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Yeah this was with the delayed Kraid clean-up. I got Long Beam right off the bat, and picked up Charge before entering Norfair.
ugh, so near and yet so far from that good run. After first escape I think I was on track for a 54:2x. My cleanup was sloppy, but that's ok, I would be happy with a high 54. Then it takes me 5 attempts to break the blocks before the final etank and my final time is 55:36 ;_;
Edit history:
Dragonfangs: 2013-05-01 12:33:36 pm
Just got a 100% 58:00 woo. Pretty much a minute of major mistakes: Ran out of missiles against Acid Worm, failed the crumble wtf room in Ridley once, almost forgot to get the Varia tank on the way to tourian, missed the spark to the E-tank right after the full suit twice and I missed the escape spark. But I was pretty happy with my overall execution otherwise :P.
53:05 100% SS lol. I'll shatter that 53:00 barrier eventually. I happened to stun the first pirate without being noticed, which was cool, but ultimately lost me time because I then tried and failed to maintain the stealth.
what. lol nice
did a practice run, nearly a minute behind at first escape, decided to finish, tied my PB to the second. I think my cartridge is just messing with me.
54:50 100% SS. I can do better - I think I lost at least 30 seconds overall on small mistakes during cleanup - but this will do for now. I used the same route as ZX for this run (early long, late varia, late kraid cleanup), but in the future I definitely want to try doing some stuff in the early part of the run differently.
I'm not going to try and beat this for at least a couple of months, after which I'll hopefully start recording and streaming attempts.

Just did a 52:46 100% SS, and I'm a bit surprised by the time since I made a lot of big mistakes during the cleanup. It bolsters my confidence that a sub 52 SS is feasible.

I did early long, late Kraid cleanup, and got charge on the way to Norfair. The following times are some of my in-game splits:

3:46:  before varia
8:25:  before Kraid
14:23: before screw attack
20:14: before Ridley
25:26: beginning of Tourian
26:31: before Mother Brain
31:37: before Chozo
37:10: recharge in mother ship after power bombs
Edit history:
Mobiusman: 2013-05-07 06:07:39 am
congrats on cutting the 53 spidey! will you be uploading this run?
So, why is Long Beam suddenly called early Long? I'd much rather call it regular Long or something. <_<

But anyway, congrats on the run. I still haven't gotten any good times. Even worse, I recorded yesterday for the first time in a while and got a godawful time, 57:52. XD
w00t congratz spidey!
Edit history:
spidey-widey: 2013-05-08 02:52:29 am
Quote from Thomaz:
So, why is Long Beam suddenly called early Long? I'd much rather call it regular Long or something. <_<

I guess it's "early long" because the alternative is "late long"? I don't really care what we call it as long as we all understand each other.

Quote from Mobiusman:
congrats on cutting the 53 spidey! will you be uploading this run?

Well I just finished a 52:28, so I think I'll be uploading that instead.

I was about 10 seconds behind the 52:46 at Kraid, and then I fell in Ridley and lost a lot of time. Right before the Chozo, I was 34 seconds behind the 52:46. If I've done my math correctly, that means that my Chozo and cleanup together were 52 in-game seconds faster this time than last night in the 52:46. Mind you, my cleanup this time wasn't perfect, but it was pretty good.

I'll post the run here once it's uploaded.
Here's the run:

Haha, yeah, you're right, it's just silly to call something 'early' if it's always been the regular route, but that's just me. ;)

And woot. *watches*
Ta'kaya as "Teyla the Demiphoenix"
Watching your run this early in the morning reminds me of the good ol' days, back when I played Zero Mission while I was supposed to be asleep and didn't give a damn about the time.
are you even playing the same game as the rest of us, spidey?

7:30 - I usually get this etank late too, but sam and thomaz say it's faster to get it early if you DBJ from the ledge. Not sure if anyone's timed this, I guess the difference is miniscule

11:15 and 17:05 - when doing these bomb jumps, would it be faster to jump, lay a bomb in midair, then jump again and morph in midair? hopefully you can picture what I'm talking about. I picked up that strat from darko, not sure if it's actually faster.

16:00 - is there a reason you don't shinespark here anymore? dragonfangs said it's still faster for gametime.

17:53 - jagger's DBJ strat still hasn't caught on I see ;)

19:19 - have you found mashing to be consistent here? I still stop to shoot the guy :(

20:25 - is there an argument for shooting these blocks with your beam? I don't do it, but I've always had it in the back of my mind as something I probably should do.

21:08 - I'm surprised you took a refill here, 250 energy should be plenty.

25:06 - instead of farming from this owl, what I've taken to doing is bonking the long shinespark at the bottom of ridley in order to get a second super from the owl there. I think it's slightly more efficient unless I mess up a screw attack while I'm doing it.

26:51 - have you tried sam's setup for the diagonal shinespark here?

28:28 - kirby would have reset here

29:12 - I like laying a bomb after entering the room to open the door for later. you can also shoot it while falling, but that's harder if you want to get the tank without grabbing the ledge.

