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Ready and willing.
They're working again.
they never were broken X_X
red chamber dream
Actually, I think they were.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Quote from Yoshi348:
Tomatobob, yours doesn't seem to be working.

EDIT: EVERYBODY who used the kit isn't working. Nate, however, is still working.

Supuh's works, and mine works at GAF.
Ready and willing.
Quote from Yoshi348:
They're working again.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
I didn't look at page 3.  :P
Crying or Very sad *sob* I get no credit?!?  Couldn't you at least link to the original discussion of this?  ( which also may be a great resource if you're having trouble with the script.)
Ready and willing.
And... they're down again. And... by the time anybody else notices, they'll be up again.  :?
One shall stand, one shall ball.
No, U noticed that they're down, the site Skreemaster, Supuh, and I use is kinda unreliable, but it's free so I don't care.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
The site I use is unreliable as hell. *grumbles*
Armor Guardian
Is there a better host for this junk?
Well, Nate, Scarlet and I use our m2k2 FTPs, but you can use any FTP-like server and it should work fine.  I set mine up manually and have never had any problems.  Just follow the small guide I wrote if you're having trouble, or post specific problems so someone who reads it can help you.  "It's not working again" doesn't really tell what the problem is. 

*grumbles about guru rule*

Edit: Sw33t! 128th post!
I'll be back. Maybe...
The Guru Rule? I don't think anyone's ever broken that one... Makes you wonder why it's even there...

What you want isn't really being a Game Guru... it's more like a Technical Guru, anyway.
Quote from Skreemaster:
The Guru Rule? I don't think anyone's ever broken that one... Makes you wonder why it's even there...



*washes out his mouth with soap*
I'll be back. Maybe...
Yes, I saw many last time I went to that evil place, whose very name makes one unclean until the even, but there have never been any here (at least, not while I've been a user or lurking here, which is a long time)
Quote from njahnke:
Quote from Skreemaster:
The Guru Rule? I don't think anyone's ever broken that one... Makes you wonder why it's even there...



*washes out his mouth with soap*

I had almost forgot about gameFAQs, oh so close. Crying or Very sad
trh, how will i ever make it up to you ...

oh ... i'll just send you more bad music!!
Quote from njahnke:
trh, how will i ever make it up to you ...

oh ... i'll just send you more bad music!!

we have to use public convention while we're in public.
freewebtown doesnt seem to be working for me right now, is it working for anyone else?
It goes down for about 10 minutes occasionally.  Nothing that can be done about, I suppose.
red chamber dream
I have a question. I want a random avatar over on Saber's forums, so I got an account and FreeWebTown and did all the yadda yadda that Nate explained, but I can't seem to get it to work. Everything went perfectly, until I got to step five.

Here's the url I try to enter into the"Upload Avatar from a URL:" box:

But it says that "The file at the URL you gave contains no data." Yet, when I type that address into the location bar, a random picture shows up just fine. What am I doing wrong?
One shall stand, one shall ball.
You an't have random avatars at Saber's site, the field you enter the URL into isn't there, ytou need one that says link to off site avatar or something to that effect.
red chamber dream
Oh. *smacks head* Makes perfect sense.

I never thought to look at the profile page here to see any difference. Maybe I'll go post something about possibly getting that function over at Paragon Sigma sometime.

EDIT: Yep, he's got it over there now...problem solved. 8)