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ok so i did what i said i would not do and made a random avatar kit. the advantage to doing this is that i can just ignore any further comments or questions about random avatars.

how to get a random avatar

1) download this file:
2) use a program such as winrar or stuffit expander to unzip the file. (if you are using mac os x, there is a 99% chance you will just be able to double-click the file and have it unzip without having to download additional software.)
3) upload both files you see (avatar.jpg and DELETE_THIS_PART_BEFORE_THE_PERIOD.htaccess) to a folder on your webspace with your avatars in it. this will become the folder the script uses to pick a random avatar from.
4) rename the uploaded (on your webhost) file DELETE_THIS_PART_BEFORE_THE_PERIOD.htaccess so that it is now called just .htaccess (delete the part of its name before the period/full stop). the file may disappear at this point - that is fine; you don't need to mess with it again anyway.
5) link to your new rotating avatar at http://your_webhost_here/your_avatars_folder/avatar.jpg. keep in mind that with this script, that web address "becomes" the random avatar, so you will need to link to that address (ending in avatar.jpg), not to the random avatar image it becomes if you enter the address into your browser.

notes: our very own carlmmii modified the script so that the image will change every time you view a thread. previously, firefox was caching the result of the script, so that you had to hit "reload" to see a new random avatar every time you loaded a forum thread.
Thread title: 
Cook of the Sea
And that, boys and girls, is how Nate manages his current look, which makes me mistake him for every female Star Wars fan I have ever known online. 

And, thanks for the kitness, Nate, it will prove useful, even though I'm probably not going to be using it for actual avatars... Laughing
hey, give a little love. i created all 198 of them myself.
Cook of the Sea
And your choice of frames to capture is exquiste, I must say. 

Just occured to me, though, it could use one Clone Wars picture, though, even if the parts of Clone Wars with Padme sucked.  Just for completism.
yeah, but found a new problem, if you are a windows user, you cannot rename the file with the long name to just .htaccess, it says you must specify a file name since theres nothing before the dot >_<
Ready and willing.
You mean no-one's done this with a Windows computer yet? I just checked, Windows does complain.

Would it have to be called .htaccess, or is that just a convention? (Obviously it would choke on the CURRENT code, but...)
fix the code so it responds to A.htaccess, that would work
you are attempting to perform step 4 before step 3.

4 does not come before 3.
oh, it has to be unzipped to a webspace, Ohh.... i was trying on my computer. im off to find some webspace....
Ready and willing.
Heh... once it's up there, it sure ain't Windows anymore!

...unless you have some really bizarre webhost. I'd imagine there's a Windows webhoster out there somewhere...
it would still probably let you rename it (if it were a windows-based host). doing it locally is just microsoft pulling an apple and not letting you do things that would potentially be confusing to the most ignorant computer users. i'm not sure if the file would disappear with a name beginning with a period/full stop (like it would under a unix-based os), but it probably wouldn't work in most, if not all programs, even if you could still see it.
Cook of the Sea
Quote from Supuh:
oh, it has to be unzipped to a webspace, Ohh.... i was trying on my computer. im off to find some webspace....

*waves hand*  You will go to the Dagobah system.  There you will register at, the web hosters who hooked me up.  You will also list as your referall, and I will get money.    Wink
no, serously, i need some webspace, and i have no idea what i;m doing, could anyone recommend a good free webspace thing?
Uhh, just for the record, renaming whatever.htaccess to .htaccess alone IS possible on a windows machine.

If not, I couldn't have done this:

were you going to be helpful and tell people how to disable windows's warning? :)
Ready and willing.
I figured it out... and I should have a long time ago. Just do it through command line.
Thanks for posting this Nate. Now I can just refer people who ask me how I got my avatar to change at other forums to this topic. :)
The question is whether or not I should use this to take care of it myself, instead of having to contact ely every time I want to change anything.

...I think I'll do.
yoshi: windows has a command line?!!?

p.eater: yeah, useful things, stickies. ;)

I noticed some of my giffed avatars wasn't really good quality, so I took the base BMPs and saved them in PNG format instead.

...and the filesize didn't shrink enough. T__T

The smallest one is under 5 kB, but the largest is 28,2 kB. My nice plans! All out the window!
...okay, NOW what?

I did everything you said, but it apparetly doesn't cooperate. is the adress, but it won't work. Grr.
??? so anyways... nate, could i have somefilespace on mtroid 2002? so i can
1. Upload my first 3 zeromission morphball segments and
2. Get my avatar working? i dont like how that red X looks at me
Ready and willing.
Quote from njahnke:
yoshi: windows has a command line?!!?

It even has (limited) pipes and IO redirection!!!!!1
I'll be back. Maybe...
Let's see... will it work?

Seems to... I still need more fearsome bosses though...
!!! you gots yours to work? thats unfair.... WAIT! whats your filehoster?