30:37 - since you have to kill the bug anyway, is it really worth doing this DBJ instead of just climbing vertically?

39:22 - this damage boost is so insane.

tourian - do you always go for the 4-super kill, or was it just because you had poor drops?

49:12 - probably a good idea!

57:38 - is it slower for gametime to refresh your charge in the next room?

1:05:50 - please tell me this was an intentional damage boost :P

1:09:44 - it definitely makes sense to not charge a shine in this room if you have a spare power bomb. has anyone timed if it's better to just take a longer runup in the next room even if you don't?

I'm a little disappointed that watching the video didn't reveal some new 2-minute trick I can use. sick run though :)
Edit history:
MASTER-88: 2013-05-08 10:05:53 am
I just watched this. I have to say im not pick up any other erros expect those ugly ones in Ridley lair. +Imago cocoon seems little bit slow but i think its hard without ice.

I really wonder if 51 minutes could be possible, i think its might be way too hard for human.  This was really awesome run. Your missile act against Robot ridley was absolutely fantastic. There is really nothing errors your run expect ridley lair.

I think you could submit this in SDA too.

How you suck last escape so much? Imo this escape look very good one but still 4:02 time remain? I just wonder what happen here? Black pirates? You usually always make it couple seconds faster.
I'll try to answer Mobius's questions that aren't about preference :P.

Quote from Mobiusman:
11:15 and 17:05 - when doing these bomb jumps, would it be faster to jump, lay a bomb in midair, then jump again and morph in midair? hopefully you can picture what I'm talking about. I picked up that strat from darko, not sure if it's actually faster.

Yes, that should be faster, you can do that without jumping to place the bomb though, the timing is just a bit tighter.

Quote from Mobiusman:
20:25 - is there an argument for shooting these blocks with your beam? I don't do it, but I've always had it in the back of my mind as something I probably should do.

It's a pretty precise spacing to be able to unmorph. (almost 4 pixels, which means a 2 frame window for stopping).

Quote from Mobiusman:
57:38 - is it slower for gametime to refresh your charge in the next room?

It is, what spidey did should be the fastest. I personally unspin there instead of charging a spark but that doesn't matter much.

Quote from Mobiusman:
1:09:44 - it definitely makes sense to not charge a shine in this room if you have a spare power bomb. has anyone timed if it's better to just take a longer runup in the next room even if you don't?

You don't want to store that shine at all from what I found, and if you do lay the powerbomb just stay morphed until after the tunnel.
Edit history:
spidey-widey: 2013-05-08 08:15:51 pm
I'm thinking I should probably do a quick segmented run to try all of this stuff.

Quote from Mobiusman:
7:30 - I usually get this etank late too, but sam and thomaz say it's faster to get it early if you DBJ from the ledge. Not sure if anyone's timed this, I guess the difference is miniscule

I'll definitely try this out. The skree often gets in my way when I try to get the tank early, so avoiding it altogether would be nice.

Quote from Mobiusman:
16:00 - is there a reason you don't shinespark here anymore? dragonfangs said it's still faster for gametime.

Oh yeah, by about half a second or so, right? I'd just need to learn where to start running left since I don't have a great sense for that yet.

Quote from Mobiusman:
17:53 - jagger's DBJ strat still hasn't caught on I see ;)

The zig-zag bomb jump? I tried it a while ago and was consistently equally fast as when I just bomb jumped vertically. I guess I could try it again, my bomb jumping is likely better than it was back then.

Quote from Mobiusman:
19:19 - have you found mashing to be consistent here? I still stop to shoot the guy :(

I've found it to be consistent if I have the long beam; otherwise I've found mashing to be effective a little more than half of the time (based on a small sample size of attempts, admittedly).

Quote from Mobiusman:
20:25 - is there an argument for shooting these blocks with your beam? I don't do it, but I've always had it in the back of my mind as something I probably should do.

I've not found myself to be very consistent with this, so I'll probably continue to not do it.

Quote from Mobiusman:
21:08 - I'm surprised you took a refill here, 250 energy should be plenty.

I was actually more concerned about my super missiles, which seems silly in hindsight. The time lost by having fewer supers on the cocoon is probably still less than the time lost by refilling. (If I'd jumped over the giant sidehopper before screw attack instead, I might not have had enough health to skip a recharge.)

Quote from Mobiusman:
25:06 - instead of farming from this owl, what I've taken to doing is bonking the long shinespark at the bottom of ridley in order to get a second super from the owl there. I think it's slightly more efficient unless I mess up a screw attack while I'm doing it.

Sounds like a good plan.

Quote from Mobiusman:
26:51 - have you tried sam's setup for the diagonal shinespark here?

No, but I really want to try it since he tells me that it's consistent enough to try in a SS run. I'm willing to take risks like this in runs as long as it's not a race.

Quote from Mobiusman:
29:12 - I like laying a bomb after entering the room to open the door for later. you can also shoot it while falling, but that's harder if you want to get the tank without grabbing the ledge.

