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professional chin scratcher
Well everybody, here is the speed run on youtube
Good job, Giganotabehemoth87 (man, that's a long nickname)!
professional chin scratcher
lol thanks man. I'm thinking of changing my nickname to simply behemoth87. Which i've used in the past.
Edit history:
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-02-16 04:51:14 am
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-02-16 04:49:15 am
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-02-16 04:47:35 am
professional chin scratcher
Going to begin work on the 100% soon. I have a few questions. What's the benefit of delaying ice beam ?. I just cant see it, i've heard people have done this before. But if you do you can't do the mega time saving ice freeze glitch in maridia to get the spring ball. One way around this would be delaying maridia alltogether until after the entire norfair. But this would be completely slower. No space jump and no plasma beam in lower norfair would be hell. For a 100% speed run at least

Actually it might be very useful in an any% run. Jeez i gotta look into thatDrool
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I can't really see any benefit in delaying it.  The way I see it is: 100% needs it anyway (duh), and you're passing it at least a few times, so it's not out of the way.  The only delay I'd suggest is to get it after Power Bombs (which I suspect you'd do anyway), so on your way to the Ice Beam, you can Power Bomb the floor, go left to the crumbling tower-like room, grab the missiles, loop back out, and then head to the Ice Beam in one go.  Unless you plan to reach Crocomire that way anyway, which'd seem slower...

Do you have a proposed route, or are you just using Hotarubi's?
professional chin scratcher
cant remember what route hotarubi or red scarlet used now . but i go to maridia first and then go to norfair .collect the ice beam. power bomb down, grab the missles in the crumble tower room and go to crocomire. collect grapple and collect everything else and go to lower norfair.
professional chin scratcher
no sorry i collect the ice beam on the first trip to norfair before wrecked ship or anything else. much like any%
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
In that case, you should probably get it later, as there's not really a use for it throughout the Wrecked Ship, or Maridia, since Phantoon, Botwoon, and Draygon can all be easily beaten with other methods, especially in a 100% run, where you have more ammunition.
Edit history:
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-02-16 06:37:20 am
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-02-16 06:28:45 am
professional chin scratcher
but i was thinking its essential for 100% anyway because you save massive time delaying grapple and instead using ice beam freeze glitch on the enemy in maridia to get the spring ball. which i recall hotarubi and red scarlet doing now. yea i love killing the bosses in 100%.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Yes, you'll need one or the other for the Spring Ball, so Ice is the better option.  You'll then have to enter the Ice Beam corridor again to get those annoying Missiles, as Crocomire is best saved until the end of the game, on your way to Ridley.
professional chin scratcher
yea thought so. only thing is is that glitch is bloody anoying .the timing has to be spot on. makes me think about doing it segmented but i cant be bothered with that.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Well, I think it's like a lot of other things, in that it feels worse than it is.  If you failed twice, and got the right position on your third attempt, you're still only looking at about 10-12 seconds, I'd say, which isn't drastic.
professional chin scratcher
yea true. Sometimes i feel i must be doing something wrong because ive tried before on it for like 20 minutes. Wasnt speed running mind. just practising. other times 1st or 2nd try.

i think i should look at making draygon a lot faster in this run compared to my any% because of more amunition. may do a 2 rounder against phantoon. getting better at power/wave combo againt botwoon. Ridley is just.... well ridley and motherbrain, dont suppose it would hurt to do another murder beam against him. I think rescuing the animals should be customary for 100% run. just my oppinon. i wont do it obviously if the majority feels this is not essential part of the game and therefore im just showing off a sensitive side for the sake of entertainment lol
I've tried the murder beam on Ridley before, and it didn't seem to do much good.  Unless it has to be done a specific way. pwuh
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
If you're going for speed with Ridley, it can often help to count what you're firing.  Only count those that hit, but you can take his starting health (I think it's 18,000), and calculate how many hits you'll need.  This means that once he hits zero, and goes into mental mode, you can Power Bomb to end the fight immediately rather than waiting.

I tried looking for the document containing the damage done by weapons, but I couldn't find it, so as a rough example: Super = 500, and a fully-charged beam = 1000.  You can then count down, assuming that one Beam to start would leave him on 17,000, pound him with 20 Supers would leave him with 7,000, so 7 charged beams would take him to zero.  He'd then go into mental mode, and how long he does it seems random, but I believe that Power Bombing draws it to an immediate end.  Again, this assumes you're just counting the hits, not fired shots.
professional chin scratcher
yea murder beam is pointless against ridly as far as im concerned.

I think you mean TAS videos/super metroid tricks. I think that dispalys all the values. I can usually tell immediatley when hes in mental mode and i stop shooting and stand underneath him to get picked up to end the battle. he has 18 000 hit point but i thought supers do 600 and charged wave/ice/plasma does 900. I could be wrong.

Nope i just checked. It only mentions motherbrains hit points. But it does say about laying a power bomb to end the fight. Have to admit i've never actually tried this.
Ridley isn't too fond of the Power Bomb.  The Power Bomb blast has cooties! :-P
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Giganotabehemoth87:
I think you mean TAS videos/super metroid tricks.

Nah.  I checked there, and that wasn't it.  I think it was just a .txt document that somebody had created.

I forgot to mention: I have a tip that'll save you a couple of seconds on Kraid, but I'll post a vid later, as it's easier to explain with that.
Edit history:
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-02-16 08:14:39 am
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-02-16 08:06:22 am
professional chin scratcher
Yea i checked TAS videos too. I think i know the document, i've read it before too. Might be on game faqs as well actually.

cool looking forward to seing this vid.

I was doing testing on pre draygon shinesepark yesterday and allthough theres no time on PAL to jump out into the room to do the whole stretch. You can however just simply get to the door and trigger a shinespark there to go some distance into the large room. Estimated about 5 seconds saved at the most.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Remember that you'd save less than that, as if you're not charging the spark, you can do the ridiculous jump in the the room before it (jump while boosting), to reach the door without the wall-jumps.
Edit history:
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-02-16 10:07:22 am
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-02-16 10:05:16 am
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-02-16 10:04:58 am
professional chin scratcher
Yea like i did in my run. But i do still have to wall jump twice to reach the top. It cant be done in one big boosting jump.

But if i run straight through in the same way i can quickly prepare a shinespark and wall jump very quickly. I did think about the time lost preparing it but overall it's not too bad. It takes you to the third pillar sticking up higher than the previous two and it does save time. I'm certain of this. Probably on average 3 seconds saved. But then again there's the health sacrifice to worry about. Especially on an any% run where i'd most likely be using more shinesparks to kill draygon. Still, i think it's cool
professional chin scratcher
Managed to do a one rounder against botwoon yesterday on a test 100% run i did. Never before been able to do it. Hopefully i can emulate this for my upcoming 100% run. But you have to be very accurate to get all those particals of the wave-power combo to hit at the start of the match which requires very good timing.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Your best bet for that is actually to go by the music.  One you get a certain note, start your charge.  You'll soon find that you'll become fairly consistent.
professional chin scratcher
yep there's actually a slight difference between that NTSC and PAL. On PAL you have to charge on the first note you here (i'm quite consistant with this though) where as on NTSC you have to start charging some way into to the tune which i find slightly harder.
Edit history:
Quietus: 2010-02-17 02:29:07 pm
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Good job you're doing PAL, then. aiwebs_011

Must get Kraid vid done tonight...

EDIT: Here's the video.  As it says in the description, you basically fire a shot before he's finished rising, which forces him to open his mouth at the earliest possible moment, rather than waiting for him to rise, and then start his routine.