Fusion is not stupid. :x But, yes, there are no Sb's in Fusion that acutally give you an early item. This allows you to fight Nettori before Yakuza, but you are not given the plasma beam early. Same for all other "sequence breaks" (which they aren't) in this game, I believe.
I prefer to consider bob a half SB because technically, he's supposed to be mandatory. In order to do this, (as of right now, at least. ) you need Tool Assistance.
@Riplight: Skipping bob doesn't require tool assistance, as I've learned from getting about 4 frames off on my SP. It just took about six months (not straight playing, of course; I have a life).
@Riplight: Skipping bob doesn't require tool assistance, as I've learned from getting about 4 frames off on my SP.
rotfl. So you're saying that because you weren't able to do it, it's possible? Many people have gotten within one or two frames iirc, and most everyone still thinks it's not humanly possible.
Personally, I believe it is, but I'm certainly not the one to try and do it.
@Ark: That wasn't quite what I meant. I know it's humanly possible by getting 4 frames off because I saw a part for a little improvement in my execution of it, when landing on the top ledge (I spun in the air for a bit before landing on the ledge). When I did the down-up-right (when you first hold the spark), I did it a little slower than I had before that.
I don't think anyone I know of has come within 3 frames. I think the other closest one I heard was Wassup Dawgs, with about 6 frames off, on an emulator (he didn't use emulator tools, but he had the advantage of being able to press several buttons at once).
I am now 100% positive skipping bob is humanly possible. (However, that doesn't mean anyone will do it anytime soon.)
how do we know that there is no sequence breaks? we've found secret wordls id prime when we thought it was impossible. why can't we do that for sequence breaking in fuison?
Because Fusion is programmed completely differently in that regard. It's built around a very linear storyline, and tracks what items/abilities to give you based on where you are in that storyline. When you get a powerup, the game doesn't decide what to give you based on what item is supposed to be available at that location, it looks up how many events you've done and gives you the next in line. None of the items are actually "there" (remember, they're all downloads or absorptions, not items sitting on a statue), they're just signals that you're to get the next thing, whether or not that's what's supposed to be gotten there. Everything is event-driven, not location-driven like most of the items in other games.
You know how in Super Metroid the energy tank in the Wrecked Ship isn't there until after you defeat Phantoon? Fusion is like that, only for everything. Items from later in the story sequence than you've reached yet just aren't there. When people have gotten things out of order, they usually get a message like "level 1 hatches unlocked". (I don't remember if this is always the case.)
This is true for the expansions, too. Getting a power bomb expansion before you download the power bomb data in the course of the story will increase your carrying capacity, but won't actually give you the bombs.
A lot of this talk was in the single wall jump sticky, but I'll give you my sum-up
If you skip a boss and go to Adam he says "Target Eradicated" If you skip a boss and go to the next one, when you beat it you unlock the most recently unlocked security doors and you can refight the boss as much as you want If you fight a boss with the bosses own power-up the boss won't appear Expantions are expantions, not items, getting one increaces your ammo but does not give you Power Bombs/Missiles