Laying that bomb seems like a good idea, so I think I'll do that.

Quote from Mobiusman:
30:37 - since you have to kill the bug anyway, is it really worth doing this DBJ instead of just climbing vertically?

Likely not; as you can see, it didn't work out so well for me here. The bug won't come up again as long as you're directly on top of the pipe, right?

Quote from Mobiusman:
tourian - do you always go for the 4-super kill, or was it just because you had poor drops?

I'm more inclined to go for the 4 super kill, since my consistency with the double supers seems to be worse than it used to be. Doing it this way shouldn't be slower, either; any excess supers can be used on the glass case until your supply is down to 4.

Quote from Dragonfangs:
I personally unspin there instead of charging a spark but that doesn't matter much.

A part of me wants to start doing it this way, but we'll see what happens next time I get there. I might just be too lazy to change what I'm already doing, since the time difference is so small.

Quote from Mobiusman:
1:05:50 - please tell me this was an intentional damage boost :P

I'm afraid not. I just somehow failed at turning to the right to shoot the pirate. The damage boost at 39:22 was intentional, however; I've gotten pretty good at that by doing any%. (I still messed up by shooting four missiles before being hit instead of three missiles and a super, though.)

Quote from Dragonfangs:
You don't want to store that shine at all from what I found, and if you do lay the powerbomb just stay morphed until after the tunnel.

Yeah, I don't know why I didn't just stay morphed. >_>

Quote from MASTER-88:
How you suck last escape so much? Imo this escape look very good one but still 4:02 time remain? I just wonder what happen here? Black pirates? You usually always make it couple seconds faster.

I was confused about this myself. I seem to get 4:04 or 4:05 pretty consistently, given that I don't mess up the escape spark. It looks like I must've lost time on the black pirates, since my timer going into the final room was absolutely average.

By the way, MASTER, I think I'm not far from a new SDA submission, but I do want to get a sub 52 SS before I submit. I've been 34 seconds ahead of this run going into the Chozo fight, so I know it's feasibly possible using this route.

And speaking of the route, I'm feeling inclined to continue getting the long beam early because of the consistency it affords as well as a few nice tricks that require it. Feel free to try to dissuade me.
Edit history:
Thomaz: 2013-05-09 08:43:49 am
Thomaz: 2013-05-09 08:42:55 am
Yeah, definitely, just get Long Beam, it makes a lot of things pretty trivial. A repeat of any% Hive Room would not be funny lol.

So, I just did a 100% SS run using the new route following your video. I made a TON of mistakes (and when I say a TON I really mean it. >_<). I'm pretty certain that this run is far worse than the 56:21 I had earlier, but due to the new route, I'm still faster rofl.

Still nothing to write home about but at least it's an improvement and the first time trying it. 56:12. XD
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Perhaps you can start using damage boosts to cross the hive room fallless? Anything to render the huge detour to long beam more silly.
You will always use damage boosts to cross the Hive Room, but sometimes, it's just luck. =/
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
I mean letting the ones coming up behind you catch up to you, and letting THEM push you instead of having the ones up front pull you in.
Edit history:
Thomaz: 2013-05-09 04:29:29 pm
Thomaz: 2013-05-09 10:28:46 am
Thomaz: 2013-05-09 09:36:16 am
Yeah, that's what I always do. =P It is waaaay too randomto be sucked in by the ones in front for it to be worth it. =(

Edit: I'm in the process of a much better run right now. Let's pray I actually finish this one.

I'm sorry for my language, but I really have to vent for a bit.

Fuck this game, fuck this game for real. I was doing pretty well until a certain point (Screw Attack) and then I somehow completely butchered stuff and ended up being behind spidey by one minute at Tourian. Anyway, stuff went meh, ok for a while, but then Mecha Ridley happened. I don't think I've ever had such a bad fight. He kept shielding himself and lasering all the fucking time and I had to waste like 30 regulars after my Supers were gone (I obviously missed quite a few as well, but yeah). And then, I managed to miss the end spark charge and managed to lose it in the next room. For a run that potentially could get sub 54 (and later at least sub 55), it totally broke apart at the last fucking minutes. ;____________________;

Second edit: after my rage stopped and having studied some more, I decided to try again. It actually went pretty well. At end of Ridley, I was ahead of Spidey (but due to me sucking at various parts after that, I lost it afterwards) and then at Tourian start, I was 3 seconds slower. Sadly, Tourian didn't treat me well and I also got garbled up by one of the Troids. I kinda lost track at that point, but if we go a bit further, I was an additional 50 seconds slower than Spidey after getting Power Bombs.

I'm still pretty bad at the two new space boosts. Got the first one in late Kraid cleanup, but flubbed the one in Norfair (and also missed the regular spark after getting the two middle Norfair tanks, not sure how). Finally, I missed the first charge on the escape and somehow missed the jump into the ship at the end lol. That has never happened to me.

Anyway, new PB and finally something I'm decently happy with (but not yet finished obviously).

54:41. =)