppose, though it doesn't make huge amounts of sense.  It'd be just as well to have a "charge flower" there.

Capacity upgrades
Energy tanks = Mushrooms
Reserve tanks = 1-UP mushrooms
Missles = FLUDD (? Mario's projectile set is a bit more limited than Samus's)
Super Missles = Hammer Bros. suit
Power Bombs = P-switches (I love that idea)

So, what do you think?  Any ideas for grapple/the other ? ones?
I think the Space jump should be the P-wing from SMB3 b/c it lets you fly continuously.
The Feather Should be High jump....mabye
Very Happy hey it's going to be a freaking awesome hack but why don't you replace crocomire

by the frog from yoshi 's island :
. . .
But I already did all this work...

Well, now its REALLY done.  I changed a few colors, and finally did the tiles for his room, now its ready for release! 

Of course this is only the room gfx, you will be missing some of yoshi kings animations.  (Those aren't in crocomires gfx file... there in the main rom)
Still working on my inside.gfx, but its taking longer than I thought...  Still working on ripping the palletes, haven't even started on map16 yet... oh well!

Quote from shinlvl2darkchozo:
Very Happy hey it's going to be a freaking awesome hack but why don't you replace crocomire

by the frog from yoshi 's island :

How about we save those frog for draygon?
You removed all the shading, so it looks like a crude drawing in paint :(.

The outline looks good, however.
He still has the claws. stern

Good job, though. I see you've fixed everything else accordingly. extra_smug

Quote from Bolognab:
You removed all the shading, so it looks like a crude drawing in paint :(.

The outline looks good, however.

At least it looks MORE like it was taken straight from SMW now.
Quote from Zhs2:
He still has the claws. stern

I hope you realize that he can't remove the claws.  And overwriting their tiles with blanks doesn't stop them from hurting you.  Brick wall
Edit history:
Zhs2: 2008-11-13 09:33:24 am
I hope you are referring to the hitboxes, Firephoenix. Of course I don't expect him to change the fact that Yoshi King VII's arms don't hurt you; I am talking about the fact that, aesthetically, claws do not look good on Yoshis.

For all of us that have played pretty much any old video game, we know that taking damage from a single point of contact with an enemy's body is pretty unrealistic, but we go with it anyways because the games themselves are immersive. I solidly believe that, even if he were to remove the claw graphics entirely, getting hurt by touching Yoshi King VII's froggy limbs would not make the rest of the game unbelievable.

EDIT: Immersive. I meant immersive. >_<
What happens when the Yoshi King "melts"?  aiwebs_016
Zhs2: The other thing to remember is that according to the description we were given, I believe the Yoshi King has mutated some over time.  He could have gotten claws during the mutation.
Hmm, there's something I'm curious about....  It might not be a popular idea but is it possible to change Samus, other than the colors, I mean??  Is it possible to make her, through SMILE, look like Super Mario (with a beam gun, of course)??  I realize that in itself would probably be a lot of work though.  Just curious if it's possible....  grin new
It would take an absolutely massive amount of work.  Open an SM rom in a graphics editor and find the Samus tiles.  There are literally THOUSANDS of tiles that make up Samus and he would have to change very single on of them.  Trust me, only one person, auximines, has done a full replacement of Samus and that was for the Justin Bailey patch.  Even that took years.  So unless you want to task poor Squishy here with years of work, let's be thankful that he's editing the bosses at all :P.
Oooooh, dammit. You've got me there with the "mutation" statement. aiwebs_018

I still think it looks all freaky and scary, especially on a Yoshi...
. . .
FirePhoenix, I seriously laughed when I read those posts! 
And your the first one so far to call me Squishy on these forums!  I'm so happy!
Back on topic:
Yes, just as he said, it would be TO much work.  I have the idea of doing the varia suit as a mario suit though....  Wouldn't that be funny!
Besides!  I already got a pretty good story going on for the game;) 
"Wait!  A story!  Really?  Wow squishy your the greatest!  But how the hell are you going to do a story about Samus in a SMW tileset?"
Ah, great question!  You'll just have to wait and see;)
off topic again: I'm in an unusually good mood today...