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I have two requests for your next hack

1) No more seizure inducing lava/water/acid
2) Less hidden grapple blocks, at least before you get x-ray :(
Meri Kurisumasu! ^_^
Quote from Cardweaver:
Well... I made Puddin, but its not as good as Gravy. I also made Playground, which is pretty much a one room hack with a boss. Also, Soup is in progress, and it looks good so far.

To be honest, Soup is the best hack I have played ever, don't be so modest. It is turning out supergood.
Agreed, Soup is looking FAAANTASTIC !
I do hope you finish it in about one month, for one reason I will state later. Actually never mind, I already got to play it  :)
Every Bit Counts
IMHO, Gravy is much better than Soup, but I guess it's just me. Rolling Eyes I don't want to spoil my reasons why, so I'll just leave it at that (I've also help Cardweaver on this hack, and plan to continue if he ever shows up on IRC Rolling Eyes) So why did we decide to say we beta tested the hack?
Ok, yes. Fano, Kriole, and Lance are my beta testers, and they do wonderful work.

Lance, I too hope I finish it within a month or two, but I can't make any promises, as my professors love to assign research papers.

As an update to the public, I'm about halfway through hacking Soup.

But enough about Soup on the Gravy thread. Its hardly fair to compare them publicly when only 4 people have played it.
Edit history:
damptraktor: 2008-02-19 09:51:44 pm
06:53 100%

Very nice for a "half-hack".

On the positive side:
I liked the "I know exactly where I'm going but how the hell am I supposed to get there?" way this hack played.
Many items were quite fun to figure out how to get, you should make items in room that you visit early more obvious though (norfair bubble room reserve tank, I'm looking at you!)
Lots of mock & speedball action, love it. Do puzzles involving spring+speedball work?

On the negative side:
Horrible lava/water effects
Grapple blocks, way too many grapple blocks.
Puzzle design: Make the highest "tier" item required to complete it required earlier, was so annoying doing the landing site pb puzzle only to find out you need yet another item to pass the last two blocks.
Make more shortcuts available once you get more items, though this wasn't so bad. The crateria-red brinstar and left of the morphball could've used a shortcut that opens with grapple.

This is actually the only time I've ever 100%:ed SM or a hack (got 94% and 97% in BTs hacks, both higher than my vanilla sm max :p). The only item I had to look up was the reserve tank in norfair, I don't think I've ever gotten that in vanilla.
Thanks! I've never heard it put quite like that:
I know exactly where I'm going but how the hell am I supposed to get there

Thankfully, I've learned my lesson about palettes.
Eagerly awaiting your next hack! I was going to whine about the horrible norfair shaft and what a bad designer you are for not giving the player the spacejump before those.

I think I just killed ridley when I realized that
1) I've had screw attack since I got back from wrecked ship.
2) Golden Torizo didn't give me screw attack, apparently that was space jump :(
horrible norfair shaft

Which shaft is the horrible one?

And yeah, its kinda weird having the Screw Attack early in a game, but it served a couple of different purposes. Namely: not giving the space jump until much later in the game.
The ones with yellow pirates where you SA through blocks to go up. You might not think of them as horrible, but once they turn into ibj-shafts they are :(
But.... you'd have space jump by that point. So it wouldn't be an IBJ-shaft. Or did you actually not realize that you had space jump, and IBJ anyway? If thats the case, there may be no help for you  grin new
Hated by all
Don't tell me that you have to use SMILE for this and not an IPS patch system to merge it with the ROM, because if that's the case, FUDGE.
I'm fairly sure that a patching system will work, but I know SMILE works. Keep in mind that this is an unheadered [JU] (!) rom.
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Oh yeah, and the "fudge" part on my last comment would be a new title for a hard challenge, and I took that word as a derivative of the "f" word, just so people could say that when they're getting pretty mad.
Super Metroid: Fudge? Not from this hacker. I prefer my hacks to be more liquidy. Did you get it to work alright?
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
why don't you just hack with a rom that most people use? that seems to be the biggest issue with your hacks.
While it would make more sense to use a common rom, it A: wouldn't be nearly as fun  Wink, and B: would be inconsistant with the 4 other hacks I've produced.

Also, the rom I use is the same rom as the one (most) everyone else uses, its just unheadered.
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Alright, unheadered JU version ROM, Lunar IPS, that's all. 1: Just use SMILE to make it unheadered, right? 2: Wait, when do I use the header feature-Before or after applying the patch? Because SMILE is asking me to give it a "clean" ROM.
well, when you first use SMILE, you have to give it a blank sm JU rom (headered or unheadered doesnt matter here) Then, open the rom you want to patch with SMILE, go into tools, remove header. SMILE can also patch the rom if need be.

Also, sorry to anyone who didn't get on the "Elites" list but beat the game. I'm updating it right away.
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Quote from Cardweaver:
well, when you first use SMILE, you have to give it a blank sm JU rom (headered or unheadered doesnt matter here) Then, open the rom you want to patch with SMILE, go into tools, remove header. SMILE can also patch the rom if need be.

Wait, what if the file doesn't have a header already? Don't remove it again?
If the file is already unheadered, then patch away.
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Wait. When I use SMILE, I get two backup files. Do I patch it to the unheadered file?
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
A headered SM ROM is usually 3,073 KB. An unheadered one is 3,072 KB. If yours is 3,073 KB, you should open it in SMILE and use the "Remove Header" option. This should make the file size 3,072 KB. When you've got a ROM that size, go ahead and apply the IPS patch using your favorite IPS patcher.
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Well, it works. Now, I hope after Gravy, Puddin and Soup, there will be another one: Super Metroid Curry. It will burn my tongue!
Almost happy
I'd rather like to see Super Metroid Soylent Green :-D