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Baby Sheegoth: 2016-06-01 09:25:17 pm
Quote from itsPersonnal:
What are either of you talking about? Edzan just sent me his dtm and I did a section for him and set it back. Hexing is possible but my original elevator skip inputs were suboptimal anyway so I don't know why I'd go through the effort to send him something slow.

Ah okay, I wasn't sure what happened there. Thanks for the clarification. haha :)

How do you even do the last jump? Is it just a ridiculous ghetto jump? Tried for a few minutes but it wasn't immediately obvious so I couldn't figure it out.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Yeah it's just a ghetto jump, or two of them actually. You ledge clip ghetto and then use the wall on the second jump to get a ghetto effect again.
What is all this talk about ledge clipping lately? I don't really understand it, as it applies in Metroid Prime and have never had it explained properly. How do you do it/why is it useful?
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
I just had a stupid idea for routing again, which involves getting Spirit without plasma, since there is a secret world now(I don't remember how fast that was though).
So one could get warrior in the first magmoor trip and then stay in phendrana and go trough labs to get elder+thermal.
Then one would get spirit via either the frost cave SW or via the phendranas edge SW, just a little modified.
After that one can take the elevator to Magmoor to get plasma and to go to mines.
I have no idea how this would compare.
The Secret world is insanely difficult and really fucking slow too. So I wouldn't expect to see it in anything other than maybe a TAS (even then it's doubtful) anytime soon.

As far as it goes, I don't even see that saving much time over the way it's currently collected anyway, as far as I can tell.
Quote from Baby Sheegoth:
I wouldn't expect to see it in anything other than maybe a TAS (even then it's doubtful) anytime soon.

You know this is the TAS thread right? :P
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
The SW takes something like 2 minutes of infinite boosting, it's not faster.
yeah, that's why I mentioned that I didn't know how fast/slow that is ...
On the positive side: that means we don't have to time that crap.
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Hazel: 2016-06-10 08:24:40 am
Hazel: 2016-06-10 05:40:40 am
Hazel: 2016-06-10 05:39:23 am
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks

I'm at the Ridley Cutscene after Boost Ball with an IGT of 15:58.550.

Here are some rooms:

Edit: And now I just did Wave+Sun with 17:24.733 IGT.
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
DAMN, thats the shit i love about prime tasses, great work itsp.
Holy shit. You made it through burning trail so fast the fucking music stayed on Burning Trail.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Oh, I guess I avoided the trigger to change the BGM while wallcrawling.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
loving low%
wheeeeee indeed!!

how does it work tho?
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
I did a write up in the description but I'll just post it here:
To break down that's going on here, I dash at the perfect pixel distance from the ledge to land on it while still ascending, if I were any closer I'd hit the ledge and lose speed, and farther away and I'd jump over it. I call this a ledge clip, and doing this allows for an interesting exploit I call a ledge clip ghetto. It's the same concept as a regular ghetto jump, but can give even more height. It is however a 1 frame trick, though for a TAS that's not an issue. Pressing the B button the frame you ledge clip allows you to jump as though on ground, but carry over that upward speed from the previous jump. So technically you could ledge clip at the point in your jump with the highest vertical speed, and then start another jump at that value. Non-ghetto jumps have a starting speed of 0.883, but with this trick you can start with 11.667 or 14.0 depending on whether or not you have Space Jump, since that item changes the vertical speed cap. In this specific instance though, jumping with that kind of speed would be very bad. Having too high of a jump here will cause Samus to bonk her head on the bottom of the bridge, cutting off your upward momentum early and making the jump impossible. There's a sweet spot around 4.5 and 6.0 you need to have and depending on your speed it will change slightly. Thankfully the collision layout here just so happens to allow for the perfect dash speed/ghetto effect for this to barely be possible.
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
ive tried that a few time in mp2 and i think  its probably even more powerful there.
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JustinDM: 2016-06-20 03:40:19 am
(TAS) Metroid Prime 21% (Low%) in 1:09!

loving low%
Finally! Great time! Will be sure to watch the shit out of this!
Doesn't even one shot mines
One trip mines wouldn't save any time.
>Implying a meme has to be true
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Not even in a TAS? You could wallcrawl to Warrior and wallcrawl out, skipping the Wave Pirates. And I believe X-Ray without Power Bombs is possible.
Quote from itsPersonnal:
Not even in a TAS? You could wallcrawl to Warrior and wallcrawl out, skipping the Wave Pirates. And I believe X-Ray without Power Bombs is possible.

It is but you have to fight the ghosts. The problem is that you'd still have to go back to Phendrana at some point after getting pbs and plasma, and a 1 trip mines route would mean you either have to go back down to ppc if you get warrior after phazon suit, or you have to backtrack to warrior immediately after pbs and then go down to fight OP. I think it should be timed, but I doubt it'd be faster by a lot if at all.
>but I doubt it'd be faster by a lot